Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/227

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1440 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sues. II. Ch. 246. 1914. Spain, and pay her a pension at the rate of $12 per month and $2 per month additional on account of each of the minor children of the said Michael J. Bums until the§;each the age of sixteen years. 1sw=N·1i¤rrvw- The name of Isaae N. rrow, late of Com%ny D, Fortyjsecond h Regiment United States Volunteer Infantry ar with Spam, and pa him a pension at the rate of $12 giiéemonth. _ _

 The name of Arthur L. Douglass of Company H, First Regiment United States Volunteer avalry, War with Splip, and pay him

apegnsionattherateof$24permonthmheuof heisnowre- 06171Dg.

  • ’°¤"°”’· mmm The name of William D. Bushing` late of Com yB,S' alCo ,

wmnm Unite? gtates ArmyilWar with Spain, and payllgiii a penlgilm atltllzie rate o 12 r mont . John ¤-¥¤¤¤¤¤- The namggf John C. Jackson late of Company C, First Regiment Arkansas Volunteer Infantry, Wlar with Spain, and pay him a pension at the rate of $12 per mont _ _{;§",*g’,';*°L*f*°,°$g‘;;_h_ The name of Andrew L. Weatherford late_ of Company L, Eight- ¤·¢¤¤¤· eenthRegimentUnited States Il1f8·D.tly,w.&l'W1lil1 Spsain, and payhim a pmsion at the rate of $17 monthmlieu of that is now receiving.

y8|____   name of James F. 1ms, late of   and band, Third
 United S;amVo‘l6u1;l;e:§2E t,H ar with Spam, and

a pemion a . ·¤¢¤¤·¤>•¤¤¤ P°The name of Arthm· Demers, latepllf Company D, Twenty-sixth Regiment United States Volunteer Infantry, War with Spam, and pa him a pension at the rate of $12 per month. §g,j,;"",j",;“,,"_§‘$'°(,‘,f‘,,_"‘ The name of Llewellyn A, Cole, late of Company A, Fifty-second Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantity, War with pam, and pay him a pension at the rate of $3€vper mon inlneu of tha he is new receiving. m° H·w°°"""'· ofI·Eilie H. d oodruff, vyi{lJowt:)>(§(é)trs1te6SA. Woodruff: late of Ligh attery , Secon Begimen n1 Artillery,

8.l) BI;;3, and pay her a pension at the rate of $30 per month in

o a s e is now receiving. },Q,,°'},‘,*"‘L3,m_ The name of Anna Lefevre, widow of Fred F. Izefevre, late of Comppny I, Thirty-second Regiment United States Volunteer Infantry, ar with Spam, and pay er a pension at the rate of $12 per month and $2 per month additional on_ account of each of the minor children mmm T_ Rum of the sand I•‘red F. Lefevre until theyoreach the nie of sixteen years. The name of Edward T. Evans la of Battery Sixth Regiment l,JLn1tedt6St?.t:p2Art1Hery,tEar with Spam, and pay lum a pension at e ra 0 r mon » $:°¤’h”¤Y3.° I statute- The name of Sehallenberg, late of Hospital Oo , United "°'*· States Army, War_with Spam, and pay a pension atxxe rate of umn [L m_m_ $2§lper month in lieu of t at he is now receivinff e name of Thomas H. Sloane, late of the nited States Marine Corps, War with Spam, and pay hun a pension at the rate of $12 per www month m heu of that he 1s_ now receiving. _ M, ,m;,,d,_ The name of Ada McBride, widow of John McBride late of Company E, Fifteenth Regiment United States Infantry, Wlar with Spain, mmm or www and pay her a pensr0n_at the rate of $12 per mont _ R_,,,,,,,,,,_ The names of Wmme M. Barlow, Anme A. Barlow, a.nd Niles B. Barlow, minor children of Warren R. Barlow, late unassigned, United States Infantry, War with Spam, and paythem a pension at the rate of_§12h%e:·rmontl,1HapI;l $2 perhnilcinth a ditional on account of each of sai c en un ey reac e e o sixteen ears. §'?.‘§’g§‘Q“C’§‘¤°§°“‘ _ The name of Roscoe Caudiil, laatg of the Oneyliundred and sixty: sixth Company, United States Coast Artillery Corps, Regular Esta giplzpliignpioairgdnpizyrlgmcigi a pension at the rate of $12 per month in lieu 1 . §,°§'§§Y,¥g_wm,m_ The name of Cornelilaug. Williams, widow of Harry R. Williams, late captain Company A, Ninth Regiment Pennsylvania Vohmteer Infantiy, and pay her a pension at the rate of $12 per month and $2