Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/37

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1250 SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 70. 1914. “"‘*"’·¤*'”’¥- The name of Elisabeth J: Henry, widow of Abram C. Henry, late of Company I, Third Regiment Arkansas Volunteer Cavalry D payherapension attherate of$20pe·rmonthml1en of thatshexs now receiving. °"‘""°"""‘ _ The npme of Miller, late of Comlplainy C, One hundred and eighty-eighth Regiment Ohio Volunteer antry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that e is now receiving, ¤·¤¤¤¤·¤¤m·=» The name of Catharine Hospes, widow of Balthasar H , late of Company G, One hundred and sixth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry and pay her a pension at the rate o $20 per month in lieu 1.,,,,,,, of that she is now receivmg. ¥·¤¤ Th of E Cornish wid f Ch W Cornish la .ca-anu. e name Mari . ' ow o an . te of Companynlf, One undred and,forty-ninth Regicdrient Pennsyliania ` Volutrilteer antry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $12 per mon . i>>;°»?‘Ll’°1>$l§Yd` The name of Daniel Delaney, late of Company C, Second Regiment Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of xrnim $5g_Iper month in lieu of that he is now receiving. muwasue. e name of Elizabeth Saxer, widow of Jacob Saxer late of Conv pany F, Nmeteenth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and M »-··- P·a.*·s · P€¤2*E°¤ ¤* ta sa °.i.*"·s·** est. E 3...1 la { e name o a . , wi ow o . ett, te o Company F, Thirty-first Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and Pmbmimmnmpayherapensionattherateof$12permonth. ·‘ Bunnna nanny- e name of Susanna Barclay, widow of Charles S. Barclay, late of Company H, One hundred and second Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infant% and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per U I W monthinlieuof atsheisnowrecervm5' . ' name of Charles W. Smi%late of ompauy G, Thirty-second Regiment New York Volunteer antry, an pay him a pension at mm mm tl1pH1;te of $3% ger moxidthhin liclgtgf that he is no]? nameo ames oan, 0 oman ix Reg1m'ent Iowa Volunteer Infantry, pay him a pgnsijdn at the rate of $30 OMV per month m lieu of that he IS now receiving. The name of Volkerts, late landsman, United States Na , gigolxy _¤ P6¤S10¤ at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of thatvgi Penton. · ami. r. rmmm. The name ol Sarah P. Tranmer, former widow of William B. Tranmer, late ordinary seaman, United States ships Great Western and Benton, United States Navy, and Company C, One hundred and twelfth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension ,m,m,mmd_ at the rate of $12 per month. Janne u. em- _'Iéhi1e1€iame of; Jerome_Bv late of Company A, Thirty- nm egimen un 0 unteer ant and a ’ Smpm mmsm at the rate of $40 per month in lieu of thaltyhe is dh; 1§el:::i€ii;)gm°¤ The name of Sampson Johnson, late of Comlplgny D, One hqmdmd and mnety-seventh egxment Ohio Volunteer antry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $24 per month m lieu of that he is now neat ·r. casey. r°°°wmg• The name of Jacob T. Crosb , late of Com an B - ‘ Regiment Maine Volunteer Infslrntry, and payphirh a’p'£1Tsih1dy altuthld Nm? E_ Buck rate of $30 per month m hen of that he IS now receivin . · C0'L§pm;¢;;xx§ o§T_Natncy E. gupik, widow Iain Samuel I. Buck, late of , me y-secon egxment ois Volunteer Infan and_pay her a_pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of thzt mm N_ umn she xs now receiving. _ The name of Thomas N. Moody, late of Company C, Fortieth Regiment Indiana W oluuteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $40 per month in heu of that e is now receiving,