Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/403

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CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. THIRD SESSION, SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS. December 7,1914. JOINT MEETING. [H.0¤¤.Bes.No.53.] . . Resolved b the House o Re esentatzves (the Senate oonoumng),

 That the two?/Houses of Cfingrlgs assemble in the Hall of the House
 mm of Representatives on Tuesday, the eighth day of December, nineteen

hundred and fourteen, at twelve o’clock and thirty minutes in the afternoon, for the purpose of receiving such communications as the President of the United States shall be pleased to make them. Paxed, December 7, 1914. ”°°°*”"°' *6- ***1*- HOLIDAY nmcnss. [H.Co¤.Res.N0.55.| Bum, Resolved b the House o Re sentatives the Senate concurring), ymmml That when tll/e two House! adjliiiem Decembdr twenty-third, nineteen hundred and fourteen they stand adjourned until twelve o’clock meridian on Tuesday, December twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and fourteen. Passed, December 16, 1914.


[S.Con.B¤. No. 35.] c§gf“°°,'N, °"°*l°°”’* Whereas the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana for the Preamble. year nineteen hundred and fourteen provided by act numbered one hundred and forty-four for a iittingqcelebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the Battle of ew Orleans, intrusting the execution of the provisions of said act to the Louisiana Historical Society; and Whereas, in accordance with said act, invitations have been extended to the respective presiding officers and the members of the Congress of the United States to attend these commemorative exercises to be held in the city of New Orleans on January eighth, ninth, and tenth, nineteen hundred and fifteen; Therefore be it ,,,·§‘{§{‘g,'Ks“§,‘§{f§,$d?' Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representa¢·5ves concurring) , That the Congress of the United States acknowled es with pleasure the rgcegpt o said invitations and appreciates t§e courtesy thus exten e . ,cg.'§,,m.,'E`f§Q°},‘},2l§’§’_ °i Resolved further, That the Congress of the United States commends the patriotic spirit that has prompted the People of Louisiana to celebrate properly the great victory achieved on the field of Chalmette by American arms under the leadership of Andrew Jackson, and rejoices in the heroic valor displayed by friend and foe alike in that memorable conflict. """“““"‘“‘* °' °°¥"'· Resolved further, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Governor of Louisiana, the Mayor of New Orleans, and the Louisiana Historical Society. Passed, January 8, 1915. 1618