Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/55

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1268 SIXTY·THIRD couennss. sm. II. cm. ss, sv, 93, 94. 1914. Hg wif GEL?. 86.-An Act For the relief of Gondcm W: Nelson. tPr¤va . - J B it enacted tbeS nate and House Representatives of the United Gm,mw:°NTs_,,,_ Statgs of Amergya in Obngress assembled{That the_President be, and Issueof eommhnn he is hereby, authorized to commission by andwrth the advice and §“c§‘§‘},,“§f’°“°‘}l°"l consent of the Senate, Gordon W. Nelson an enmgn m the United States Navy on the date of his ugraduation after the our_yea1s’ course at the Naval Academy, to the rank_as an ensign with the other members of elms according to their standing) as determmed by ,5,,,,* their iinalrglultxlggials for lthe fo:l11'(¥6:5S’ C%l1'S§.§;: ebNaval Acad? Nsmuuutlvn rv Promded' at ess the said 0 on . n ecomes a ci Il °°i1J$lI. of the United States on or before January first, nineteen hundred andf. fifteen, he shall on said date cease to be an oflieer of the Navy. Approved, May 9, 1914. ue mu. . . . . nmifgiiml m€%§§l;§z*:A·n ?ym&uv%g the utils to lot forty fom- m square one hundred Be it enactedbyt}aeSenateandHousegRe esentativesof the United Square 173, Wuxi- . . lingua, .c. States of America an Congress ass 'Flist for the purpose of d,,,,"§,,:‘,,“§,,‘€;,‘{“’§} remo a cloud from the title to lot fd -·four in John Rotherlfs FPS ·¤¤¢· subdivision in square one hundred and seventy-two in the city of

 District of Columbia, whatsoever right, title, or interest

the Um States mag have in and to said lot by reason of escheat or otherwise, be, and e same is hereby, quitclaimed unto Delia C. Oondron, owner of the record title. Approved, May 12, 1914. rgfllgfgfi S £::}—;1c1;:ct To reinstate Frank Ellsworth McCork1e as a cadet at United —-—;--—-; Bmy. [Private, No. 20.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Representa.t·ives of the U ited $$55 m”°“° States of America in_Congress That the President be nand u§{{§;;°‘_{¥*_f,’;;,§* he is hereby, authorized to rezpgomt as cadet at the United States ¤*¤¤¤d- %i;;1g $yi to age or the existence of vacancies, Approved, May 16, 1914. "?i %%¤%5"‘ ti; T.?.t‘i.‘?‘.1E‘¤i.“r.€§°1f.§‘.E‘£§i€‘ Z.ih“£?rf$..f"° "°“°‘ "‘ °°“’°“ W· [Private, No. 30.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentat' the U ited gg? W- N¤‘¤°¤· States of Amevjka in Congress assembled, Thbt an dldbsegtitled 7i‘An Act for the relief of Gordon W. Nelson, approved May mnth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, be amended so as to read as follows: nursrggggteggimusm USEUYEON 1. That the f’resident be, and he is hereby, authorized ' to c0mm1ssion, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, Qordon W. Nelson an ensign in the United States Navy on the date of his graduation after the £Ol11'tK88.l'S’ course at the Naval Academy, to take as an ensign with_ e other members of his class according Pmm to their standing as determined by their final multiples for the four agmrq naturalist- §e:;%s’ coV¤1é·se1`?.t]Stg1e lgaval Academy: Promgled, That unless the said ‘ oon . enecomcsacit. f U`tdStt before July first, nineteen hundredliienld gfteexi, hdlisliall oxi saiidoldalbbi cease to be an officer of the N avy." Approved, May 21, 1914. _