Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/83

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1296 srxrrrrnrnn oonennss. sas. 11. cm 127,128,133,135. 1914. an mone in the Treasury not otherwise a propriated, to the widow of ThomasyB. McClintic, deceased, the sum ol)$5,760, being the amount of salary and allowances for two years. Approved, June 25, 1914. June HNL

 - crux-. ras.-as as For me rene: of mm o. Adm.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United },°*·¤ ¤{:g•*g*g·m, States of America on Congress assembled, That the homestead entry of valigglzi. John Q. Adams, made June twenty-third, nmeteen hundred and nine, v°L °’*" 38* for farm unit A on the Bellefourche reclamatron project, South Dakota, under the Act of June seventeenth, nineteen hundred and two, for lots one and two _ section two, township mne north, me four east, Black Hills merid1an,_be, and the same is hereby, valrda , subject to future comphance with the law. Approved, June 25, 1914. iltijlgrlfligiyqxj GEL?. 188.-An Act For the relief of Mrs. Thomas G. Prioleau, widowoi Thomas ·———-——·T G. Prioleau. [Private, No. 49.] .,,,,,,1,, Be it enacted by the Senate and House Representatives ejthe United CBI]. ¢1’•ymn?'¤£r$¤1¤w States of America in Congress at the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in_ the Treasury not otherwise appropriated to Mrs. Thomas G. Prroleau, widow of Thomas G. Pno eau, of Cliarlesto South Carolina, who came to his death aboard a Government vma while engaged m the employment of the United States Government as property clerk, at a g§>int known as Smithville, South Carolina, d the latter part of ovember, in the year nineteen hundred and ten, lie sum of $1,620. · Approved, June 30, 1914. ihllhiigé:1 (IEA!. 135.-An Act Granting pensions and increase of pensions to certain soldiers

 ::15 sarlprs og the Civil War and certain widowaand dependent children of soldiers and

OXBO Q! Wil'. Be it enacted ty Senate and House;3’1Qle£>reaenhztives of the United rum States of America an Ocageea asaemb , at the Secretary of the Interior be and he is here y, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension aws-— 5'§‘§‘}»"?El‘§,,,,§°"‘,§§}{‘ The name of Clara P. Schnader widow of Edward D. Schnader, late of Company C Seventy-ninth llegiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Pmim Infantry and pay l’1er_a_pension at the rate of $24 per month in lieu dorggrzse cum cease on of that she rs now receiving: Provided, That in the event of the death ‘ of Pearl Schnader, helpless and dependent child of said Edward D. Pension to cmd an Sehnader, the additional pension herein anted shall cease and ams ezmeom. determine: And prmnkled further, That in this event of the death of Clara P. Schnader the name of the said Pearl Schnader shall be placed on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the gensron laws, at the rate of $12 per month from and after the date of R I P k eath of said Clara P. Schnader.

m,,{_°"°“ ‘ °' The name of Rlyerson J. Parkhurst, late of Company D, First Battalion, Twelfth egrment United States Infant , and pay him a

_ pension at the rate of $36 ppr month in lieu of thatrlie is now receiving.

          • 5 W- H°*°*L The r1ame_of James W. owell, late of Cpmpany A, First Regiment

West Virginia Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $36 per month m heu of that he is now receiving.