Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/832

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2034 PROCLAMATIONS, 1914. <>¤¤>¤¤ 2% me Br rm; Pamsmmvr or rim Unrrnn Sums or Aimnxca. Ai PROCLAMATION. I }}=¤¤¤¢*'*¤¢ my- It has long tbeen the honoured custom of our dpeople to_ turn in 9PreambIe. the fruitful autumn of the year in praise an thanksgiving to Almighty God for his many blemings and mercies to us as a nation. The year that is now drawing to a close since we last observed our day of national thanksgiving has been, while a year of discipline because of the mighty orcos of waraand of change which have disturbed the world, also a year of special blessing for us. It has been vouchsafed to us to remain at peace, with honour, and in some part to succour the suffering and supply the needs of those who are in want. We have been privileged éour own peace and self-control in some degree to steady the couns and shape the ho es and p oses of a day of fear and distress. Our people have looied uponui-Eeir own life as a nation with a deeper compre ension, a fuller realization of their responsibilities as well as of their blessings, and a keener sense of the moral and practical significance of what their part among the nations of the world may `come to be. The hurtful effects of foreigii war in their own industrial and commercial affairshave made em feel the more fully and see the more clearly their mutual interdependence u p one `mother and has stirred them to a helpful cooperation as they have seldom practiced before. They have been quickened by a” great moral stimulation. Their unmistakable ardour for peace, their earnest pity and disinterested sympathy for those who are suffermg, their readiness to help and to think of the needs of others, has revealed them to themselves as well as to the world. ' Our crops will feed all who need food; the se ession of our people amidst the most serious anxieties and culties and the steadiness and resourcefulness of our business men will serve other nations am well as our own. The business of the country has been supplied with new instrumentalities and the commerce of the worl with new channels of trade and intercourse. The Panama Canal has been opened to the commerce of the nations. The two continents of America have-been bound in closer ties of friendship. New instrumentalities of international trade have been created which will be also new instrumentalities of acquaintance, intercourse, and mutual service. Never before have the people of the United States been so situated for their own advantage or t We advantage of their neighbours or so equipped _ to serve themselves and mankind. ‘ w'¥`gg*{g{g’» a ’;w°g*g; Now, THEREFORE, I, WOODROW WHJSON, President of the a ¤ 'dsy ’¤tp scum: United States of America, do hereby d0SlgIl8t9 Thursda the twenty- °“°’“"‘M“" sixth of November next as a day of thanksgiving and rayer, and invite the people throughout the land to cease rom tgeir wonted occupations and in their several homes and places of worship render th to Aheighty God. In Wdness ereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE at the City of Washington this twenty-eighth day of October in the year 0 our Lord one thousand nine [sun.] hundred and fourteen and of the inde ndence of the Unifiled States of America the one hnmdfed and thirty- nint . _ Woomzow W11.so1~z By the President: Rommr Larzsmo, Acting Secretary of Stale.