Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/967

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2270 INDEX. Namkmal Exposition Commission, P¤80· N ational Foresta—Continued. Pagedetail from executive departments of three exchange of lands in Cache, Utah and members for ... 77 Idaho, with Joseph Hodges, auallowances in addition to regular salaries- 77 thorized ... 377 secretary, etc., authorized Z 77 for addition to Ochoco, Oreg 387 to arbitrate disputes between foreign com- with Salma Land and missioners and Panama·Pac1fic Ex- to be added to Fishlake, tab .. 556 position Company . 77 grant of lands, etc., in Stanislaus, Cal., for to receive foreign representatives . 77 San Francisco water suppl , etc 242 term of service .. . ... 77 hotels, summer homes, etc., allbwed in; _ former provisions amended 667 leases, etc .. 1101 detail of two members from execu- lands added to Caribou, Idaho and Wyo. . . 346 tive departments . . . 668 added to Pike, Colo . 705, 1194 appointment of one member from civil life- 668 in Sierra and Stanislaus, Cal., added to membecrimfrom State Department to be 668 WYLc;semite Nationpl %’ark 345 irman .. in 'tman,setasi e orwatersu l pay of civilian member .. gg; thoéor Biker, .. i .. 308 vacancies me authorize or o Blllhg. ands withtraveling and per diem allowances 668 drawn from, etc . .1l ,,,,,,,,.,_, 113 secretary to be appomted; pay ... 668 opened to homestead entry lands excluded appro tion for clerk hire, etc . .. 668 from Nebraska, Nebr ,_____,_______ 1957 Nat·:bna1)g'?oreatResaja>a¢ion Commission, portion of Nebraska, Nebr., set apart for deficiency appropriation for ... 578 seat of justice, Arthur Coim .. 1955 National lfbrests, _ _ _ National Guard (scc Militia, appropnauon for admmnstratron of . 425, 1095 National Guard, D. C. (see Militia, D. C.). <1¤i>s>¤=1 <>1¤=¤1¤¤ -----·-- 1 ·-----·-- 41*01090 National Home for mam vozumm so:. for maintenance, etc., of des1gnated.._426, 1096 diem 101 A’£d111°1”*r 111**19* 1099 appropriation for expenses, Dayton, Ohio. 39, for miscellaneous administrative ex- 1099 Milwaukee, W-], _________ __ _ 40,  % for c at.ion, etc., lands within, for §(&};t(E°°{r; ````'`````````````° %’ggg’g55g 1=¤¤¤¤¤*e¤1¤ -··--------·-------·-— 42*% 1000 mvouwérui `kihi ``````````'` 41, s4o’ 851 f<¤ mw. ew-, of ¤sri¤¤1¤¤¤=1 1=¤<1¤ sms moms; can `'``````````` 41’ o4o’ 851 wi0¤i¤ ----···-----··-·--··-·--·· *2*11009 Mmm 1¤<1..’ I ZZZ`.`.`I `~ ``'``` 41, c4o’ 851 for fighting f¤r¤¤’¢!1re¤» etc -···- 1 --·- · - - · 1099 Danville 111. . - °````°` 41, 641, 852 for experiments m tree planting, etc-, Johnson buy -1-,,,,,, ` ```°```'` 4g’ 641’ 852

  • 71111111 ···----····-·-····· · ·~------· 1100 Battle Mounfiain ’ 42

for appraising timber for sale, etc ... 1100 ’ 41 85é fer ¤¤¤ce11¤¤e<>¤¤ i¤ve¤¢ize¤e¤¤ -----·--- 1100 for clothing all branches 42 641, 852 for expense under ¤¤¤¤erv¤¤¤¤ Act -—-· 1100 for salaries ima sxp9ms¤"$6iif6£ mah. ’ for lands in, restored to 855 agen ’ 42 641 852 °c o a ... , , board `````````````°`°`` ` `````` ’ ’ for topographic surveys of lands in. 47,646,857 svc of mmmgm to be reduced t° 43 for soil classiiication, etc., of agricultural beneag {H ‘ 1°·11‘1¤ 111 ·-·-·····—·· · ··-·- z ·-·-- ‘*32= 1103 wars in the Philippines, China S; for destroying, etc., ground squirrels. 434, 1105 Muim ’ 853 deficiency a propriation for _ ational d 6 . ```` I '. '``````` Z ' ' Fong, R,,¤mm,·,°n Commmmu _____ 578 e cnerlgcy pppropnation for paying J. E. for improvement, etc . . .. 580,1158 f H ················· · ····-··· 215» 318 addition to Sierra, Cal., by exchange of f°' S°m1)g;“· °’ ·····················- 232 lands with private owners ... 376 f°' lfni" °m°“» Cal ··-···-·· · ----- 318, 1145 area diminished, ngeles, Cal 1948 f°1’ M§”°“·kI“d· - ~. -··-···--·-· · ----·— $18, 1145 Beaverhoad, Mont .. . ,.. 1942 °" ‘"E“ °°» We —--····-····---·· 331-1141 (;1m111B, Idaho ___,,__________ _ __________ 1944 101* 110010110, 111 ··-----·-----·--·------- 1145 (1,.,,,,1,;,,,,, 1;,,1., _______ _ ____,___________ 19.17 {er J<>1¤¤;¤¤&0¤¤>n f1‘e¤¤-;---_ -... 1145 Lemhi, Idaho ...,...,__ 1945 0* 11001 0 00¤0¤¤ $¤¤¤¤1¤¤¤¤» S- Bak- 1145 gem, gdb _____ EJ ____________________ 2043 menegemrgueppmnted, Thomas S. Bndg- 780 anta ar ara, ... . ., 1997 ·······················--·· - - - Sawtooth, Idaho ... . ..., 1946 g,"-r';1d0°$*:‘j}0(gi011101W°°*1 ·-·-·-· - --··--- 780 Siskiyou, Oreg ... 2 ..,,, 1994 J01m°€°N 0* ········---·- - ---···~- 700 area modified, Carson, IN. Mex . . ,, 1989 · G u ·········--····--·- · ·--- · 780 Funmoro, Utah 1995 000101 H W000 ·~~-—-··-—··----------·- 780 Fishlake, Utah ,,._,,,,__,_,,__,,__ _ _ _ _ 1951 }?0111P°0*11°11 Y°•1¤00<1 weeven 11ere¤fter.- 780 Jemez, N. Mex ... . .._,, 1954 Natwnql Monumental Kaihah, Ariz ...,...,,...,,____ 1941 set aside, Cabrillo, Cal ,,.,, , , , 1955 La Sal, Utah and Colo ..,_, 1992 Pepage Saguaro, Ariz . ,. 1991 g10;¤i·1, Uighgil .. 1950 National Mmm, 0 111011, 0 -····~···-··· · -~-~-·----- 1943 appropriation for la ° turu sadism to stem, c51., by exchange of Pp P °° "°°’ Ex * °*“· · gm gg, lands with‘pnvate owners .. 376 {or heating, lighting, ew ___________ 27 626’ 838 earth, timber, an stone may be taken for for reserving etc collections 27, 626; 838 Wat or public works in Alas]: f Books " l, ``'° ’ 1 ’Y» P 0 er _ _, rep¤1rs,_etc_ . 27, 626, 839 110111 -·-··-·-··---·—·--·---·---·--· 1100 for pnnung and bmding for .., 69, 672, 881