SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 160, 161. 1917. 1047 within said District shall be scheduled and appraised in the manner provided by paragraph one of said section six or listing and appraisal V°l' 32* p' m' of tangible personal property and assessed at their fair cash value, and as taxes on said moneys and credits there shall be paid to the T°x°imi°1Sh‘°°‘ tax collector of sa1d_ District three—tenths of one er centum of the value thereof: Promded, That savings deposits ol) individuals in a m·dQ ns u sum not in eigcess of $500 deposited in banks, trust companies, or to ww. exeiiiiit. P building associations, subject to notice of withdrawal and not subject to chec , shall be exemptfrom this tax: Promkled, further, That such §“a§k"°';§§§P"j,§ tax on moneys and credits shall not apply to bank notes or notes ¤>¤¤w.¤¢¤-,¤f1$¤¤k=. discounted or negotiated by any bank or anking institution, savings institution, or trust company, nor to savings institutions having no asgggiigdasfud ’°“°‘ capital stock, building associations, firemen’s relief associations, secret and benencial societies, labor unions, and labor—union relief assoc1ations, n0r to beneficial organizations mpaying sick or death benefits, or either or both, from funds receiv from voluntary contributions or assessments upon members of such associations, societies, M t I { or unions; nor shall the provisions of this Act apply to life or fire e¤m§$.s,JZi°°°°° insurance companies having no capital stock, nor to the shares of stock of business companies which bglsreason of or in addition to incorporation Exige no gpecial franc E or gvilegeéibig. 11E such cor orations s e rat , , an tax as in vi ua conducliaing business in similar lines are rated, ed, and taxed: U md k And provided further, That corporations, limited partnerships, and eammsuoiumsutziig 'oint—stock associations within said District liable to tax under the ‘°‘¥‘“'°“· laws of said District on earnings or capital stock shall not be required to make an report or pay any further tax under this section on the mortgages, laonds, and other securities owned by them their own P t U md as right, but such corporations, partnerships, and associations holding such securities as trustees, executors, administrators, guardians, or in any other mannershall return and pay the tax imposed by this section upon all securities so held by them as in the case of individuals. A m mm M h_ Sec. 10. That to provide, during the fiscal year nineteen hundred creaggi ppy to ea and eighteen, for increased compensation at the rate of ten per centum {’,[‘;{,°§f_,,{,,,°°§',‘f{§‘,g '°“' per annum to employees who receive salaries at a rate per annum less than $1,200, and for increased com nsation at the rate of five per centum por annum to employees wliii receive salaries at a rate not more than $1,800 per annum and not less than $1,200 per annum, so much as may be necessary is hereby a propriatedz Provided, That {;§£};':",Zg,,,,,,,,‘,,, ,,,,, this section shall only a ply to the employees who are appropriated d" *°"· for in this Act specifically and under ump sums or whose employ- ment is authorized herein, and that the increased compensation of teachers of the public schools be com uted on their basic salaries, and on the salaries of the emplolyees of tihe police department below the www www N grade of sergeants: Promde further, That deta ed reports shall_be mbmm submitted to Congress on the first day of the next sessionshowing the number of persons, the grades or character of positions, the original rates of compensation, and the increased rates of compensation provided for herein. Approved, March 3, 1917. CHAP. 1.- n Act Mak1ng' appropriations for the Di lomatic and Consular Service forlge iiscil year ending Juilgthirtieth, nineteen hunlilred and eighteen. Be it muted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Diplomm md M Staies of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, su1arsppr•>prk¤\¤¤s· and the are hereb , severally appropriated, in full compensation for the Diplomatic and Consular Service for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, out of any money in the