Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1086

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1066 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Ssss. II. Ch. 162. 1917. Postmaster General, not to exceed $3tper day, and for their necessary official expenséeg not covered by eir per diem allowance, not exceedin $500; in $2,660. . {MW, md °°°*° For iigland trans ,rtation of mail by electric and cable cars, Pm#•·».` $581,000: Pro·m21ed,I:lzhat the rate of compensation to be paid per R‘“°“"" mile shall not exceed the rate now paid to companies performing such service, except that the Postmaster General, in cases where the quantity of mail is large and the number of exchange points numerous, may, in his discretion, authorize payment for closed-pouch service at a rate per mile not to exceed one-third above the rate per mile now paid for closed-pouch service; and for mail cars and alpartments carrying the mails, not to exceed the rate of 1 cent per near foot <>¤=¤i<1·¤¢¤l¤¤¤~ per car-mile of travel: Provided further, That the rates for electric car service on routes over twenty miles in length outside of cities ”“°*“¤‘°°°"“*°'”· shall not exceed the rates paid for service on steam railroads: Provided, hmvever, That not to exceed $15,000 of the sum hereby appropriated may be expended, in the discretion of the Postmaster General, where unusual conditions exist or where such service will be more ,fg‘;,l;;gQ'°f*°” °‘ expeditious and emcient and at no greater cost than otherwise, and not to exceed $100,000 of this appropriation may be ex nded for rggtplatilon scikeep or motor spieen wagon service which mayllie authori in `eu o e ectric or ca e car service. F<>r¤¤:¤r¤•¤¤· For transportation of foreign mails, $3,720,900: Provided, That the cm·¤6¤sm¤¤mps. Postmaster General shall be authorized to expend such sums as may be necessary,_not_ exceeding $103,000, to cover the cost to the United Stgs of mamtaming sea post service on steamships conveying the m . A¤s:¤¤¢ wvcrin- For assistant superintendent Division of Foreign Mails, with head- 1=ma.¢.», epparters in New ork, New Yzork, $2,500: Provided, That hereafter ,,,$g,';,‘§“,f,§,·’,,,’;’,;,¥"??,,{,,,¥°g the Postmaster General IS hereby authorized and empowered to enter ={,=+:$?;“:_»¤i¤¢ in mto contracts with American citizens for the carrying of the mail between the United States and Great Britain on steamships built in {lhs United $tat;•§_capable ottjhmaintginéng a speed of thirty knots ar; oura seamo marywea eran 0 agrossre `steredtonna o not less than thirty-five thousand tons, the said seilvice to commgdhce R•••¤· not more than four years after the contract shall be let. The rate of compensation to be paid for the said ocean mail service shall not exceed the sum of $8 per mile by the shortest racticable route for Rim *¤¤l•¤¢ ¤¤¤· each outward_ voyage. The Postmaster Generalpshall have the Tlgflit to reject all bids not in_his o unon reasonable for the attaining of the MPr;>ri¤¤¤¤}¢w¤•r purposes named; Prmgnded jmher, That all of the provisions of the Voll.l2G, p.BZ¤1. Act of M81‘¢}l1 lihlfd, 9-lghl»99l} hundred and ninety-one, entitled "AI1 Act_to provide for ocean mail service between the United States and foreign ports, and_ to Spxromote commerce," so far as they are nofmconsistent herewith all control and apply to the methods to be B awww used and contracts to made hereunder. °°‘@-‘:.‘¢.r... iii }?.‘;l$2fi.’¤$“§.i£‘Z.Eii‘£.$°u`§“£”“s;sE68"73.°‘ P ...1 S. - a · · s in e office of the Second Assistant Postmaszi? General, $1550. mw, Third Assistant P,,,,,,,,,,,,, G,,,,m,_ orncn or mm THIRD assrscrarrr rosruasrnn GENERAL. S°°°`°°° For manufacture of adhesive ‘ ‘ post e stam , s cial-dclive Summa www stsgnps, books of stamps, and for coilinggof stamgg, $3:,2,000. ry ,,,,dw,,,_,,,,,,,_ $1 8%% l51g;\Uf80t\1l'0 of stamped envelopes and newspaper wrappéfs. Dm-m°u°°' m§ggIl;3g8<;fd¤§g¤$ 82d :$$1St&l1$S to extpmine and distribute stampéd · wra . ..r. For'.i'£i*’°,..1 ‘2£.°£.’ '§'2.a??>B•?““°“ °f `g°“°"’ ”5’5°° “‘**°·°‘°-·'°““ For ship, steamboat, and way ldtters, 3150.