Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1138

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1118 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 163. 1917. Labor seams Bu- BUREAU or Larson Srarrsrros: Commissioner, $5,000; chief '°°“‘ statistician, who shall also perform the duties of chief clerk, $3,000; four statzlilsltical experts, at %2,000 each; en1ployees—one $2,;160, one $2 520 ce at $2 280 eac , one $1,800 six at $1,600 eac seven at,$1,400 each, twd at $1,200 each; special agents—four at’$1,800 each, six at $1,600 each, eight at $1,400 each, four at $1,200 each; clerks—seven of class four, six of class three, eight_0f class two,_ fourteen of claw onekiiine at $1,0310 each; two copyists; two assistant messengers two orers· in $148 280. ‘ ra diem special For per at not excbeding $4 in lieu of subsistence, pursuant to

  • '$;?{,*f·3§f§;_,,,,,,_ sectiolp of fthe snmdry} civil lgict approveg Augpst first, nineteen un e an ourteen 0 s ec` agents an employees and for

their transportation; experts and) temporary assistance for field serv- 1ce outside of the District of Columbia, to be paid at the rate of not 'lfemponrystatistiml exceeding $8 per day; temporary statistical clerks and stenographers “““°“““"‘· in the District of Columbia, to be selected from civil—service registers and to li; {xd at the of noit ex $100 per mozzth, the sarge person em oye or no more six consecu ive mon gm total gxggpdilzpre for such tegggorary clerical assistance in the istrict 0 um ia not to exc $6 000· travelin expenses of ofiicers and emplayew, purchase of repoxits aiid materigls for reports _ and bulletms_o e Bureau of Labor Statistics, and for subvention ,,,,§,“’°°I,"‘g,s‘°“,,,,0f,‘f‘ L"' to "International Association for Labour ation " and necessary expenses connected with representaton of the il `ted St t - 1 e m a es Government therein $64 090. Lamy. For books, periodicals; and newspapers for the library the sum of $100 may e expended for newspapers for the purpose of procuring strike data, $1,000. 1mmigrsti¤¤Bur¤¤·¤. Burman or Imu1e1wr1oN: Commissioner General, $5,000;Assistant Commissioner General, who shall act as chief clerk and actuary, $3,500 ;tpr1vate secretary, $1,800; chief statisticiau, $2,000; clerksthree 0 class four, four of class three, seven of class two, nine of class ons, mne at $1,000 aiach, seven at $900 each; two messengers; assistan messenger in $62,400. mrs-muon nivmm. lDivisi;>n og Lnforpiationa $*3,500; chief, $2,500; cerks-—woo cass 0ur,one0c ,two0 asstwo,threeof class one, one $900· messenger in all $19 340. rcglaruwmuon Bu- _BUm¤:AU or NATDRALIZATIOBZ Commissioner, $4,000, de uty com- ‘ missioner, $3,250; clerks—seven of class four, eleven of cljass three, gcgagteen of class two, fiftteen of cgne, ten at $1,000 each, tw; at eac ; messenger; wo assis an messengers; messenger oy, $480; ID all, $89,610. mmmnusumu. Cnrmnnrfs BUREAU: Chief $5 000· assistant chief $2 400; . - perts—one on sanitation, $2,800,’i11dustrial $2,000, servihle, $2,000, librarian $2,000, statistical $2 000; s ecial agents—0ne $1,800, four at $1,600 each, ten at $1,400 each, twellve at $1,200 each; private seicrptarylgo chéef offbiirhggu, $1,50% clerks—two of class four, four 0 c ass thee, ve o c two, eig teen of class one, t n t $1,000 mmm mmtmcr earrih; copyitst; rcnesseéiger; ir; all, $106,%;). rt _ • B ha lf m,,y’€,c_· · oinves iga e an repor upon ma rs pe aming to the we are of children and child life, and especially investigate the questions of _ _ infant mortality $72 120. ,,,,§‘f‘,,,§_‘°'“ $“"““‘ For traveling icxpehses and per diem in lieu of subsistence at not V¤1.32~,p.¢·w. exceedi? $4, pursuant to section thirteen of the sundry civil Act E rt tc apprgye Apgust nmeterin hundi_·edhan(§lh1{<‘;rurteen, of officers, ¤¤p¤-¤,¤· seci agensan o erempoyeeso te ’ B ; - ployment of ekperts and temporary assistants, to ble S aiduiiittua riilzle · _ not exceeding $6 a day, and of interpreters, to be paid) at a rate not uggwrm for pubrm exceeding $4 a day when_actually¤1emlp.l`<:{y·_ed; purchase of reports and material or the publications of the C en’s Bureau, books of reference, newspapers, and periodicals, including the advance payment of