Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/117

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96 SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 117. 1916. E¤P1°Y*U· For services of necessary emplo ees at branch offices, $17 ,960. _ 1****** ’°"*°•¤ *1* No expenditure shall be incurred or authorized for 0l'S0D9·1 Sorvwes wummmumw or otherwise under the H drographic Office at Waslilington, District . of Columbia, during the fiscal {ear nineteen hundred and seventeen ~ except as herein authorized y appropriations under the _Navy Department or under appropriations that may be made for printmg an bin . §?X.°is?°°"“*°”‘ Navandlgsanvaronrz Assistant astronomers—one $2,400, one $2,000, one $1,800; asistantl in fdepartmegt lof nautical instruments, $1 600· clerks—one of c am our one 0 c ass two· instrument maker, $l,500; electrician, $1,500; librarian, $1,800; ,assistants—— threile at $1,600 each, three at $1%400 each, tvgo at $1,200?ac;1; stenograp er and typewriter $900· oreman an captain o the watc , $1,000; carpenter, $1,000; engineer, $1,000; firemen; six watch- Cmmmim melp; eleyatrg conductor, $122 ; nrneéagggers; m all, $44,240. ‘ or misce aneous compu a ions . L“"“"’ °‘°‘ For professipnal and ls§ient‘ii6i§:J;>todks,fbool§1s oitreference, periodicals, . X e avings p otogra ,an ures ort e rary $750. c°mmg°m° [Igor apparatus and iiistruments, and for rspairs of the same, $2,000. For repairs to buildings, fixtures, an fences; furniture, gas, chemicals, and stationery; frerght (including transmission of pu lic documents th{outghftll1pi§zm1tl1son(;an]1exch‘;v:nge),tfore1gn postésgggégnd m n ressage;p an e _ ers an a con mgen e_ enses _ . · ' oxgfor fuel, 011, grehse, pipe, igirrre, other materys needed ior the maintenance an repair o b0ll61'S,`8Dg1!16S, heating apparatus, electric lighting and power plant, and water—supply system; purchase and nprmtegiance ofkteanés; ;l18.};lgl$Bl18·I108, repair, exchange, or operation 0 mo or truc _ an 0 me-dra_ wn passenger-carrying vehicles; material for bo1¤n%nautica.linstrum¢-ants for transportation; paints, G d d telegraph and telep one service, and mcrdental labor, $8,000. i xiirliierianiimdl For °1°““mg» r°P““`¤ wd “Pk°°IE_ °`f g1’01§11dS fmd roads, $5,000. Omen · “"“""° NQUTQCAL ALMANAQ Orrrcnz or assistants in mpg;-ing for publication the American Ephemerrs and Nautical K.lmanac—one $2,000, two at $1,800 each, two at $1,600 each, two at $1,400 each, three at $1,200 each, two at $1,000 each; copyist and typewriter, (_0mpum_ $9%); assistant messenger; messenger boy, $420; all, $19,240. _ or pay of computers on (piecework rn preparing for publication the American Ephemerrs an Nautical Almanac and in improving nm_€m0[S“_m Em thi; tables of the planets, moon, and stars, $3,000. gi1})a:Lmg:8m• terms or Srrmm Euommmrne: Chief clerk, $2,250; bookkeeper . · and accountant, $1,800; clerks-—one of class four, four of class three, four of class two, two at $1,300 each, five of class one, one $1,100, iegufggt $1},1000 68.;;],. one il§00;tcppy1sti1 two expert radio ards, at » Bac 3 EXW U1 Wj 6S9_ ccgrap y $3,000; dra.ftsmen——one (who shall be an expert m_mar1ne construction) $2,000, one $1,400, assistant $1,200; b ue printer, $720; two assistant messengers; — labpierggtligge at $660 each, two at $600 each; messenger boy, $600; . ID , a . _ Twmmx SBg`rl;¢;;.§r%pe:h¢;f men aérd such other services as the _ may _ 0cm_ necessary may cmp oyed nl rn the Bureau of Steam Engineering and at rates of compensaliioii not exceeding those paid hereunder Error to January first, nineteen hundred and fifteen, to carry mto e act the various appro riations Prom. for lncreiase o€I§he_Navy" and "Er1§<;ineering," to be paid_l)rom the prrgrréegrii 1211; t }%;eer1ng . Brom, ed, That the expenditures on not BX gon; or e cal year mneteen hundred and‘ seventeen shall c _ $70391.28. A statement of the persons emplo ed hereunder, their duties, and the compensation paid to each shal.lYbe made to Congress each year in the annual estimates.