Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1194

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1174 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 180. 1917. messenger service for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundre Gand eiilgligeen, shall not exceed $1,500; in all, naval training station, reat es, $96,400. ¤·i¤*¤•'¤¤··"°· NAVAL TRAINING STATION SA1N*r Hn1.mNA: Maintenance of naval training station; labor and material, general care, repairs, and imprggiments; schoolbooks; and all other incidental expenses, $30, . ”'x*”,,,'R°”"°,F°'°°- NAVAL Rnsnnvm Foncn: For ensesofo ` , administering, lm, p. és-:. and recruiting the Naval Resexgep Force, indlgiding gerical and messenger hire, office rent, furniture, sationery, and postage; printing, advertising, and other necessary expenses, $130,000. §§f‘§,,}‘,§?°,§',,?· Any former member of class one of the United States Naval ¤&§$¥:}¤rga¤g_l+,;t·;eg=tg Reserve, established by the Act of March third, nineteen hundred and www May,1917. fifteen, "An Act making approtpmations for the naval service for the iiscaltgear ending June thirtie , mneteen_hundred and sixteen, and for o er purposes," who shall have reenlisted in the Navy p1’l0l' to Mag first, nineteen hundred and seventeen, shall be held and consid- E u ti, ere to have reenlisted within four months from the date of discharge Aug? 2la°?]ie1s?°m°g from the Navy for the pu§>ose of continuous-service pay. And any such member of the said aval Reserve who was serving therein on , Augast twent£y—x§nth, nineteen hundredtlglid gigteen, shall alponb his . ,,,,,1,, ,0,, ap 'cation er or, any time prior to y t, nineteen un ed N§¤g1“l(;°¤¤v¤F¤r¤•· and seventeen, be enmlled in the Naval Reserve Force, and an such persgg so enrolled] shall, foghalllxpniipolaes, be ciansidered as llaving serv contmuous y m su av eserve orce since August twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, with due credit for previous and continuous service in the Naval Reserve in the same manner and to the same effect as for equal length of service in the {·.,’°y°mml‘"“mm, Naval Reserve Force: Prwaled, That no such enrolled person shall receive any back pay or allowances for any eriod during which he shall have received pay or allowances, or eitgier, for service in any xm mmm other branch of the naval service, regular or reserve. •¢¢.'" “K * SQHOOLS on CAMPS OF INSTRUCTION, NAVAL Rnsmzvn Fononz For §‘j;";’°5;,,,_ equipment and maintenance of schools and camps established for the p£u·%se oa'i{nstructii1_g mergggis of and applicants for membership in e ava eserve orce, ,000. Rfllm W"` °°n°‘°’ NAVAL WAR Common Rnonn IsLAN1>: For maintenance of the Naval War Cfollege on Cbasters Harbor Island, including the maintenance, relpair, and lplperation of one horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicle sg; 2gOused o_ y fo; o%cial p1u·poses; and care aaflgrounds for same, , _ ;_serv1ces o a ecturer on internation aw, $2,000; aalilivicggsd of civihsan leca1a;1haarsl§brenderedlat_ thehWar (gollega; $1300; . e reservaiono e ,1ncu te urcase inin, _ 5Q°J{§] mq m. and relpaii of books of referenlsgrhnd peilld]£cals,p$1,300: Trwaleg, ‘°°“· That the sum to be paid out of thisappropriation under the direction of the Secretary of the Nay for clerica , inspection, drafting, and messéneger service or the fisc year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hunand eighteen shall not exceed $22,500; in all, Naval War Col- Nm, Hom mb legal, Rhocg Islanlgl, $38,850. PE an mam, AVAL omn, mLAnnLrmA, NNsYLvAmA, PAY or nnumormnsz l£*Y¤*¤¤¤P*¤¥··¤· One Secretary, $1,800; one foreman mechanic, $1,800 ;‘ one su Grilltendent of grounds, at $900; one steward, at $900; one store laborer, at $540; one matron and office assistant, at $600; one beneficiaries? attendant, at_$360; one chief cook, at $540; one assistant cook, at f420éIone assistant cookl,1 at $360; one chief laundress, at $300; five GSI? siS2€;&oage%Pcli?1ie£§1l6w$.1i1nes¤6f °°“‘E"§§%0“° *313) i "*'°° “'“b£ » » 8 { r 8 $243. each; one htchen attendant, at, $420; nint:§abov;;1stfB§l€S$42O asc , one stable keeper and driver, at $540; one master at arms, at $20, two house corporals,_ at $480 each; one barber, at $480; one carpenter, at $960; one painter, at $960; one painter, at $840; one