Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1214

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1194 sixrY-roU1ar1—1 coiweanss. sm. II. Ch. 180. 1$l17. m‘;“§,_‘3},s,£l{,°*g}§*(§B§; The Secretary of the Navy shall build any of the vessels herein c¤ml>i¤¤· appropriated for in such Eavy yards as he may designate should it reasonably a pear that the persons firms or cor orations or the a ents thereof) biddin for the construction df an oip said vessels have E 1 23 _ _ Y _ egteiged lintqi any combmagzionii ggreetxpeéit, or igligqgstandingihtthe e ec 0 ]ec or purpose 0 w c is eprive overnm 0 fair, dpen, and tmrestricted competition in letting contracts for the {§Qg"?,§’,§’,;ti,,,°,,,,v,. construction of any.of said vessels: Provided, That the Secretary of Y¤*d¤· the Navy is hereby authorized to build any of the vessels herein authorized in such navy yards as he may designate. y,E§S"¥§,?‘c$,$,§§§§§?§,Y In the event the Secretary of the Navy is unable to secure from the

  • ,j&?.·$9,§,g°¤¤“°'* mi private shipbuilders contracts for the expeditious construction of the

` ships heretofore authorized at a fair and reasonable price, the sum of $12,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to enable the Secretary of the N ayy to equip the_navy yards with suitable and necessary machinery implements, building ways, and equipment for the construction o such of said vessels as Comm, M bam may be assigne to navy yards for construction. __ matc¢§·p1¤srea— f, 16 thejudgment of the Secretary of the Navy, the most rapid °p’° and econlpmical consttrlqction of the battle cruiserfherein appropriated for can e obtained ereby he may contract or the construction of said battle cruiser u on the basis of actual cost, lus a reasonable . J . P C _ i I C d proht to be determine by him. _ _ '"" 2** ° ° That section fort —four of the Act entitled "An Act to codif amendmeu . Y yy

 P- MW- revise, and amend the penal laws of the United States," approved

. Marclégplurth, nineteien hundred and nine, be, and the same is hereby, amen to read as ollowsz j ’~‘§’§§‘$ “Sec. 44. Whoever shall willfully trespass upon, injure, or destroy Wwks. ¤¤1¤Wf¤r any of the works or property or materia of any submarine mine or torpedo or fortificatioq or harbor—de{)ensi syptem owned or constructed or in process o construction y the nited States or shall willfully interfere with the operation or use of any such sdbmarine wo tm r mm mine, to_ edo, fortification, or harbor-defense system, or shall knowla g egula . mum ambisiiai ee. mgly, W1 ully, or wantonly violate any_ duly authorized and pro- '°°‘"°"°“"°“· mulgixsted pf1de1L1pr1r1;gulat§o3 of the President governin? fpersons or vesse wi `n e its o e ensive sea areas which e ensive sea areas are hereby authorized to beestablished by order of the President from time to time as mag] be necessary in his discretion for pur- P“““"m°""°'· poses of national defense, sh be punished on conviction thereof in a district or circuit court of appeals of the United States for the district or circuit in which the offense is committed, or into which the offender is first brought, by a fine of not more than $5 000, or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding five ears or b both in the discrefon of the court " y , y ’ 1 . c,,§,‘j;,‘ff,$jQl‘j'§,,{,‘;,,P_Q;,; Of each of the sums appropriated by this Act,_ except such_ amounts gxvplggdmeycwm- as may be required to meet obhgations authorized in previous Acts P and for which contracts have been made, no part shall be used to pro- $¥’§¤${]1T1$Z1%hWt,`*’§h€1$§ §§v‘§°““Z?1°t ““’1”°iS0“f" “"““€i.°“t’ 3’“€1i§i c ya sgunac ries oro ermusri plants operated by the Navy Department are dquipped to sup ly, unless s‘uc_h Government pgiits are operated approximately at their full capacity for not less t one regular shift each working da , except w en contract costs are less than costs in said Government pliants, and except when said Government plants are unable to complete the Pm,,_”_ work_w1 the time re uired, and except in cases of emergency: etgioupgxy gmggg Provided, That no part ofi the appro riations made in this Act shall mgig dmia, qu work be available for the salary or pay of) any officer manager superin- "°mP‘°Y’*· tendent, foreman, or other person having charge ,of the woik of any znployesd of Umged Statgs Govtgrnment while making or causing m ew: as pwatc oro ertime-measuringdevicea time study of any job of any such employee between the starting and com-