Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1237

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INDEX. xv Aurora, Nebr., rags. A · · 5 · g,·g,,,; any com hx,

vg=<31>¤i¤ti<>¤ for pulpliq building , . 263 ’for rei

e cienciyuilappmpnatxon for public 16 f av1ationiield,§tcfo ...,. 822 . *****8 ···-·· · ·-~-- · ··-·-··--- orscquiringlan raviaei held, it Awim, Tier., _ _ _ no reservations availablx ... 622 A;ptp;·ropl1i1::l1;cn_;or public blllldlllg .. . . 263 for 1;; year’e {pay to of ° _ 1 COPS BD @1 yulg - appropriation for arnbonador to ,,,.,.. 252, 1048 fro ccid ts ‘ _ __ ______ _ _______ 629 A¤¤¤m¤¢¤¢_ Jiachvw R2/M, Army. dehcieucap méziaclgn for rm, 1917. . su ¤p,1;¤§rxit;;1;1 fg pgchsses. etc. m sc¢ept;u§ ofiractsgonated for aviation na .. _, orjzed ___________ deficiency appropriation for, 1917 ... 811 composiiioncoi, u·:der nation;] dgfging 622 for ammumtion  ; . 811 Act ,,___ _ ________________ _ _____ 1 4 . . . 7 Automatic lzferglgng Scales, Customs, 277 Aviation Stations, Coast Guard, 8pp1’O 1011 0I' .. .. ... ° t,¢)n¢g3g1;ggudGreggI,‘kB¤ Autornog?l:Board, D. C., thdyiud 1 ying}; ___ gppropriation for secretary ·-·----..-·-.- 680 school at sas wl uties transferred to license bureau . 1006 rector and assistant ____ _ ________ 601 Autornobtles, Aviators, Navy ssc Naval Flying Corpa), appropriation for care, etc., for Vice Amhtors, S` Corps, Army, President -··-.---.·.--.·· 69, 1073 appro tion for pay of ...,,,...,. 627 for care etc., for Speaker of the House _ Avon, E., of Ilepresentatwes ... 73, 1077 condemned mnngn granted gc, 3538 for Secretary of State . 1082 Club, - .,,,.,,_,,_,___ _ __________ 339 Autovnobgesé?. C., (sec Motor Vehicles, ' Y . B, A tomobiles, do., iiitroducing imsxiema im Indian B Saw NF, D. 0.. _ _ oountrytto be seized, etc . 970 *PP*’°P¤•u°¤ f°*' NP¤V*¤8» Nmth to Auziliuy Vase Urdtsd Staus, _ f TW6·l§th Streets. . Z .,., 685 preferegie tp lizkrl we Force fm °*' ENV?-Si 82;***% *° N***u; S¤’°°t¤-E 685 pping cers men or _

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c°touliaval assent um me BM Pw s¤··?1?:>u~y. Vclwmn,

yan ________________ , _____,____ 589 zgpmpriation for payment of .. 297 Avenues, 1%).0% (ssc Streets, Avenues, etc., B b , R1"; amazed S · _ _ 1 ndge across, near avannab, A tion, _ Ga. . 2 .. t ... . . 6 Tgpropriation for scientific experiments Bud R**’¢'_I7•¢*'*m* R¢M‘v¤¢¤¢m, Wim. of requirements oi, ,,.,,,._,_,_ , , 115, 1116 sale of timber on alleged school and swamp Aviation Accidents, Naval, _ lands nn ... . ... 157 gratuity allowed for death from . 585 d*¤P0¤*T·*0¤ of pfowvds . 157 ouble gension to be paid .. 585 3*199**9*. _ — 4,,;,,,;,,,, .0,,,, Nam], · camers not liable for actual loss, etc., of, comxxussnon to relport on necessity, etc., _ _0l¤’wd on passenger trams, etc . 442 for, on At ntic, Gulf of Mexico, Bmkyvnlie, Me., _ _ and Pacifi? coasts, etc °P¤¤¤I<;?;"6¢:£, of across Saint Crm; 534 ‘ ‘ . .. , au onaed ... A.,.t.‘2§.'°l}‘$°.',i.-,‘£;,f""°“°°$ _ ssrn, s,».,_o»M sm. cm, appropriation for developing suitable $P°£YQPnI€|0¤ for pay: ... 814 t of ... 622 ¢§¤¤¢)’ tpptopnataon for ... .. . . 32, Q, 827 Aviation Bx: (ses alsoAeronautic School, BGMUHJDG, G9., _ _ _ irwgg, { 559 1169 reconstzuctxog of bndge acron Flint River 925 appropriation for general expenses o -_. , 8 . N1 .. . ...,,, adv1sory‘ mmittee n Babqr C' Ga., °'  ?‘? . ‘i ‘f£'f’?‘E . 2559, egg when L"¥smt,» .1, my ang, Flint 52 f securingbasic aircraft _ ts, etc . 11 V9! -·--·--· . --... - . Ozrrangements auth ty Baba, Jolm T., _ bond for validity of patents. . .:. . 1169 franchise gumted, for manufactnr1ng,_etc_, Naval Flying (iorps established; duties, 582 gcs, South H1lo, Hnwm, mused, 524 etc .- · ····--··-·-··~···-··-·-- - -·-··- purchalgeerzlilllaiand for aircraft station San Bakers Bay, Wash., _ _ Diego County, Cal., authorized- . . 568 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be donagipn of additional land from San 568 B manga;] .. - ..,,_, , _ _ 410 Aviation slgdiz, Amy, ``` ` °````'```'` $p£¤;prihu¤¤i’r¤r public burning .,___,__ 263 a propriation for site, etc., for- --:. -. .-. . 622 e crency appropriation for pu lic buildngmimion of Coast Guard m, for mstruc- 601 B _  : . . li; .. 16 tion..-..·-·---·--¤ ····-- •··• 1 •; A tion Saxton, 8tg·nal` Cor Army, may bridge Spanish River; location .. 520 T;propriat.ionforreservssii,1.slctive serv- 622 Baldzvgs pégnrgtivs Works, uc., 1 f ice ..., . .. ...,.. . au nz change e o forair¤bips,etc.,.., 622 _ ~.. 393 for developing aviation motor 622 budge to be maintained, etc ... 393 91890°—·vo1. 39-—?r 1--TI