Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1269

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INDEX. xlvii Dams, _ _ ?•!¤- Deadwood, S. Dale., V ’ P¤$¤· constructxon of bgndge _•ud, authorized ap r7<3>riatiou foramsy chica at . 89,1094 _ across Mahoning Rrvgr, Ohip. . ._ 921 Deaj}; Dumb Imtitutnon, D. C. (scc Colummmnteuapce, etc., acme Ssunt Crum Rxver, bis Institution, D. C.). Baulcyggnzpsnd Grand Falls, Me., 534 Debates in Crmgmw, · ‘ cousen ... f I porting Home f time extended for constructing, across appmplxggplgentggvg ’ .. ° 72, 1076 S8V8I1!18l1 River . . . . 34 for reporting, Senate ,,,_,____ _ ,,____ _ _ 69, 1073 Danish West Indus {see also West Indian Is- for prmtiug and binding 330 _lauds acquged from Denmark), deficiency appgogintion for extra services bond msue authonzed for purchasze of . 1002 reportmg, cuss of Representatives 822 temporary vemment, etc., or, pur- for extra servicesreportixxg, Senate . 822 chgseqgl from Denmark, .,,,,.,., 1132 Dgmtur, Alu., ` Danville, ll._, appmpriatiuu for public building . ‘ 264 approprmnon for expenses, Volunteer Decatur County, Ga., . D _ goldierw Home 296 may ggdge across Flint River, 925 amen an Q $[11 ° .,,._,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,. apfrlzvpriation for;0V€m€Dt of harbor. . 395 Decatur County, End., Dazi Nazianal Fm-eat, . Ma., condemned cannon granted to, for Grwusi appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 458, 1146 burg Grand Army post . 841 Daughters of Amcriam Revolution, Duzdents, _ condemned cannon granted tn, Gaffney, tax imposed on net astute of .. 777, 1002 S. C ... 832 rates, eu: .. : 777,1002 Daughters of the A1n.en2:a1• Revolution, D. C., D¤¤2}uou.s Fruits, appropriation tut refund of real estate appropriation for investigating insects aftaxes, 1916 ...,.. 717,1009 fecting ,.,.,.,.,,,... 465,1154 rw! p¤§¤p¢;3 cf. qrempiod hm taxes ----- 514 Deerlodge National Forest, Mont., addmo lots mcluded.. . . 1009 a propristiou for maintenance, etc., of- 458, 1146 Dauphin Island Railway and Harbor Cum- De_/Ending Suits in Claim:,` _ pmny, . _ apgrqpristiou for egpgnses . .. _311 uma egztoudenl for bug, docks, etc., by, de cneucy appropnauun for expenses . 43 m Mobnle Bay, ... . . 246 Defensive Bea Areas, _ paunporg! [qw, O ~ _ punishmgnij fo; violations of regulations sppropnstmn for public building . . 264 withm estsbhshed 1194 ,*·¤m·,°’;y;;*** -·-·--·-~·········-· · ····· 13-5* "€a';$,.“g""‘$ by mm mm by vu, . c n, , ., _ on_ _ zieiicieucy appropriation for contested water, forb1dden; deiimuon . 733 election eflgenses .. 822 penalty for  : .: 1 ,... 733 ”“”’ °"“"’ Tm “ m;§,"§; { to b "?”"S”,’§a‘}Z’”'°“€"“2‘§‘{.T`2’; 3 15 802 ];mjpm·y ‘ ‘ 1,;;, , e or e men o ... · , , pre made. .. E . -? 409 Pau American Scientific Congrem ... 3 Dayton, Ohio, foreign intercourse . . ... 15 appropriutioxil for expenses, Volunteer Sol- 293 f dgalcggc agd consulartservice. . :;.23 di rs’ ome or os co opmtxuau . . . . , , dalicience appropriation for Volunteer postal gcrvicc. . 3, 23, 820 S0Kiiers’ Home ... 29, 825 for Inbgnor Department 3, 23, 42, 817 designated as headquarters for Volunteer publxc lqudn .. 817 Sgldigrf Home ____________,,. . 297 for legmlauve . ... 3, 26, 821 sale of gag;} post office building at; pro- 13 $01* gaulizsvgbk ... tg tz ... gg, ________________________ , ,... or 0 pmsen was , de Borjaf J. Izicardo, of Ecuador, _ for Lincoln Memorial Commimion . 15 admitted to Military Academy for 111- 504 ;0r Of EHic1gncy.:. E ..,. 15, Big struction . . or cc ommmsm . D F lu, J h for Iutemtatc Commerce Commission .. 15 iieggency (sggrépriatcion for extra services. 828 for Trcgwursf Dppsrtgmmt 15, 802, 860 De F¤·¤·1¤k Springs. Fla-. pubkc bvddmsv- ------- - ---·----·-·- 16, 803 Dagprsfdlgltgcn for public building .. 264 gztgtnguiaenue gg. 232

r0;;riat,i3n for public . i) 264 li v

‘ ` ti - mm 0 c .,... "°‘”‘°‘°£‘°‘€.‘T%’?T'ff‘?f‘i.f’?..fH‘f-.E .. U em Di¤trictofCol,umbia .. 21,41,8%,860 ¤S - , De Vaughn: Swing, Ga., _ _ for War Department . 22, 4a, 337, 339, 809, $;>9 ` bridge authorized across Fhnt Rxver at. . . 35 . . B 22, 45, 337, 810, dd LONG? a uu 2 · ---··-····-· D2) be Begg w Pgs}, Office Department or s1'm0fl€B Bud arsenals .. 810 designated 0Qce ,,_,,,,,_,,,., . . 418 nvcr and harbqr wyrk ,.,... 810 cgntgiging vglug w be regarded and Volunteer Soldiers Homes . 812 kgpg or ogg ygr _,,,.,,,,, - 418 PQJIBIHB C 31131. . . .~ ... : ,.,,.. 8]]. disposal if not claimed .. - 418 Vl¢k$b\l.\'%D€IIl0l"l2.l celcbratmn .._,,,.. 812 disposal of gtherg ,,,_,,,,.,,,.,,.. . - 418 for State, _ ar, and Navy Depumnem; pwd Lmm pemm, P0{t Ojicz Depczrtmwf, Budding .. 22 alygymmu for supermteudent .. 106, 1109 io¤kNavy Depmzment . . .. 22;., gl Egg, gg Dm , 8wy·••·····-•••••·•·•·· ••·**• 2 s gn gmc ust ____,_,,,. , .,.. 793 Mums Corps .. 339, 816 91890°-—vor. 39-rr 1--79