Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1294

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1Eil INDEX. Fisheries Bureau, Department of Commerce- Page- Five Ciwrilvfzcd Tribes of Indians, 0klG···C0l1. P¤8¤· Continued. appropriation for payments in lieu of allotacceptance of of Berkshire Trout ments, from Creek funds . . 986 Hatchery, ass., authorized- .. 431 for suits to set aside conveyances of almgg of commutation of rations 820 Iotted lands . . . 312 Fisherka Commission, International, for clerk in Interior Department to sign appropriation for expenses, under Cana- _ tribal deeds of, etc 1 .. 99, 1102 dinn - . 258; 1054 deficiency appropnation for admimstenng Fisheries, Commissioner of, affairs ... 31, 829 appropriation for, deputy, clerks, etc . 320 for exggnses, sale of unallotted lands-. 829 investiggcions, etc., by, of damages to lease of octaw and Cluckasawcoal lands aries by dogtish, etc 232 to Demson Coal Company transmeans of taking, economic using, etc- . . 232 {erred to new area . 870 appro riation for expenses. 232 provisions for determining heirs of deceased Fisher: Island, Long Island, N. YZ, allottees not applicable to ... 127, 972 transfers of rights of way, Fort H. G. Flag of the United States, _ Wright, on. ... 909 desecration, mutilation, imgrgxper use, Fishes, Predacnbua, etc., of, in District 0i_ hunbia, a investigations of dsmagesto Bshuies by, misdemeanor .. , . 900 ets:. .,..., 232 punishment for; representations proappropriation for expenses .. - . . 232 hibited ... 900 Fishing Creek, N. C'., . Fhndreau, S. Dak., a ropriation for improvement of . . . . 395 appropriation for Indian school ... .: 150, 987

 National Forest, Utah, use of unexpended balance for dairy

appm tionformaintenance, etc.,of. 458,1147 cattle, etc , . 150

., ml 26 iienciengdappropxgidon fi Indian school. 53

a tionfor ublicb d;u1g` 5 ot gran or u 'c par , etc., to ..

 Tribeapo Indwkzm, Okla., Flathead Agency, glam.,

appropriationfor v aEau‘sof. 146, 983 appropriation for support, etc., of Infor dormitories for Chickasaw children, dians at. .. . 138, 980 MHITSYSCIIOOI ofAgriculture . .. 983 for additional land, from timber profgrper cspih pa§nt to Choctaws and ceeds. 139 Chickasaws tribal funds 146, 983 Flathead Indian Reservation, Mon¢.,_ _ _ disposition of amounts due restricted appropriation for constructing xrngatnon ndians . ... 146, 983 systems on; repayment ... 139, 980 money exempt from prior debts, etc- 146, 984 payment of charges by settlers ... 139 claims of specified attomeys to be ex· 'ability of allotment purchasers.: . . . 140 amined, Etc .. gg irrglatiouworkin, by RBC1Bm3ti0DSOTV1C¢. 141 expenses 0 d1stnb` ution . . .. 47, owance for passenger carrying vefor per cu its yment to Seminoles from hicles- . 141, 980

 .. 147 announcement of assessment of irrigation

di?osition of amounts due restricted ‘ charges; ratio . . 141 ndians, ebc . . . 147 p;{ment in annual installments, eu:. .. 141 moneys exempt from prior debts, etc.. 147 in funds used for construction work expenses of dxstribuuon .. 147 to be returned to Indians. . 141 for probate attorneys, etc., for allottees construction costreimbursed from charges. 141 f of,81idQ\l¤WW8 share of Ipdinn allottees ...:.. 141 or ee Orphan Tmming oo . , a ment 0 maintenance an o ration gr common schools; sdmitwd 147, 984 P y cost ,. . .. . 142 rexpenses, etc., se tri ro rty, continuance of revious water ts for from proceeds ... . . . . 148, 984 Indian lam}; ... 142 segregated coal and asphalt lands in- generalregulations to be prescribed, etc. . 142 cludcd .. - .. 148, 985 collection of charges, etc 142 for collecting rents . . 148,985 timber lands, opened to agricultural enuo moneys yo be expended from tribal tries; payment for timber ... 139 funds wuhout specilic appropria- Flathead Natiom Forest, Mont., tions; exceptions . 148, 985 appropriation formaintenance,eu:.,of. . 458, 1147 pagugent for school maintenance, Flavors, IIIIQIDQB, etc: .. 148, 985 duty on coal—tar products not 793 2; f¤;11§1!%¤s ¤5¤¤¤¤¤ with Chocfaws. . Eg, gg? waged . "lx o gas mspectors , `tio spec1if c . - ... 7 ' for grgchase of land for roadway to Flax, eelock Academy from Choctaw appropriation for investigating cultivafunds - ... 149 tion, em., of, for seed purposes; for Eygment to E. Dowden for title m may or diseases 454, 1142 f dg, Tutgli, N . . .1. 149 Flax Straw, orpurcaseo an or uyaka oo, a roriat;ionfortes` ,`fr apermakfmm Creek funds .. Z. . . sas pp ping B ... 454, 1142 for roceid, etc., nC51o&i;1aw Samtormm from Flazaced, · WWW 8 - ¢ W ·: 986 provisions for warehouses for sho , etc., for road to Cherokee Orphan Tnuning of, for interstate or foreingne com- School from Cherokee funds .,.,,, 986 meyce_ ____________ _ ______________ 486 for Dogéglas H. Johnston, from Chichuw ciiicial standards of quality and condition -·-- - --·----···---·---·--... 986 _ to be established ._. 482. no allotments of land hereafter to interstate and foreign shipments to con- C*’°°k¤ ·····~-——--··- · ·—---··-·-·--- 986 form to ..,, 483