Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1298

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Iuvi INDEX. FcrtHarriwn Country Club, Terre Haute, Ind. Fw- Fqrz_Pec}¢ Indian Reservation; M0nt.—Con. PNN- condemned, cannon granted to ... 835 nmgatnqnéfcneral regulations to be pre· Fort Hwwhuw, Ark., _ _ ¤cnb_ , ctc 142 deficiency appropriation for radm mstalla.- 337 mlc0I5ct13n_of§0h?}rges£1$Itc££ .. 2 . gg us ____________,,,___,,,,,,,,,_., eo an sm, rea, or emltadway. Fore hog; Military Reeewanbn, Mmu., _ payments to Indians, .. 941 area of lease to Chicago, Milwaukee and txme extended for paying insta.l1ments for Puget 80:1123 Railway Co. of lands 238 dhcmesteads on ceded. . in, exten ,. com itions . ... Fort Lapwai Indghn Sanatorium, Idaho,f 125 970 Fort Picken.? Flg., _ d b ro riati n 1- maintenance, etc. o . . , appro ia mu or re aus, etc., amages y F¢;I;l}.a¥am1kfOh32, , gmuricane, Jufy 5, 1916. ... 636 Fcorgzmned cauiéou granted to ... 836 Fort Plmq, ¥i, bu bun _ 265 orc ven , am., appro rm mn or pu c ding .. appropriation for Army Staff College and Fort Rdgy, Kaus., _ service schools at . . 620 appr0pri2.tion for Army Mounted Serv1cc Fort McHenry Military Reservation, Md., School . - . 620 jurisdiction ceded to Maryland over por- Fort Sam Hquswn, Tex.! _ ‘ tim; of, granted to Baltimore as a, 6 approprxamop for adeixtgzualtlgneniacand con- 636 par .,..,.,,,. 4 structing supp y apo , condemned cannon grammd vo ... 833 trackage anangements, etc., author- Fort McIntosh, Taz., ized ... 636 deficiency appropriation for radio installs.- Fort Scott, Kam., F m‘?QZ“1=2,; ’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 337 ‘°"2%“°‘°“E‘h"“t";1"1; ‘‘‘‘ .1 ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘ Z $2 on c , ., 0 ceso eputy er,an mars appro 'tiouforrc irsetc.,da.magesby F zShaw,H ll,H ", righ $11;ricane <£;1y g9%)916.H . 636 ;E>prog{riat,i0r??:r1{);1LiIdi(f1ié];t7éetc., ordnance t 0 waygrzm to rge . ex-vey depot _____________________________ 283 acms . . .. 237 · Fm" M“di’°”· I°"”“v for Army School of Fire condemned cmnnu grunted to, for Grand Field Anmery _ _______________ j 620

  1. ¤¤J{,P°°* ·—-···-·—-··-··-—----·-— 832 my Am schmn or Muéketry 620

F"' Mi-gu" amt H - v P“·· for relieyand settlement of “P‘¥“'°Pd“t?°“ f°' “°°¤*€° ~·····—~ 569 families of Apache Indians confined °r Pqbhc wmks ··•· · ········--···· 569, 1178 as prisoners of war at ’ 146 Fm Mmm- P“·· fish hatchery may be rig1=¤<>fw:¤>* ¤¤¤¤sh z¤>¤¤z<1¤ ¤f»z¤~¤¤>d m homi . . . ’ as P*¤1¤d¤*v¤¤=¤ ¤¤¤<¤¤i<>¤¤ --------·-- 531 Fm Spokane- yuuéqj ‘R..mam;l Am. Fort M0jqvc,_Ariz., _ domd ’ F(;?¢’¥§{°0}:;::u°I'}af°’ Iudmu “h°°1 --·····-- 12% 974 sale of nguuséd lands op; proceeds to credit appropristion fér Coast Am11' ary schqol- . . 621 F T ° SP°km° Iudmm °`'`'`'°°'`°°‘‘` 155 Er wnur mas mammr zss °" °"‘7”’·N‘D“’°‘* ~ Fm M·»¤<»··’¤¤·-» ` `````````“'` 3"£"?""““°“ '°' I"‘{*"“ ?°"‘i°k* ‘‘‘‘ 1;* 3*** 93 ¤vpr¤pri¤¢i¤¤ for r3¤ir¤, etc., damages by Fo}; §.;‘§§;$lf’ §§fP§2f'“ ‘°“ °" “ ‘”‘°° °° · Fmt Mmk; * I Y 5* 1916· ···········- 636 appropriation for expenses, to r p e d 0 aggrgpriation forippblic building ,,_______ _ 26,5 Fmt Wagsewgid '‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘ 347* 911 d QWPCY “·PP'°P*`md°¤ ‘°*` Public buUd· apprupriskion public building . . 265 . mg ····· t·. ············ · ··-··-·-· · · - 17 I·"0m_/icatnbm F°'t Nwb""° M‘M“'y R‘”"”“ti°"» N°b"·, appropriation for gun and mortar battime extended for payments by homestead teriw 345 909 ¤¤¤>¤¤¢¤ <>¤ former -~-~------·----- 514 tmmxaai '£1gi¤E»`£»f€.·§»§ 1%.3% H `G ’ Fort Peck giqency, Mont., Wright, N_ Y __________________ 909 °PPY0I:’t*¤U°¤ for EUPPOYQ etc-, 0i I¤d¤-¤f38 980 for modemizing older emplacements. - 345, 909 ··················~-· · ---···~- Y f Hr ¢1¤tt' , ¢,c,; audrm P·¢1¤4m Rumamm, Mm., °‘ ”?.T‘{'? E T‘f'???... 345, 909 approprmuon for constructing irrigation for war instruction at Coast Artillery FYSWIHS 011; repayment ... 140, 980 posts _,______,________ _ ___________ 345, 909 Eiggqent. of charges by settlers . . . . . 140 for electric installations seacoast de- _ _' {hty of allotment purchasers 140 fenses ... .. . .. 909 xmgatmu work m, by Reclamation Qervice. 141 for scarchligbts for Seacoast defenses. . 345, 910 “u£i‘?;°° R"' P°’°°¤8€’·¤¤’!'Y¤¤g vein 980 {or prescrvatmn ang riapair .,...,..., A 345, 910 . . , 0 t ., to , T ., - auuonmcemcutcg assesmeut of irrigation r ggmi T . 3 ei é 345 in ° ---· . ·--·~-·----·-- 141 i 1 345,910 payment m annual mstsllments, etc-, . 141 fx gxglxics for electric plants 345, 910 tnbal funds used for construction work for preserving etc. wrpedo structures to b8·l’0U1l'!1€*d to Indians . . -. . 141 submariuia etc !:£45 910 comtrunugncostreimbumedhomchmggg 141 for sites etc. . . ’ · - _ - - - · . - t U 346, 910 sbarecfluqinn moms 141 r·»¤m$¤:1¤·¤id`é¤3d2§¤1£Li¤§»E·éi»li·ZIZZIIZ.. ,910 ps.yu(;;x;t of ummtenanco and operation 142 for rrgf, trails, water and sewer systems, 910 muuumm of ""`}&iA£`{agi»%é my mougxzpammger `"````` U.\;éi1iél·é:::;:1: XTC 910 f¤r Imimn lang . ...·.. 142 for vpmvng iire—c¤n¤·¤1i¤¤t¤Haticns.. 346, 910