Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/132

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 117. 1916. 111 For experimental work in develo , im rovi , and constructin '}`“b“l“““g '°“‘ tabulating machines and repairs to maclhinerlygand other mechang ch m' cm ical appliances, includingl technical and mechanical service in connection therewith, whet er performed in Washington, District of Columbia, or elsewhere, and purchase of necessary machinery and suréplies, $25,000. B I F _ Unmu or Fonnren AND Domasrrc Comumten: Chief, $6,000; audmililmgsuc °i:°2$ii assistant chiefs——one $3,500, one $3,000; chiefs of divisions——one ‘“°'°°· $2,500, one $2,000; assistant chiefs of divisions——one $2,250; chief clerk, $2,250; experts—one on commerce and finance $2,000· translators—one $2,000, one $1,400; steno apher to chief of bureau, $1.600; clerks—ten of class four, six ofgblass three, one $1,500, sixteen of class two, fifteen of class one, fifteen at $1,000 each, fourteen at $900 each; messenger; four assistant messengers; two laborers; in all, $130,640. _ To further romote and develop the foreign and domestic commerce ,,,§°,§§m°t‘“g °°’“‘ of the Unitedp States, including exch e on official checks, $125,000, to be expended under the directionmdg the Secretary of Commerce: _ Provided, That not exceeding $3,000 of this sum may be expended §{,,'",,,,’§jZ_;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ for the purchase of documents, manuscripts, plans,. specifications, ¤¤¤S»·¤=· and other ublications necessary for the promotion of our commercial Ediuyjal ,s,,,s,,,,,,,_ interests: further, That out of this sum there may be expended $2,000 for the emplo ent of an editorial assistant, and $1,600 for an editorial clerk, in Vgaglhington, District of Columbia, to edit the reports of the field agents emploged under this appropriation. _ _ Investigating cost of production: or salaries and ag other actual ,,,{,’Q§,°§,§’§§““g °°“°' necessary expenses, including field investigations at home and abroad, VM- 25, P- 183- compensation of experts, special agents, to be employed in Washin - 2% gé;°7· ton, District of Columbia, or in the field, rental of quarters outside ’p` ` of the District of Columbia, when re ujred, purchase of books of reference, manuscripts, and periodic&, to enable the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce to ascertain at as early a date as possible, and whenever industrial chan es shall make it essential, the cost of producing articles at the time dutiable in the United States, in leading countries where such articles are produced, by fully specified units of production, and under a classification showing the different elements of cost, of such articles of production, including the wages paid in such industries per day, wee , month, or year, or by the piece; and hours employed per day; and the profits of manufacturers and producers of such articles; and the com arative cost of living and the kind of living; what articles are controlled by trusts or other combinations of capital, business operations, or labor, and what effect said trusts or other combinations of capital, business operations, or labor have on pxroduction and prices, $50,000. Promoting commerce, Sout and Central America: To further pro- égggixtgg mote and develop the commerce of the United States with South and emma america. Central America, including the employment of experts and special agents in Washington, District of Columbia, and elsewhere, purchase o books of reference and periodicals, reports, traveling and subsistence expenses of officers and employees, and all other necessary incidental expenses not included in the foregoing, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of Commerce, $100,000. Commercial attaches: For commercial attaches, to be appointed C°¤¤m°’°i¤‘&**¤¢¤é¤· by the Secretary of Commerce, after examination to be he under his direction to determine their competency, and to be accredited through the State Department, whose duties shall be to investigate and report upon such conditions in the manufacturing industries and trade of forei countries as mav be of interest to the United States; and for one ggrk to each of said commercial attaches to be paid a p_‘,;;“;w*’°"’*“‘¤ °§· salary not to exceed $1,500 each; and for necessary traveling and ’ i