Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1360

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cxxxvm INDEX. Naugatuck River, Conn., Pose Naval Academy—Continued. Page. preliminary examination, etc., of, to be admission for instruction authorized of made, Derby and Waterbury ... 406 Carlos Hevia y Reyes Gavilan, of Nautical Almanac and American Ephemeris, Cuba . 10 appro riation for preparing . 96,1100 of four Filipinos authorized 576 Naazwal Almanac Ojioe, appointments from enlisted men to, io. appropriation for assistants, etc . 96, 1100 creasedtoone hundred; conditions. . 1182 for pre Nautical Almanac .. 96,1100 course of instruction may be reduced to Navajo rvaL12m, Ariz., · three years, for a period of two appropriation for water supply for In— years . 1182 dianson ... . - . .. 130,974 number of midshipmen to be appointed for Ganado irrigationdlgoject on ,. 131, 974 increased .. 9 entries on lands with wn for, allowed 504 additional midshipmeu authorized, at tents, etc . . .. 1ar% ,,,_,___ _ ____________ _ ________ Navajo llrlgqhn Reservazzkm, N. Mex., from avy enlisted men ... . - - appropriation for highway from Mesa Verde Naval Almdiég, Park to Qallup, on ,.. 144, 981 appropriation for expenses. ... 557 1169 use oi Indian la _ or in construction . 144, 981 Naval Auxilrhrvies, ’ Naztzjo Inaaan Sanatm-rum, N. Mex., _ appropriation for maintenance . 561, 1172 appropriation fonmamtenance, etc., of., 12.:1, 970 for attenes for .,,,, 564, 1176 Navajo nglnans, Ariz., _ _ forammunition for .. 1176 appropurgaéuon for schools; drscretionaryiao 974 glaelncreocy appropriation framaintenance. . 30

.  , e e c., o unservicea e, ‘ ;

for water sup ly on reservation .. 130, 974 , proceeds 605 Navajo Indians, Mex., _ Naval Ausciliarjy Reserve, cost of bridge across San Juan Bnver, to composed of enrollments for war service be repaid from funds of 926 from merchant marino mm aux- Navajo National Monunwnt, Ariz., iligrios __,__,__.,,,,,_,,,,,__,__ , , . 591 approrgéuon for preservation of ruins, 132 to serve lpnly merchant ship typo of _ ; ·-----·---··--·~~-·· _ -·-·------ v esse ; eme ncies . ,..._,_.. 591 Nemo SIP'•Z¤9# Band of Ul¢ [71010718. C'0k>-, qualincations forrgraiik or rating limited,- 591 $PP!0P¤§¤0¤(§·11' §;;7é f1§:1dt;1b:% officlogls cogix-gand restricted ,,.,,,,_____ _ _ _ 592 gm; ro er .- ...,...,. 592 Naval A U¢$.g .. . . . . 152, 988 Naval Gout N _ _ 7 COID O DISH! 0 appropriation for professors and instruct- Force capable oi speciglvzlerlgiissgrh? . 0*** -·---·---··--·· ; --~-- _ --·------ 60 7·1186 or for the Navy, in defense of the D 51·, fgtgdi g|;Nd],5grg\;1g¤ of Sg=_;(_·1·9· coast _______ _ ______ _ _______ _ ______ 592 _ 0 0 0VY; 80101111* lm- classes of service specified; rank or rat- 1 ,_,, ,,_ , _ _,_______,___,_ . . , . ,_,, 607 ° 0]* 113]].6 _______ _ use for omcers performing duties done yach1t?g¢?rfpo:¤'v}1;ichbo(izt owiigrr contracts 592 pgkpnfggggleuprior to Jennery mo _ wmi,_surs¤rizea . Z . 592 bf ¤W0¤1’¤1¤¤¢¢1', ¤¤¤1¤l'·¤¤$¤, Q10 --·~·· 607. H86 acuveoienoicomlaiesnlxmtdqngorexiency uiiin for watchmen, etc .. 607, 1186 raging and rank _______ _ _ _ ’ 592 for d0‘P¤’*·¤10¤* of ordnance 0-Hd 8110* annualretamer y.. .. 592 nery .. . .. _ .. 608, 1186 Naval Co1;.mlting%1ard, Civilian · . for departgieolts of electrical engineer- appropriation for expenses. .-.: ... 558 1169 mgm; oa .,._.,._.,_,_, sos, use , ’ for departmel)1t)oilseamanship ... 608, 1187 N&(;gm?£n2%lp;’ imma ts t for department of marine engineering m.ig,·ml 3 illtmlglou, I. bn tj 0 c' I 573 and naval construction. . ... 608,1187 examiuggzm. aug Oda °n°ry’ ra 573 for commrssary department. . ... 608, 1187 dental su, nS’ qzk ca 01:; '‘°'‘‘‘‘‘' 523 fordopartmgngofbuildiugggudgmu¤dg__ 1137 - gm ‘ ¥° .’ FQ? ° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘’ 5’4 forcurrent and miscellaneous ex uses 608 1187 Sem?9 pmm°t1°m’ · uplt `‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 574 ,0,, ,,00,;,,,0, ub __________ 608;,,8, epporntment of enstms <>¤i¢er¤: rank, for oxpoopop, gfVj1git,01-g _____ _ _ 608, 1137 retire Emi ‘‘‘‘‘ ·‘ 1 ‘`’`’‘‘‘‘'`‘‘‘`‘‘`‘`‘‘‘ 574 ·=·»¤·»·~»·1=·=;»,·-. es-, of Ben of rem 1... .,¥“,2‘l..’;;°X‘d“.?$“.z.;.1;.;.;‘rg.‘ 57* m°dm. ‘= ‘········ 2 ·····‘‘·‘‘‘···· 608 tial sentences etc C - 574 i3$§é’£ °$A§i“.E’€£2`;*§'$‘Z§$siZ $33; iii? °’s,;M=·**¤¤ of New Demi Rssers Ceres 574 for temporary quarters for midship— {np°mrY °°m°°· em ······ . ····· : ····· 5 74 mem ________________ _ ____________ 1188 servnce credit for officers appointed in ---- 1182 for mnt, gte ____ _ ______________ _ ____ 6097 1183 Nq1’Gl Em€7‘9¢’M’!/ C0"¢·9”'1¢¢'¢i07|, gm- se, ,,,,11: ____ _ ______________________ 567 issue of bonds to mee_t expenditures -~---· 1201 for ,,,,,1;,,11,;,7,,, of d,,_1,y md 1,,,.,,,; repay, amogmt. maturity. mterest . . .. 1201 ment from store fund ,,,_ , _________ 603 no circulation privilege- ,..,.. . ,,,.,,, 1201 for engineering experimentstation . . 607, 1186 *PP'0P?¤m0¤ 0!' °xP0¤0°¤ of P1'0P0·!'i¤€· for Eubhcmworks; extending Bancroft N Z etc ... 1201 _ , G _ . .; .. _ . 1178 ova Emergency Fund, deilf-‘1€¤€Y_0PPY0P¤$¤10¤fo! YGSNFS --·-.-. @5 appropriation for economical and expedi-

  • 0*-108 °¤¤*8¤¤ fo¥ 0¤8L¤€€¤¤€ 111)* only to tions delivery of shi , war material,

piusueoneyeafs mstmctionat . 580 a1rc1att,etc.;imm¢¤giiitelyavai1able 1192