Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1382

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gl; IEEX. Penitentiaries, United States—C0nti11ued. Pm- Pqn:io·ns—Continued._ _ _ P¤~2e· appropriation for c0nstruction,Atlnnta, Ga 311 iucreased rate tq W'1d0W, wife of soldier use for new buildings forbidden 311 during Civil War service . . 844 for maintenance ... 314 at age of 70_, to t]i0se whose husbands deiiciency appropriation for Leavenworth, served 111 Civil, Mexican, or 1812 Kam., construction 42 wars - . ... 844 . im- Atlanta, Ga., construction ... 42 children’s pensions not affected . 845 for Atlanta, Ga., maintenance . . . . . 819 no present fpension reduced Z ... 845 for Leavenworth, Kaus., maintenance. . 819 restoration 0 , dropped for remarriage, on for McN eil Island, Wash. , maintenance . . 819 becoming a widow; conditions .. 845 commission created to submit Plans, etc., allowance if£ension_granted to clqild- -- 845 for manufacturing artic es for the widows of sol ers dying from Civil War Government at 819 service, but deprived by subsequent appropriation for expenses . ..,. 819 marringségnti ed ..,. _. . 845 Penmngkm County, Minn., _ whose lms ds were honoralgly discondemned cannon granted to, for Thief charged from War service, and River Falls.  ; . 833 remarried, entitled .. _ ... 845 Pmnington County, S. Dak., under previous law, if married prior to restriction removed from home- Jtme 27, 1905.-: .. ...;..-1. 845 stead entries in Black Hills "ational laws ap licable to National Guard members Forest 440 into service in time of war. 211 Pennsylvania and Newark Railroad Cmrgiany, restriction on War loyalty for retime extended for bridging Delaware `ver, _ ceiving, repealed .. , . . . 649 Trenton, N. J., by ... .. 861 special, to beMpa1d persons on Army and Pennsylvamh Railroad Cormlgany, Navy_ edal of Honor Roll; linumay bgdge Allegheny 'vet at Oil City, 4 P _ ta(t'.i0ns, etc. . . 54 a emwm, ommmwner 0 , time extended for brid€ng` Delaware River, tion for, deputy, clerks, etc .. 100, 1104 Trenton, N. J., y . 861 Pm? Pensacola, Fla., appropriation for public building .. 267 appropriation for improvement of harb0r.. 396 foreign nations invited to send delegates orrspsiring storm damages, navalaero- to International Farm Congress at nautic station. .» ... 567 Soil-Products Exposition ... . . - . 1168 for public works, aeronautic station. 1178 Pcrdido Bay, Pemiem Ojfice, Interior Departgncnt, bridge authorized acres, Lillian, Ala., to appropriation for Commimoner, deputy, Point, Fla .. . 235 examiners, etc . 00, 1104 Perdido Be? and Compan , for disbursing clerk for pensions, deputir, may bri go P 0 Bay, Ala., to etc .. . . 00, 1104 Cummings, Fla . ... 235 for clerks, etc . . . Persia, { 252 1048 resu·ictionon611mg' vacancies . ap 'u orministerto , for EI diem, special examiners, etc. . 101, 1104 2;-0 terpreter to lcgation, etc. .. 253, 1049 · for_ bor saving devices, etc . ...1 101,.1106 for interpueters and guards at consuldeiicnency appropriation for mvesugatmg, atss un . 261, 1057 etc., buginem methods of. .. .. .. 801 Personal Property, D. C., · for labor saving devices, etc 801 assessment of annual tax on intangible, of· Pensions, _ t_ { _ _ of d residents,_ ... . appropna ion or cnet , ep , savings depon over $500, oxen .. clerks, etc. ... ww, 1104 rate reduced ... 1046 for disbursing clerk for payment of. . 100, 1104 exemgtions extended . . 1046 for Army an Nag. . .. 242, 1132 Pcrumal ax Board, D. C'., Navy from naw fund 242, 1132 appropriation for salaries ... . .. 678,1006 separate accounts required 242, 1132 Personnel of the Navy, Commissioned (use medal of honor pensioners 242 alao Navy), for fees, etc., exnmimgig surgeons 242, 1132 provisions establishing ... 576 fee, etc., establish for examination Peru, at claimant’s residence . ... 1132 appropriation for minister to ... . . . . 252, 1048 deficiency appropriation fo1·Anny 30, 33, 826 Pam uma Greek, Cal., for Navy .. 30 appropriation for improvement of - . . . 404

or fees, etc., examining . 30, Petroleum, _ to for

or improving methods o paying, etc. .. appropriation r inves¤ga' tions ecoattomeys allowed no fee_ for wid0ws’ in· nomic production, etc., of .. 302 _ creased gensmn claims . ... 845 Petroleum Reserves, Naval, hunted fcuexnsutements . 845 ap ristion io: care, etc . 570, 1179 double, allowed for naval aviation acci- Pettypggmd, N. J., dents . .. _ .. 585 bridge authorized acme Delaware River, granted to survivors of designated Indian at 872 mmpaigns, etc., from 1851 to 1891.. 1199 Pharmacists, Alaska, widows included, if not remanied .. 1200 restrictions on using, etc., pure alcohol by. 903 Tyler’s Rangers, included .. 1200 Pharmacnkts, D. C. (au also , D, G.), records of service accepted . . .. 1200 restrictions on sales of alco lic liquon, fee contracts with attorneys void. . . 1200 gm: by ____ _ _______,___________ _ _ _ 1123 determination of service from State, etc., Phunnacopma, United »$¢am, ¤¤<¤>¥d¤ -··-·--·-· _ ··-·-.-..-·.. 1200 appro tion for coopera ° in revision loyalty proof not applicable . . . 1201 Pg: 464. 1152