Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1392

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elm INDEX. Postal Service-(éontinued. kin t PBR- .P¢§z¢él »§'er·¤ice—-Continuectifo f railroad Page ‘ ‘ , etc. e cienc appropna n or “pp’°’{”iiiii1i.?iii(iitii i.i.iliiS.. 421,1067 relies- . . 21...,), .. 24.820,8;; { 1 tu, b 1 , tc ___.. . . .. 421 for electric an ca e car service fg; v$raplpi1iga]“?ac;·erf twine, etc . 422 for indemnity, lost registered matter, for twine and tying devices . 1067 etc .-·-·--···--·~-----··----- - - - - 24, 827 ior facing slips, etc Q { . . , . . .1. 422 ger statiolnvilry ------ ---..·------- gi base, exchange, e ., 0 IDIBCB - OI C1 e V€!'Y8l1 166 . -- ---. or Iixicus articles ,,_.. . ... 422,1067 mr twtirpe, etc .. 24 {Oi- I-ui-el delivery equipment · 422, 1067 for facing slips, etc . - 24 for expenses, sb1pping supplies, etc., 422, 1067 for star routes, except Alaska . . 24, 827 éor preparifxg post mute mgps; . . 432, 1067 ill! p08tm2il>€1‘S .- 820, unece leneo es, an or unusua con ons .. . . , or second clamusfiialsli? . . . . 422 for freight on postal cards, etc 820, 827, 830 for ekzipment, first and second class 422 ;0r in A1:ls1l<)a ..- gig, gg? o ces ,,,,..,,,,,,,... . ... or , etc., wances ... . . , { lin machin , etc ...,., 422 1067 for special iiialivery ..,.. 820 tg; cl;i>1oc:sawgingCdevii:(;sesi1etc . g . 422; 1323 {cr oiliicel appligncesg ... . .. . 827 f r ment, i e `very ervice-. . or in emm es omestic reg1ste1'ed° fgr exgauilfbags, 10c%, keys, etc., equip- ·--·- ’ ··-. : -.. . -··.. 827 merit ehop expenses ... . 422, 1068 for shipment of supplies .., 827, 830 special equipments, deparunentizz 1068 §or ._ . A]eek9,, to ,__,,,___,..,... .. or msurance .,. for labor, eqiiipment shops, etc .. 422: 1068 for may Mail Service . 827, 830 for sts; routes, except Alaska. . . . 422, 1068 for post office car service 827 discontinued where served by rxugég 1068 §or ruralddellwery . . 8% d li .,,,,..,... , or cit e `very . 827 8 new: restricted .. . 423, 1068 for revivards, etc ..,.. , 827 for rural delivery gervice . 423, 123; éor assistant postniasters and clerks . é27 gg reorganization o service. or separating . - . for extending pmceltplost for farm prod- 424 ger Snthhghggtnd fuel .. 827; 833 ucts; experixuen _ or er in 0 8 i vil ‘ eliv second and third for int lio seals ,... . .. 827 or clalxihces- ... 424, 1068 for posigl cards 827 for travel and miscellaneous . 424, 1068 for deposits to credit of miscellaneous for supplgg deficiencies, payable from receipts . . ..,,. 827 the ssury . i.. 1424, 1068 ger E. Mlggrgan .. 827 transporting secon c y or misce eous items, an secon freight . 424 class offices . . . . ,. . . 830 increase allowed railroads for parcel for Marshall Field and Com y 830 E limit of weight increase 425 canceling stamp authorized F;} Newark, adsallowed for increase of parcel N. J., two hundred and iiftieth anpost weight specified zones. . 425 G niversary celebration ..,,,,, . ... 530 readjustmaent railroad routes com- ulfport, Miss., to commemorate M1•·' pensatiim .. 425 simi Centennial Ex 'tion .. 854 parcel_post service modiiications au- 111. to adthonzed; approval of Interstate minion of Iliinoisu s Staten ... 862 Ct<;mmerceCommimionastoweights, 431 claims extended to Navy mail 163 e .··-. . . c er .. . ... . .. contraectiis Igor transportatioxlij may be fhonuact st.ations,ltwo£yearati<;ms allovged for 163 sign an Assrstan ostmsste ’ erted mails imi o r t _Ge¤er¤l . . 1068 V weighing peri0dsIi·e§;lv;?lli??. .1.,. 7. 116 for increased pity tagprpggoyees receiving 069 empty mail bags may returned to not more an , ayear 1 inemergency cases; cart .. 160 onlyemployees underthis act affected. 1069 first clam mail limit of weight to be sag: as gist _ ts fsalaries Ever $800 excluded}; 1069 hm] fourth-; . ..,, , _,,_,,.. . - , , 162 nc or uting suppl1es' to 't to pen ty privilege matter . . . . 162 designated ... . . 1069 fourth class iii es; ' f r liquor advertisements, etc., not to be gghier cla£) ed’ 163

 toplaces where laws prohibit imue of duplicates for lost, etc., checks or

soliciting orders for liquors, etc . 1069 warrants ...,,., 38

ti<;rf  orbiddenmat- 1069 mail in bulkfaicxegted for tmnsmisiong
venue gg rm; ____ _ __________ 1; _ ________ 162

punishment for interstate u· fourtii classcmatter .. , 162 tionotintoniqmrtsinw Stateor e¤i· money or securities from ’1‘rwsury Detory prohibiting mls, etc., therein. . 1069 partment .,.,. , _______,,_,,,,_ 162 no ];s‘h‘lg>r12;i:11;1tict_hqmns<:ont:ary to State 1069 Popyayment of postage required 163 _ 4 --~,·_·; ·-···... savingssystem modified .,,,. .. . . 159 ncucesoi States pmhibl li sd- punishmeu f ‘urym’ gms;] miggisggierztg tp lie pggd, . . . 1069 etc. .t. FT .,,, 162 _e¤¢¤,7 ·-·--·.·.-.. 1202 mailing" .tzhms•g¤mf Presid¤g;¤;¤¤y *Pl“'°P1'i¤F¥¤¤ f¤r mail been 23, 823 aeétiiii . ii-, ,, &° ... 919 €¤¤8¤¥ §°¥’V1¢¤~ ····-·--·—···~-· 7 ltilmsd transportatium reufustment of £°“' "*8°¤ °°'“°°· ··-~···-······· · ····· 23 pay for; service . . . 425