Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/151

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130 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 125. 1916. Arilzona, as providedthinsthe Act of IA‘pril fourth, ninetileendherrlndreg an ten (Y1`h1rt' ·six tatutes at rge, page two un an seventyjthree), for the purpose of securing an appropriation of water for thefglrggtroré of approximately oéie hrmdred tzilnd fifty thouxnd acres o an or maintaining an operating e pumpin p t, R°”"""'°"*"‘ $%g,000,_{·eimburj1‘;•.(§>le as provided in said Act, and to remaiigr avzilila e untr expen .

,,%?"° I“‘""‘ "“' For improvement and sinking of wells, installation of pumpin

mr =¤PPl¥ *°*· machinery, construction of tanks for domestic and stock water, ang for the necessary structures for the develoéament and distribution of a sulgiply of water and for maintenance an operation of constructed N wor , or Papago Indian villages m southern Arizona, $20,000. S,*¥,’2{",,;,,,,,,,,,_ To enable the Secretary of the Interior to carry mto effect the V¤¤· 15. r· W- Erovrsions of the sixth article of the treaty of June first, e` hteen undred and sixty ht between the United States and the lgavajo Nation or ofullndians, proclaimed A t twelfth, eighteen "%“‘*’°§ “??..2$Z?;?“°a"“?t‘i&£ ""‘i t‘ir“"ifhg`i’S°“‘?i—°,r“g‘°°S °° Pm viescoo _ or ec _ no e avajo `beoflndia , ni¤ai¤m, me §1(£é000= Ptriomndgd, Thlat the said Secretary may egrpend said fungi, Dmmping um mliordcrscreoutin n, mthestg lrglhorng or enlarging day or mdustrral schools. ,,,,,1,,, _ urng e ev pment 0 a water supply for the N ava 0 Indians on the Navago Reservation $25,000, to be immediately irlvlgble, I‘6ai1I?R)\L‘S&b10 out of any funds of said Indians now or °“·“’*"· °r¤»t°r»¤gi¤m¤r lv · g ria constru a b ai ni · · . _ dran Se f

{m;,$ m with a bridge superstructurd: atiild tyire riecessary coInnt1c·:lliii awgglg

' for diverting water from the Gila River for the irrigation og Indian land and Indian allotments on the Gila River Indian Reservation, Arizona, as recommended by the Board of Engineers of the United States Army m parawuph two hrmdred and seventeen of its resort

2,d**·2,Ss..,a°;8—*i1a...**D2f,,*AZ.·:”**:·**"°b."*:a¤***· meimdksn ms

_ _ en num seven yum m ninety-one), $75,000, to be_1mmed1ately available andm to reniign $$,1 ,,_ ah available until expended, reimbursable as provided in section two of the Act oftlA1égu.:tt;vent -fourth, nineteen hundred and twelve ('Tlurty-seven a u at , ii lr dred - Sm mw um two), the total cost not to ex%(;2g08F:)0.v0 lm and twenty mwzséu mu for im. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed ,,,,_...,,_ to provide for water rights m perpetuity for the irrigation or six hurildrted bang thirtyging Sallt giver Indian allotments of ten acres eac , 0 e es t mmigg · · Prom from works conlgtlrfdcted {nd; tlie provigiifiil dg glildilggcégexidfggir aamtiimmqm. and Acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto: Provided, That the reclamation fund shall be rermbrused therefor u on terms {;l;re;§rtrlnJ;amaésnt;igs{aalp5s0vi1<'i·?él trgdsgrd Arg or riots for reimlgursement ' ia . . a ` Im l°m‘°s approlprrated $20,000, or so muchytliialreovfods Sriigrdbtehrlilelizelgisgrcltg Gila RM! Rmrw paig the installment of the charges when made for said wjater um, ac. d or beginning the construction by the Service of a diversion mvwmm dm M Ram and necessaq controlling works for diverting water from the Gila Pilg¤k?mtrmas in rver at a site a ove Florence, Arizona, as estimated by the Board ’· of Engineer Officers of the United States Arm in paragra h one hundred and thirty-eight of its report to the &crctar of 8Var of February fourteenth, mneteen hrmdred and fourteen (lélouse Documen? lgumberic-id Seven hundred and ninety-one), $75,000, to remain ,1:;,0,,80,: gym ak; gllglht ergended, the total cost not to exceed $175,000: em amen. rw: _, _ at said dam shall be constructed as a part of 8, i·o'ect Eggs irrigation from the natural flow of the Gila River of Indian on the Gila River Indian Reservation and private and public