Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/26

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 11-13. 1916. 5

 Act To authorize Butler County, Missouri, to construct a bridge ¥¤&¤?fI{z4h%¤-

Pumas, N 6. Be it enacted byjhe Senate and House ri>_fRegresentatives of the United BEM Rh; I Staltes o_gAme151ca in (fioiagresa azaewibled, _ liat utlef Coimtty, Mifloiiéri, mpyuggigcouuzy, ue. is ere y au orize cons ruc mam am an opera e a ge ‘ and approaches thereto across Black River,,at a point suitable to the interests of navigation at or near the south line of section ten, township twenty-three north, range seven east, Butler County, in §J°0gjggg*i°¤- the State of Missouri, in accordance with the provisions of the Act ` entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navi- v°1-3*·P·“~ gagle _ waters," approved March twenty-third, nineteen hundred an six. Sec. That gile right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby ¤¤•¤d¤¤¤*· express y reserv . Approved, January 14, 1916. cnn. 2.- ·r · ui om w Virginia' ‘ · · ’"·°'·';,',,,’·’°’°· agus .i.edg$“.e%§IaZ 3`ii‘Z“‘i§$2r .t°as aTy0?§aaas¤E3°§e§‘aT"&‘£r§? 0. , 0. . St€;.‘f,;".&‘°‘.m..,"“’-“$2‘€m.°“‘;3T.£?J“.£%‘;fT’£§€t'§Z*6“£.i”%.‘Z*s¢.”.g.""“;i 2sss·v..s...- — o- a . Bridge Company, a co ration organized and exis under the i:¤".i§°, ( laws of the State of mt Virginia, its successors gid assigns, is "“°·°“°· hereby authorized to construct maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Chic River, at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, to and into Cross Creek District, in the County of Brooke, in the State of West Virginia, from the southern end of the city cg Steubelrxihlle, m the Copntiy of Jefl`etrp§p,‘§t:2ec of Ohio in °°"°‘“'°'·*°”· accor ance wit e rovisionso e ct enti t for ate VN- 3¢·1>·¤4· the constiixpition of lliridlgesdcggr naivigable waters," approvedegdrch twenty- nineteen un an six. Sec. ?. Tliat giie right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby *”"”"“'“*· express y reserv . Approved, January 17, 1916. cnn. 18.-An Act re suumize me mmueaeu or bridges acrom me rex River "“`i?Fiii6.}°'°‘ at Aurora, Illinois. Be it enacted by the Senate and Houaeo Representatives dike United States of America in Congress assembkd, llhat the Chic o, Burlington gbi¤=s•£°x Rmiiwunerw and Quinc Railroad Compan , a corporation organiz§ and existing °c'L§1.,°%.,y'{$Tu;,,3"§‘,T1 under the laws of the State oz Illinois, its successors and assigns, be, °° *“'°"*·m ,

 is hereby, authorized to construct, maintain, and operate two

bridges across the Fox River, in the city of Aurora, State of Illinois, °°¤¤*'¤°**°¤· in accordance with the Act of Congress entitled "An Act to regulate v°'· 3** *’· “· the construction of bridges across navigable waters," approved arch twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six, as follows: mmm (1)_ A bridge over the east branch or channel of the Fox River in the city of Aurora, State of lllinois, at a point suitable to the inter- Klts of ngvixion, abt<1:utFfourRl;undred feet below the existing North venue ri over e ox ver. {2% Abriipldge ovg the west br?nch or channel bri the Fox Riyer at a 111 to einterestso D8VlgB· tion a ut sixteen un lz? the North Avenue Bridge, in the ,city of Aurora, State of Illinois.