Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/295

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274 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 209. 1916. the sum of $100 at andy; one buildiri), $1,700,000. The appropriation °°“ g°"°"’°”· made herein for gas all include e rental and use of gas governors, §[,'j1",§’{· when ordered by the Secretary of the Treasury m writing: Provided, 'l‘hat rentals shall not be paid for such gas governors greater than thirty-five_ per centum of the actual value of the gas saved thereby, 1 plhrcrmsavrng iii]? dtetermmed by such tests as the Secretary of e asury s . ,,,{“°"‘“""‘*°“l’° S°“" fD£1ri’rfg the fiscal yegnincggaen hunprtid and seventteen tlre0S;<;retary F¤¤¤*S** ¤'=¤¤=¤ o the reas is au oriz out o e a propria ions rating m' mwglgmwm supplies for iiiiblic buildings’ ', and "Operat&g force for public buildings, to furnish steam for the operation of lpneumatrc tubes of the Postal Service, as heretofore, and to pay employees m the production of said steam, as heretofore, the proceeds derived from the sale of said steam to be credited to said appropriations in proportion to the amounts expended therefrom. summer, N. Y. Salamanca, New York, groimd rent: For annual ground rent of the °""“‘° ’°"" Federal building site at Salamanca, New York, on account of Indian leases, due an payable on February nmeteenth of each year,_ m adgance, to the tretairrer of the Sleneca Natuzln of Ind1ans,dbeg1nn1ng Fe ruary nineteen nineteen undred an teen an expiring February nineteenthfnineteen hundred and ninety-orfe, $7.50. cme emu. ooasr ouarm. i Expcndimrw. For every expenditure requisite for and incident to the authorized work of the Coast Guard, as follows: mrggédctgégmnmd For pay and éllowances preécnbed by law]; for nlcpsrntcrsissioned omcers warrant officers petty officers an other e men active andiretired, temporary substitute surfmen, not exceeding twenty- one cadets and cadet engineers who are hereby authorized, and one civilian mstructor, $3,780,000; Remus. For rations or commutation thereof for warrant officers, petty officers, and other enlisted men, $430,000; t cig-tgs w suporm- For twelve clerks to district superintendents, at such rate as the °° Secretary of the Treasury may determine, not to exceed $900 each, $10 800- Fuel. For fiiel and water for vessels, stations, and houses of ref e $"60 000- ug ’ °°”°“·°*f· $3l?‘6i1£)0c;)1it§ts, ship chandlery, and engineers’ stores for the same, Ofsgtga md nom i Fdr rebuilding and repairing stations and houses of refuge, tem- ` porary leases, rent, and improvements of property for Coast Guard pulgposes, miludingluse of additional land where necessary, $175,000; '1‘¤W•¤i¤¢¤¤¤¤¤¤<¤~ or actu trave ing expenses or milea , in the d` f f th Secretary of the Treasury, for officers, andeactual iaraifliiigodlxgenseg

rB>gp<;Lfl€1eI;·8ple€mé>:§1(;s Otggyeling on duty under orders from the Treasury

na:p¤i1¤y;q¤g<»¤. _ For carryin oiit the rovisions of sections seven a d ht f th P,`.,,‘§{‘ *2*** °"`°'*°”· Act approved%{ay fourth, eighteen hundred and eight;-tviiiig; $53,000i nmammis, For draft animals and their maintenance, $20,000; reiepimuss. For telephone lines and care of the same, $20,000; Special emma, ger compensattion for special sprgices, $64,200; d ¤,,,,m,_€Et._ S _ or con mgen expenses mc u mg supp es an ° ’ { 4*% 1;***-rpm as houses of refuge and for shipwrecked persons succoredpbiyvltligngoagt Guard, wharfage, towage, freight, storage, repairs to station apparatus, advertismv, surveys, medals, stationery, labor, newspapers and periodlacaills for statisficiald puigposes, and all other necessary expnenses w ic are not inc u e un er any other heading $50 000. _ au, $5,199 soo. ’ ’ R°P°“” ‘° °““°”· For repairs to Coast Guard cutters, $175,000.