Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/36

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 37. 1916. 15 pgiated, to supply further urgent deficiencies in appropriations for the cal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, and prior years, and or other purposes, namely: LINCOLN MEMORIAL COMMISSION. m*;Q**;•gLPm“°***"“ For improvements in and additions to the Lincoln Memorial, and ¤eC$Z°»ii$}i°Zii°u’ °t°" for masonry steps and approaches and terrace wall, not heretofore mI_gL*,§° °‘ °°“ i**· provided for, and for eac and every purgose connected therewith, Vol. $6.1-*·898· $263,000, to remain available until expen ed, and the limit of cost gf the said Lincoln Memorial is hereby increased from $2,000,000 to 2 594,000. , BUREAU OF EFFICIENCY. B¤*•·¤<·f¤¤*=*¤·=>*· Eor investigating duplication of statistical and other work in the pgxfg °' ***‘"”**· various bran es 0 the Government service, $1 200: Promkled, That 1>m»¤’m.' hereafter the Division of Eiliciency of the Civil Service Commission peiiteidiizdogstslxilllitlit shall be an independent establishment and shall be known as the ***9,.***- E, 0, m Hs Biuiean of Efiicienc ; and the officers and employees of the said division ae. ’ shall be transferred to the Bureau of Efliciency without rea point- P°""*""°‘ ment, and the and papers pertaining to the work of the said division and the fumiture, eqmfpment, and supplies that have been purchigrsed for éghillh bg trans to thegisaid bureau: And pro- Dum mmfmd mi urther the uties ting to ciency ratings imposed vic upon the Civiil Service Commission by section four of the egislative, °r ° executive, and apgropmation Act apiproved August twenty- V"' °7’ ***13* third, nineteen undred an twelve, and the uty of investiglating tlie administrative needs of the service relating to personnel in the several executive departmenis and independent establishments, imposed on the Civil Commission by the legislative, executive, and 'udi- V°'· °"· P· ’5°· cial appropriation Act approve March fourth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, are transferred to the Bureau of Efficiency. Civil Service Comcivn. snnvicn commission. “*“"‘°“· For necessary traveling expenses, including those of examiners _,,T"'°”“‘ °’P°“'°· acting under the direction of the commission, and for expenses of exammations and investigations held elsewhere than at Washington, and attendance at meetings of public ofllcials, $6,000. For field examiners at the rate of $1,500 (ger annum each, for Fwd °"'“*"°”· work m connection with members of local boar and other necessary work as directed by the commission, $300. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. ,,,§,‘;§2,{,f,,§,‘;‘,§,'},,,°f’“" For authorized expenditures necessary in the execution of laws to E‘P°***°*~ regulate commerce, including the same objects under head m the sundry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal year nmeteen hundred and sixteen, $100,000. nnriiriwmivr or srlrrn. **·¤·***¤·¤*°’S°·** ronmen mmncounsm. '°"i"‘ i"°°'°°°”°‘ Exposition in city of Panama: For additional amount for the ,§’,Q°“m§’§; Suitable [Larticipation by the United States in an exposition to be P°$*j5·38 D lm held m the cif? of Panama, including the same 0b]ects specified ’ ` under this hea in the Diplomatic an Consular alapropriation Act foI' the Hscal year nineteen hundred and sixteen, an also Such 00m- P°yd°°`m°mm°' pensation to the Commissioner of the United States appointed by ‘*tW.t2*:,e.**..¤mS:“;**¤ <tS2;*s;·.·.E.2g*:?*s·a..¥E2°°·, .. M

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