Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/366

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 220, 225. 1916. 345 that where the land embraced in the additional entry is located not m§;F*·Q‘°°';;;°,;°,} ‘°“""' exceeding twent miles from the land embraced in the original entry ° no residence shall be required on such additional entry if the entry- man is residing on his former entry: And provided gurther, That this m{¤1$gi¤¤:°:•¤¤wrie¤¤ section shall not be construed as affecting any rig ts as to location °° of soldiers’ additional homesteads under section twenty-three hundred and six of the Revised Statutes." R‘S‘·’°°·2°°°·P"22· Approved, July 3, 1916. CHAP. 225.-An Act Making appropriations for fortifications and other works_of [{?I{£’1g},gj] defense, for the armament thereof, for the procurement of heavy ordnance for trial ———- and service, and for other purposes. lP“bH°· N°· md Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are p,§§{,?,m’°’“ “"` appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be immediately available and to continue available until expended, namely: FORTIFICATIONS »AND OTHER· WORKS··OF DEFENSE. msemmur nnrnerumrvr. · ,,;”,,{‘_‘“‘°°' D'*""' For construction of guns and mortar batteries, $2,300,000. miie? nd mm b°°` For modernizing older emplacements, $78,500. pi,E$°¤`l;gl§m”g °'”` For construction of fire—control stations and accessories, includin Fi¤•*>¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¢i¤¤¤- purchase of lands and rights of way, purchase and installation ol necessary lines and means of electrical communication, including telephones, dial and other telegraphs, wirirglg and all special instruments, apparatus, and materials, coast sign apparatus, and salaries of electrical experts, engineers, and other necessary em loyees con- hmmm nected with the use of coast artillery; purchase, manullrcture, and ` test of range finders and other instruments for fire control at the fortifications, and the machinery necessary for their manufacture at the arsenals, $600,000. For maintenance of Coast Artillery war-instruction materiel at ""' Coast Artillery posts, including necessary material and labor therefor and for extra-duty pay to soldiers necessarily employed for periods not less than ten days, $1,250. For purchase and installation of searchlights for the defenses of our 8°"°°”‘m" most important harbors, $226,700. For protection, preservation, and repair of fortifications for which P"°°"‘°m’ °°°‘ there may be no s ecial a propriation available, and of structures for the torpedo dellense ofp the United States and for maintaining channels for access to torpedo wharves, $250,000. Gunn, Tm For the repair and restoration of sea walls, retaining walls, and Rol*l¥i¤8 mum. fill, and for urgent repairs to batteries, in the defenses o Galveston, °°°‘ Texas, $303,500. P,m,_ For preparation of plans for fortifications and other works of defense, $25,000. Suppms M M For maintenance and repair of searchlights and electric light and ¤ri¤p1¤·¤¤? ' power equipment for seacoast fortifications, and for tools, e ectrical and other supplies, and appliances to be used in their operation, mcluding the purchase of reserve lights, $40,000. .1.,],.,,,,,,, sm,,_,m,,, For construction of casemates, cable galleries, torpedo cw. storehouses, cable tanks, an other structures necewary for the operation, preservation, and care of submarine mines and their

ries, and for providing channels for access to torpedo wharves,
