Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/416

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 260. 1916. 395 Meherrin River, North Carolina: For maintenance, $2,500. CN°h°"*” ‘R*'°'· N- Fishing Creek, North Carolina: For maintenance, $1,000. `ramng emk,N. c. Pamhco and Tar Rivers, North Carolina: For maintenance, $4,500. R§:;;”g° Cmd TN Bay River, North Carolina: For maintenance, $1,000. Bay {rum, N. c. Neuse and Trent Rivers, North Carolina: For maintenance, $2 ,000. R?§gfj°N ”gd 'f*°¤° Swift Creek, North Carolina: For maintenance, $1,000. swnicieeies. c. Waterway from Pamlico Sound to Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina: S0VuQ’ {S,},“:r'{**{flQ For maintenance, $6,500. let,N.C. Waterway connecting Core Sound and Beaufort Harbor, North Bfggm Sgugd md

 For maintenance of channel by way of Taylors Creek, ’ `

New River and waterways to Beaufort, North Carolina: For CNW R*”*’»°°°-· N- maintenance of New River and of inland waterways between Beaufort ' giaaggr and New River and between New River and Swansboro, Northeast, Black, and Cape Fear Rivers, North Carolina: For mN°,§‘”,§*"»°°¤»R"· mamtenance of impgovernent of Northeast and Black Rivers and of ’ ` Cage Fear River a ve Wilmington, $8,500. · _ ape Fear River above Wilmington, North Carolina: Completing ccggvfgffmi ;N· imgrovement and for maintenance, $83,000. - · - " · ape Fear River at and below Wilmington, North Carolina: ,0y¤¤=*¤¢°°¤¤-¤d *>°- Coxnépleting improvement and for maintenance, $135,000. ' myah Bay, South Carolina: Continuing improvement and for Wi¤¥¤¤ B¤v»S·¤· mxiéatenance; $§600,000. ~ 1 · d Amga k ( · aterwa tween eston an for o ite W¤*¤¤·¤Y¤ €¤¤¤1·¤- McClellanv1l`yB)South cmum; rex maintenance, 1¤e1uangi,§c1i ‘é’.'$.kT‘1;°¥¤i“‘*““‘°‘ to Morrisons Landing, $15,000. , Charleston Harbor, South Carolina: Completing improvement of ¤1>¤r1¤¤¤>¤,S.C. the twenty-eight-foot channel to the sea, $70,000; for maintenance of improvement of Ashley River, $10,000; in all, $80,000. Waccamaw River, North Carolina and South Carolina: Complet- NVg»w<¤>g¤gwC Rim, ing improvement and for maintenance, $8,500. ,,,,,,°;` ,,8,,w` mm Great Pedee River, South Carolina: For maintenance, $5,000. $-0- ' Santee, Wateree, and Congaree Rivers, South Carolina: For main- same, aa, Rams, tenance of im rovement, mcluding the Esthervi1le—Minim Creek S· °· Canal and the Ciingaree River as far up as the Gervais Street Bridge, Oollrilarilbiim $55,000. be S h G d B of W n waterway tween avanna , eorgia, an ea ort, ¤=·¤;w¤>’» S¤¤¤· South Carolina: For maintenance, $2,500. iii}? sqcf md Bm Harbor at Savannah, Georgia: Completing improvement and for S¤v¤¤¤¤¤·¤¤- malilnltenance, g5;5,000t£h R A GB CO 1 _ roving vann iver at ugusta, orgia: mp eting S-¤¤¤¤¤ BM! ¤¢ improlifement in accordance with the rgcport of the Board of Engineers A°g°°t°' G°` for Rivers and Harbors submitted in ivers and Harbors Committee gocument Numbered Four, Sixty-fourth Congress, iirst session, 3,000. Harbor at Darien, Georgia: For maintenance, $4,000. D=¤’i¤¤»G& Harbor at Brunswick, Georgia: For maintenance, $36,250. Brunswick, ca $ Savannah River, Georgia: For maintenance below Augusta, m`§¤A{§{W¤;QLR*¤ be 29,000. Altamaha, Oconee, and Ocmulgee Rivers, Georgia: Continuing mA1g_¤:==>¤¤»¤¤¤. BW im rovement and for maintenance, $60,000. _ '_ _ Blint River, Georgia: Continuing improvement and for mamte- F“”°R"'°‘·G* nance, $60,000. _ _ Waterway between Savannah, Georgia, and Fernandma, Florida: m¥:f,°,§‘{.",,’,Z;,,,,,_,’$§f" Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $40,000. _ _ www _ Chattahoochee River, and Alabama: Continuing improve- m.f’§ md AQ`? R"` ment below Columbus, Georgia, and for maintenance, $120,000. d Coosa River, Georgia and Alabama: _Contmuing igprovement and _,§‘f°’“ ”·*"'-“““ for maintenance between Rome, Georgia, and Dam ugznbered Four, ¤»¤¤¤•¤·i¢•¤¤· Alabama, $68 000; completing construction of the lock m Dam N mm