Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/452

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ons. 261-263. 1916. 431 roads for transporting the mails and all service by the railroads in conrxilection therpwiph. e existin aw or the determination of mail a except as herein ,§"’“‘”€ I"' °°°· modified, shall continue in effect until the Intersiii1t§,ComrIi1erce Com- liarilriiiniislilidrii mm oi mission under the provisions hereof fixes the fair, reasonable rate or compensation for such transportation and service. T at the appropriations for inland transportation by railroad routes t,0‘,QS“Q'§§,§8,§l§P‘°P"* and for railway post—office car service for the fiscal year ending Jime ` thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, are hereby made available for the puToses of this section. That 1t s all be unlawful for any railroad company to refuse to er- m*;*].§?,}g;g;v,{,g";&' form mail service at the rates or methods of compensation provided) b ’ law when recgiired lay the Postmaster General so to do, and for such offense shall e fine $1,000. Each day of refusal shall constitute a seiéarate offense. Ec. 6. If the Postmaster General shall and on experience that the _{§,'§1°‘mPf;Q°’Q$j}°°:g, classihcation of articles mailable, as well as the weight limit or the ensssmmmngw. rates of postage, zone or zones, and other conditions of mailability, V°1‘37"' 7‘ ‘ under section eight of the Act approved August twenty-fourth, ninee teen hundred and twelve, or any of them, are such as to prevent the shipment of articles desirable, or to permanently render the cost of the service greater than the receipts of the revenue therefrom, he is hereby authorized to re·form from time to time such classification, weight limit rates, zone or zones, or conditions, or either, in order to promote the service to the public or to insure the receipt of revenue P M from such service adequate to pay the cost thereof : Provkied, lwwever t§°§m,v'n by mw. That before any change is hereafter made in weight limit, rates of postage, or zone or zones by the Postmaster General, the proposed change sh'all be approved biy the Interstate Commerce Commission after thorough and indepen ent consideration by that body in such manner as it may determine. Approved, July 28, 1916. CHAP. 262.—Ioint Resolution Authorizing the acceptance of the gift of the Berk- [Illini? iili.Siiiiii§.1 shire Trout Hatchery, Berkshire County, Massachusetts. ‘ Resolved by the Senate and House o Re esentatives oj the United I r u States oj America in Conqress aesemblizd, Hat the United States of nrliiériggirirksii ° L America hereb accepts from Mrs. Mary E. Scull , as a memorial Sc$1ii;»gcgr|;;b$iaUE` to her husband; title to the lands known and to lie known as the Berkshire Trout Hatche , located in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, together with {lie buildings, ponds, and other improvements located thereon and the water and other rights pertaining thereto, and the Secret of Commerce is hereby authorized to receive from Mrs. Marymlg. Scully a deed for the said prcgerty. The title to said property is accepted upon the terms and con tions prescribed by the donor, nameg, that it shall be used by the United `tates Bureau of Fisheries, epartment of Commerce, as a fish hatchery and for experimental work in fish culture. Approved, July 28, 1916. _ CHAP. 263.-An Act Further extending a`ppropriations for the necessary opera- gglgliggzéi ¤¤¤B of the Government and of the District of olumbia under certain contingencies. Be it enacted the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives of the United . NP States of Amevizgt in Congress assemble; Tliidit the provisions of the mtgnil-ii°i».1 Act entitled "An Act extending appropriations for the necessary ,;$,‘;‘§,,‘}“‘“"· operations of the Government and of) the District of Columbia and