Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/463

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442 SIXTY -FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 301, 302. 1916. as iiically stated in writing by the shipper. Such rates shall be uulihxed as are other rate schedules," _ be, and the same is hereby, amendedto read as follows, to wit: _ _ ,,,§*"“**’ ’°' ‘°"" "Promded, however That the provisions hereof resgggting liability · for full actual loss, damage; or mgury, notwithstan any hmmation of liability or recovery or representationpr agreement or release ¤§'§$§°" "°”"° as to value, and declaring any such hmitation to be unlawful and _ void, shall not apply, first, to aggage carried on passenger trams or ,,§2’d"'¥,f‘“§,§§,’f§°{g boats, or trains or boats carrying passengers; second, to property,

  • ¤¤¤•— exceplt ordinary hve stock, received for transportation concernmg

whic the carr1er_shall have been or shall hereafter be expressly authorized or by order of the Interstate Commerce Commission to estabhs and mamtam rates dependent upon_ the value declared in writing by the shipper or agreed upon m writing as the released value of the property, in which case such_ declaration or agreement shall have no other effect than to lumt habilig and recov to an amount not exceeding the value so declared or , and sg] not, so far as relates to values, be held to be a. violation of V¤1·¤¤»1>- WL section ten of this Act to regulate commerce, as amended; and any tariE schedule which may be tiled with the commission pursuant to such order shall contain specific reference thereto and may establish mimky W ¤• •¤¤¤>- ratesvaryingwith thevaluesodeclared or agreed upon; and the commission IS hereby empowered to malre such order in cases where rates dependent upon and varying with declared or agreed values would, in its opinion, be ]ust and reasonable under the circumstances oaumy un sm: and conditions the transportation. The `term ‘ordinary "°"”"'· live stock' shall include cattle swine, shee , goats, horses, and mules, except such as are chiefly valuable Ihr breeding, racing, ` show purposes, or other special uses." ‘ Approved, August 9, 1916. "}‘§‘T’§.”sE}“‘ cnn-. sos.-Ap Aa rt auburn are Lasen vtimic massa rua in are sam

 Nevada Mountains m the State of California, and for other purposes,

Be it e1uu:ted_by Senate and House of Representivea of the United ¤___£u?¤lg_X¤¤$•“·ua Ns States of America an Oengpesa assembled, That all those certain tracts, m,bm,;d_ ‘ pieces, or parcels of lan lying and be` situate in the State of Caliorma and within the boundaries partiislglarly described as follows, to mmpum. wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of section three, township thirty-one, six east, Mount Diablo meridian, California; thence southerly to the southeast corner of said section; thence easterly to_ the northeast corner of the northwest uarter of section eleven, said township; thence southerly to the souglneast comer of the southwest quarter of section fourteen, said townshi ; thence easter] to the northeast comer of the northwest quarter oi) section twenty-fhur, said township; thence southerly to the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of section twenty-Eve, said townshi ; thence westerly to the southwest corner of section twenty-six, saidptownship· thence southerly to the southeast corner of section thirt -four, said township ; thence westerly along the sixth standard parade] north, allowing for the proper offsets, to the northeast corner of section three, township thirty north, range six cast; thence southerly to the southeast corner of section twenty-seven, said township· thence westerly to the southwest comer of the southeast quarter ol section twenty-eight, said township; thence northerl to the northwest corner of the southeast quarter of said section; thence westerly to the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of said section· thence northerly to the northwest corner of said section; thence westerly to the sou west comer of the southeast quarter of section twenty, said