Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/527

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506 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ons. 318, 319. 1916. nant mt. ,§IP.8 8.·—AnAct oautbnmk ',&ieSecretaryof theInteriort0ca1Isetobs 3% appraised mil to sell the and Anowmck Railroad, and for other pmposes. mann. me I Be·itemetedbytl»eSeriateend House entativea of the United

 States <#America·i·n CMT: qsscmbled, t whenever in the opligion

gpg. ram, cialis Secretary of the terierthe Boise and Arrowroclg Ra ad, v,;_.¤,,,'Z5_ constructed by the Reclamation Service the provisions of the _ Actyof Oongrgsssg June;seventeend1,h hulndreelltand txt? (That -eecon tutes, pager three un an cig -e for mg in connection lzith *theLé•gn3t1}uction(pf the Arrowrogk Bo1se` mo'eet, is no ngcr n e ·· or said construction urpose, "°°°""°°°°°°' Slecretary of the may cause said railroad, izlogether ~ riglgtof may on which the sang is located, andsuch paillt of e· ui an use in connection °t as he_¤& seldm most or economical in commotion with Mamma sa1drailmad,tpbe?pra1sedbythreed¤n1terestedpcrsons,tobe ` appointed by him, an thereafter to sell thesamefor not less than the appigised yalue, at public auction, to the highestbidde1·,ai’te1* pu notice of the time md place of sale by posting upon the preamises and by publicatuon once a week for not less than four weeks ini newspaper ofispneral circulation m the city of Boise, Idaho, and in three other fn lications such·as may, in the jndinent of the Scores to tary of the tenor, give adequatgapublicity to the proposals of the ,,,,,,*"‘°""’,,,,,,,,_ *"*" Qovermnent, the pijoceecb of such e to be covered into the reclama- - tion fund and credited to the Boise project, and such credit applied Pmhm um the features of Billd project against which the cost of the conmjeamezmes. s tion of said railroad was  : Provided, That said Secretary

  • "‘“'°°“ may reject any or all bids: P further, That after said railroad

( - has once been offered for sale at public auction and not sold the

 may, in his discretion, sell) said 1'K`llI08d,Shn(:`g6bll0f with the

eqmpmentand appurtenanoes_aforesaid, at private e on such terms .,,,m,_,,,_, . and conditions, and at such price as he may deem to be to the best interest of the Government. Any hereunder shall be subject to the terms and conditions of two certam ageements, one dated March second, nmeteen hundred and eleven, tween the United States $t:h;u£arbert£leum1lierd€:>>‘;¤1my, and tlggto ther tilted November , nine n un n, ween Orego Shu; Line Railroad Company and the United States. n Approved, August 11, 1916. ‘;§"i£’i}¤»i3'” mar. sie.-in Ac: To promote me mnmaea of me uma. ‘P“°"°’ N°° ml Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Re eaentatives ' trgg? *"*¢‘“°¤ dit States of America in Congress Th}; when in upagpargxxyém, the United States under the irrigation district laws of said State there has heretofore been organised and created or shall hereafter be_or-gamzed and created any irrigation district for the purpose of n·¤g;mng_the situated within said irrigation district, and in which irrigation district so created or to be created there shall be included any of the public lands of the United States, such public lands so situated in said irrigation district, when subject to entry and_entered lands said irrigation district, for which no final certificates have lssued, Which may be designated by the $0;;;-9.. tary the lntenor m the_agproval by him of the map and plat of an

 district as provid m section three, are hereby made and

d _ to be subject to all the provisions of the laws of the State in which such lands shall_ be situated relating to the organization govermpent, and regulation of irrigation districts for the reclamatioxi and irrigation of and lands for agricultural purposes, to the same extent and m the same manner in which the lands of a like character