Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/571

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550 · SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 416. 1916. ¥int% Elhistrict: Iéeyte and Samar. ent . `strict: e u. Eleventh district: S ao, Misamis, and Bohol. Twelfth district: Th\:§ountain Province, Baguio, Nueva Vizcaya, _ and the Department of Mindanao and Sulu. ei?§°°°°uv° dw The representative districts shall be the eighty-one now provided by law, and three in the Mountain Province, one in Nueva Vizcaya, and _ Eve in the Department of Mindanao and Sulu. Fm °1°°m° The first election under the provisions of this Act shall be held on the first Tuesday of October, nineteen hundred and sixteen, unless the Governor General in his discretion shall fix another date not P . earlier than thirt nor later than sixt days after the passage of this rum efumaus. Act: Prov·ided, That the Governor (leneral’s proclamation shall be published at least thirty days prior to the date fixed for the election, and there shall be chosen at such election one senator from each senate district for a term of three years and one for six years. Thereafter one senator from each district shall be elected from each senate Ammmvo m_m_ district for a term of six years: Pro·m21cd, That the Govemor General im. of the Philippine Islands shall appoint, without the consent of the senate and vgithoplt resltlrgction as tlpagesidence, seiiptors and representatives w o wi , in o inion, t re resent the senate district 1 I I www and_ those representative districts which pmay be included in the ' temtory not now represented in the Philip ine Assembly: Provided further, That thereafter elections shall be held only on such days and under such regulations as to ballots, voting, and_ qualifications of electors as may be prescribed by the Philippine liegis ature, to which is hereby given authoritly to redistrict the Philippine Islands and modify, amend, or_repea any provision of this section, except such hm, d mm, as refer to alplpomtxve senators and re resentatives. mmm. Sec. 17. at the terms of office ol elective senators and representatives shall be six and three years, respectively, and shall begin on the date of then election. In case of vacancy among the elective members of the senate or in the house of representatives, special elections may be held in the districts wherein such vacancy occurred under such regulations as may be prescribed b law, but senators or representativesselected in such cases shall hold office only for the Appcmun mm unexpired portion of the term wherein the vacancy occurred. ws. Senators and representatives appointed by the Governor General mgm 0, m_mb_r_ shall hold office until removed by the Governor General. sn1p,ow. Sec. 18. That_the senate and house of representatives, respectively, shall be the sole judges of the elections, returns, and qualifications of tgieir elccgive membeilp, and earch hpuse may determine the rules of _ i s procee ngs, p'l1l11S its mem ers or disorder] behavior a ' ,,,l{,g°,‘§f“‘$’“°‘°‘$“°" the concurrence of two-thirds, expel an clecirive rnemberrlddlvdih houses shall convene at_ the capital on the sixteenth day of October next following the election an organize by the election of a s eaker EL3 £,‘L"§‘$2£§r°Ofi»¥5§s“u§ii’€i‘.;§€$¤?§.2”§f2°i,“° “'"’S §"’ ‘fl°h %°“S"’ e re uir . ' of each house shall constitute a quorum toydo bugmegs but zinsllriitiillltei mm` number may meet, adjourn from da to dav, and compel the attend- Aims:. ance of absent members. The legislature shall hold annual sessions commencing on the sixteenth_day of October, or, if the sixteentli Bmw. ;lv?i*c§f_Oct¢;berlb•;·1ahleg3l holiday, then on the first day following .,.ii.d 5. ‘;?,’,.c‘l..i°€aa§’l‘ ft?} ill?. ’¥“'a. TE? “g`s1af€° “‘“l' b" . . e overnor umn- §g;li§.g’tl§g1S%$g1ggéc?§lfOT actiopuplp suchlrspepiiic subjects :21 lisa nid); s · session s continue on ' and no regular session shall continue lon er thaigimoriiellliluiildgleicyi <(iii§7 exclusiye of Sundays. The legislature is hereby given the power and ggglgpgisty to change the date of the commencement of its annual