Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/680

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 418. 1916. 659 "Am·. 52. Susrmvsion or smurimon, or DISHONORABLE ms- permanent ascnixngrz.-gTl3i authoiiitly wmgietegiigcgo order the execiétion of a °b“""* sen ce, m uding onora e e, ma sus en the execution of the dishonorable discharge unslli the sdldierls release from confinement; but the order of suspension may be vacated at any time and the execution of the dishonorable discharge directed by the officer having general court-martial jurisdiction over the command, exclusive of penitentiaries and the United States Disciplinary Barracks, in which the soldier is held or by the Secretary of War. "Ar.·r. 53.TShUs1=m§;1oi~x or snnzrmzorzs ord roninrruaa on cou- B F°*‘°*§=*° °* ¤¤¤· FINEMENT.—· e au ority competent to or er the execution of a ` sentence adjudged by a court-martial may, if the sentence involve neither dismissal nor dishonorable disch e, sus end the execution of the sentence in so far as it relates tomtie forfliiture of pay or to coniine(i;1ent,dor tod both; ind the person pndepagentence may be restore to uty uring the suspension o co ement. At an time within one year after the date of the order of suspension such order may for sufficient cause be vacated and the execution of the sentence directed by the military authority competent to order the execution of like sentences in the command, exclusive of `-4 tentiaries and the United States Disciplin Barracks, to whicd the person under sentence belongs or in whicllrhe may be found; but if the order of suspension be not vacated within one year after the date gidereof the suspended sentence shall be held to have been remit . "HI. Puiwrrrviz Anrxcrms. Punitive suse. "a. NT; uusrmn; RETURNS. "An·r. 54. t§iNLrs·an:NrfAny personf tv11;hoUshalg m,§‘{*°°¤‘°¤’ mw rocurehims` e to een` in emitaryserviceo e nite ` States by means of willful misrepresentation or concealment as to his qualifications for enlistment, and shall receive pay or allowances dugder such enlistment, shall be punished as a court-martial may ` ect. "A1z·r. 55. Ormonn MAKING UN;LAWFUL nur.1s·rM1·:1~:·r:——Any officer k3$,¤ggmg;§};°*:g ¤¤· who knowingly enhsts or musters mto the military service any person whose enlistment or muster m is prohibitedlbiy law, regulations, or orders shall be dismissed from the service or s er such other punishment as a court-martial may direct. "An·r. 56. Musrmz x0LLs—FALsn MUSTEB.—-At every muster of a ¤¤¤*¤¤‘·¤¤¤‘·>¤· rggilinent, tigfpilbattery, or conépany tlxipiontmanrliglg gtlicer therggf sa ve emusermgocerce caes,s e yhims stating how long absent officers have been absent and the reasons of their absence. And the commanding officer of every troop, battery, or company shall give like certificates stating how ongsg sent nonnommissioned officers and private soldiers have been a nt and the reasons of their absence. Such reasons and time of absence shall be inserted in the muster rolls opposite the names of the respective absent officers and soldiers, and the certificates, together with the muster rolls, shall be transmitted by the mustermgaofficer to the Department of War as speedilyras the distance of the p ce and muster t for an Wil admit. Any officer who owmg-ly makes a_false muster of man ,,,,1. mgkhjg m,,,,.,a,_ or animal, or who signs or directs or ows the signing of any muster roll knowing the same to contam a false muster or alse statement as to the absence or pay of an officer or sold1er,_or who w·ro y takes money or other consideration on_ mustering in a regiment, company, or other organization, or on signing muster rolls, or who knowingly musters as an officer or soldier a person who is not such officer or soldier, shall be from the service and suffer such other punishment as a courtrmartial may direct.