Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/711

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690 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 433. 1916. ve hundred and one which arcels of ound were included in the gist official map and excludedlliy the Rogk Creek and Potomac Parkway Commission from the area and parcel described and delmeated in the map numbered two, contained m House Document Numbered Eleven hundred and fourteen of the present session, be, and are hereby, reincluded as a part of the connecting piarkway between Potomac Park, the Zoological Park, and Rock Cree Park. <>¤¤·¤¢¤¢· ·*¢· For cleaning and repairing sewers and basins, $68,000. _ _ P¤¤¤v¥¤&=*=¤¤¤¤· For operation and maintenance of the sewage pumping service including repairs to boilers machmery, and pumHg stations, and em loymecnt of mechanics, laborers, and two watc en, purchase of coalkpils, waste, and other supplies, and for maintenance of motor . truc $46 500. ‘

“° ’;`;°i°° For and pipe sewers and receiving basins, $100,000.

bm d For suburban sewers, $200,000. mil,`”°”m°°° “° P"` For assessment and permit work, sewers, $125,000. _ B¤d¤¤¤¤w¤¥· For purchase or condemnation of rights of way for construction maintenlance, and repair of public sewers, $2,000, or so much thereoi as ma e necess . ,,,,,{*‘§°'“" "‘*"' Analcostia mairraninterceptorz For completing construction of the Anacostia main interceptor along the Anacostia River between the outfall sewer, sewage-disposal system, at Poplar Point, and Benning, District of Columbia, $39,500. _ mR,L* °¤¤* *¤*¤*· Rock Creek main interceptor: For completilrirglconstructron of the P Rock Creek main interceptor from P Street to `tary Road, $50,000. mlégggr P°*°¤¤•= *¤· Upper Potomac interceptor: For be$ning the construction of the ' upper Potomac interceptor between enty~seventh and K Streets an the Chain Bridge, $30,000. S¤'¤¢*='~ . STREETS. °*°·¤i¤8· ¤°°· Dnsr razvmrrron, CLEANING, AND sN0w nmuovn.: For dust pre- Rmmm M md vention, sweeping, and cleaning streets, avenues, alleys, and subur an mw. streets, under the immediate irection of the commissioners, and for cleaningssznow and ice from streets, sidewalks, crosswallm, and gutters in the retion of the commissioners, including services and purchase and maintenance of equipment, rent of storage rooms; maintenance and repairs of stables; hire, purchase, and maintenance of horses; hire, purchase, maintenance, and repair of wagons, harness, and other equipment; allowance to inspectors and foremen for maintenance of horses and vehicles or motor vehicles used in the performance of ofncial duties, not to exceed for each inspector or foreman $20 per month for a horse—drawn vehicle, $25 per month for an automobile and $12 fper month for a motor cycle; purchase, maintenance, and repair o motor-propelled vehicles necessary in cleaning streets; purchase, maintenance, and repair of bicycles; and necessary inciental expenses, $310,000, and the commissioners shall so apportion this appropriation as to prevent a deficiency therein. stains im p :0 ve - _ For paving yard, the construction of sheds for equipment and addi- ‘”"‘ gqq3;sst:gq;·•o•oms, and other necessary work at the street-cleaning Disvosi 0* ci tv Drspbsai. or crrr umrrrsn: For collection and dis f mm and dead miscellaneous refuse and ashes frlygaiiiivgizr dences in the city of Washington and the more densely populated suburbs ; collection and disposal of night soil in the District of Columbra_; payment of necessary ins tion, allowance to inspectors for maintenance of horses and vehig; or motor vehicles used in the performance of official duties, not to exceed $20 per month for each