Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/739

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718 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 433. 1916. rename: and um- Src. 12. That from and after the of this Act the funds now §’ ’°“°‘ ’“‘“’ °'°` authorized by law and known as e gihlice relief fund" and the “Firemen’s relief fund " shall be designated and known as the “Policemen and firemen’s relief fund, District of Columb1a." _ _ _ . <>¤¤=1>¤¤i¤¤ d- ’1‘he said fund shall consist of all hnes imposed by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia upon members of the police and fire departments of said District b way of discipline; all rewards, proceeds of gifts, and emoluments that may be received by any mem er of said epartments (for services), except such part thereof as the said commissioners may allow to be retained by members of said de artments· a deduction of one and one-half per centum of the monthlly salary of each member of said departments- donations; and the net proceeds of sales of unclaimed property in the-custodypf property clerk of the tpolice de artmeut; all of which shall a1d mto the Treasury of e United States to the credit of the "Po_licemen and Bremen s relief fund, District of Columbiaff herem provided ¤ *•¤¤ mr for; and should the said fund at any time be insufficient to defray the iw, p. sm. expenditures hereinafter provided or, the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, in that event, are authorized, and it shall be their duty, to direct the collector of taxes of said District,_and 1t shall be the duty of the said collector, pursuant to such direction, to pay mto the Treas of the United States, out of the general revenue of the District ofuézlumbia collected by him, to the credit of the said UP0l1C8- men and £remen’s relief fund, District of Columb1a," such sums as b:t,"§,,_'f"'* °°"’ "’“’ may be necem from time to time to meet deficiencies m said fund. The moneys toni;-he credit of the said fund shall be available for appro- ‘ by Congress annually only for expenditure on regmsitions of said commissioners for the p set forth m this ct, and all ‘*°°°‘““*"‘·°"" expenditures from said fund shall bgmade and accounted for in the same manner as other expenditures of the government of the District of Columbia are made and accounted for. ·

_ *°"" Whenever any member of the police department or the fire department of the District of Columbia shall become temporarily disabled

by injury received or disease contracted in the actual discharge of his dutmo such an extent as to require medical or surgical services other t such as can be rendered by the board of police and fire surgeons of said District, or to require hospital treatment, the expenses of such medical or surgical services, or ospital treatment, shallsbe miwminmuw paid from the policemen and iiremen’s relief fund, District of Columquasi. ia, provided for in this Act; but no such expenses shall be paid except upon a certificate of the said board of police and tiresurgeons, or two members thereof, setting forth the necessity for such services or treat- X ml ment and the nature of the injury or disease which rendered the same ‘ ppm necessary, and upon the approval of the said certificate by the superintendent of the Metropohtan pglice or the chief engineer of the fire department, as the case may , and the approval of the Commis- Re , t nom sioners of the District of Columbia. meexmmnnsismq-. Whenever any member of the lice department or the fire department of the District of Columbia dlihll become so permanently disabled through injury received or disease contracted in the line of duty as to incapacrtate him for the performance of duty, or, ha served not less than twenty-five years and having reached the ageliflgfty-five years shall, for any cause, become so rmanently disabled as to mcalpacitate him for the performance of sixty and shall make written gpp cation therefor a.nd_sa.1d application s all be a proved by the mags. mmissiouers of said District, or, having reached fire e of sixty years, in the discretion of the said commissioners, he shzll in either event be retired from the service thereof and be entitled to receive relief from_the said policemen and firemen’s relief fund, District of mma Columbia, in an amount not to exceed fifty per centum per year of the salary received by him at the date of retirement. In case of the