Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/742

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SIXTY-FOUTRTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1. Ons. 433, 434, 436. 1916. 721 In determ` the classes to which said s ial licemen shall be Assignment to class assrgnedin the lietropolitan police force tlg; shrill) be given credit °"°'°°‘ for the time they have served m their present positions, m the same manner and to the same extent as is now or may hereafter be given to the regular members of said police force. , _The superintendent of police of the District of Columbia may, in hfywiwtiw <>f¤>s¤- has discretion, substitute other members of the Metropolitan police °'°°t°’p°°md°ty° force for said special pohcemen at street railway crossings and mtersections, an during such periods of substitution said special policemen shall perform whatever service may be assigned to them { said supermtendent of police: Provided, That nothing herein P , s all be construed to amend, alter, or re al the existing law relative Pay use altered. to the payment of the compensation of tlifsaid special policemen now apgomted or those that may hereafter be appointed. _ 1sc._ 13. That all laws and parts of laws to the extent that they are p,C°“mmd °“°¢ *8*** *°· inconsistent with this Act are repealed. Approved, September 1, 1916. CQAP. 434.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "A.n Act to provide for the sql§i¤ri?ii6dii6` apggrntment of a district judge, district attorney, and marshal for the western district o nth Carolina, and for other purposes " approved March third, nineteen lnmdred ‘ and fifteeni_so as to provide for terms oi the district court to be held at Anderson, South Care ina. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Oemgress assembled, That section five of an Act iieiiiiid entitled "An Act to (provide for the appointment of a district judge, °*°‘lg*=§,*°¤·m district attorney, an marshal for the western district of South Caro- ’p' ` line, and for other prrrripsesf ’ approved March third, nineteen hundred pnlii fifteen, be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as o ows: " Sec. 5. That the terms of the district com·t for the eastern district shall be held at Charleston on the first Tuesday in June and December; Vol- as, p. oa, at Columbia, on the third Tuesda in January and first Tuesday in “m°"°°°‘ November; at Florence, first Tuesday in March; and at Aiken, on the first Tuesday in A ril and October. _ "Terms of the district court of the western district shall be held at ““‘°"" ‘“"’*°‘· Greenville on the first Tuesday in April and the first 'hresdayuin October; at Rock Hill, the second Tuesday in March and Septem r; at Greenwood, the first Tuesday in February and November; and at Anderson, the fourth Tuesday in May and November. " The office of the clerks of the district court for the western district °m°°°· shall be at Greenville, and the office of the clerk of the district court · for the eastern district shall be at Charleston? Approved, September 1, 1916. september z. s, ms. CHAP. 436.———An Act To establish an eight-hour day for employees of carriers engaged in interstate and foreign commerce, and for other purposes. [Public, No. 252.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That befnning January lirst, M"' =¤¤d¤·d nineteen hundred and seventeen, eight hours s all, IH contracts for requiem January labor and service, be deemed a day’s work and the measure or },g,,§@ {Bf §§`,",‘§,S§§,g standard of a day’s work for the purgose of reckoning the cor&pensa-· ·=¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤*·‘*¤¤· tion for services of all employees w o are new or may here ter be em loyed by any common carrier by railroad, except railroads Empmm iudiipendently owned and pjplecratcd not exceeding one hundred miles in length, electric street r ads, and electnc interurban railroads, which is subject to the provisions of the Act of February fourth, "°‘·’*·P~°"°· eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, entitled "An Act to regulate 91890°-—vor. 39-rr 1-46