Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/871

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850 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 474, 475. 1916. D••¤'*v“°¤·°°¤°d· Township twelve north, range seventy-four west: Fractional sections twenty-three ang twenty-four; section twentggsizg. { T wnship one sout range seventy-one west: ctions our to 867821, inclusive; west half and northeast quarter of section eight; north half of section nine; west half of section seventeen; sections eighteen fand nineteen; west hgxlitholtaliection twenttyé northwest artero section twenty-nine; n 0 section t y. quTownship one south, rllnge seventy-two west: Sections one to four, inclusive; sections_ nine_to sixteen, inclusive; sections_twenty-one to twenty-eight, inclusive; sections thirty-one to thirty-six, inclusive. _ (Township two south, range seventy-one west: Sections two to ten, m usive. 'glownshig two south, range seventy-two west: Sections one to tw ve, in usive. "°°“°E¤,,,g,·d mmm Provided That the Secre of the Interior ma inhisdiscretion ¤g§:¤31§sr¤l;5¤;¤ ¤¤- continue tliereafter to allowulirdrditional entries, the previously ° ’°‘ sireas, imder the provisions of lslectgtindthreg of the Act 35 prov e mary nineteenth, nineteen im e an nine, enti "An Act to provide for an enlarged homestead," as amended by the Act approved March third, mneteen hundred and fifteen (Thirty- eight Statutes, page nine hundred and fifty-six). Approved, September 8, 1916. IH- l¥?5glYlllw` 47Q.—4n Act 'lio pmvide for holding sesions of the United States district “’“"“°· Nt “"” $.°3’a?g‘?°¥h0&‘Z“$"2f“a°§ Zi4‘i‘Ei¤“3‘}.§i...¤°"“"f.‘}*.‘Z.%°“‘d.?5f’§”tL“£¥£§§.%%%“u“£c£’§ said divisions, and for the appointment of a Held deputy marshal in the division in which themarsbaldoesnot reside. ` an _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United uétsiinled States of Amevjioa in. Congress assembled, Kat hereafter, and until,p. nn. otherwise provided by law, two sessions of the United States District m‘g‘;M_3’· P- 5*- Court for the District of Maine shall be held in each and every year rum. in the city of Buigor, in said district, , respectively, on the ` Qi?.2$£?.§°§?2Zi3fwu?£T§§i §2i£i°·°’§Ia .°§.‘}? °* "‘“‘°’ ·°‘2‘i "‘*€° in v ear m e ci ’°°'““"’· of Portland, in_said district, b%tnning, on the first Tuesdgyriiitmitpnl, cgi the shud esday of ptember, and on the U K secon ay m ecem_ er._ _ ,?.`fE by °‘ k °"° 2. Thtlszllertr oidstlidtdistrigtm couruth for §d district of Maine an e mars o said is nc s e at times maintain b De ut dm himself or by deziuty an office in charge of himself or de uty both P Y at said city of an 1- and at said cit of Portland. 'lgie de ut S0 Y P Y clerk iupharlge of the office in the division in which the clerk does not md deputy mah reside shall reside in_the cityilwhere the office of which he has $;,,;_ charge is located. That said mars al shall appoint a field deputy who shall have charge of the office in the division which the marshal d?‘£h'?°£ il°Si§l° hi§‘”°”’·'°ih° *212311 '°?d°h‘“ tliiifiiiy `Zi‘i"° th`?] ‘Zi.H°° o c eascargeisoca ,anwo, "- sion, in the absence of the marshal, shall hath all an dwg; of tlile may and _ xarglial, and whe; shrill also, throughout said district ol) Maine, have se - bcfomehgogiis o other deputy marshals. And_sueh field deputy, _ _ ers on the duties of his office, shall give bond before the iludge of said district of like tenor, effect, and amount and of similar orm and condition, with hke sureties, and to be approved in like gtaglringréigirpctw or may hereafter be required by law of the marshal D"'“*°“" “°“‘“d· Sec. 3. That for the purpose of holding terms of the United States district court the district of Maine as heretofore constituted hall be divided into two divisions, to be known, respectively, as the nlarthern