Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/874

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SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ons. 477-480. 1916. 853 States and credited to the reclamation fund in accordance with existing law for the sale of town sites on reclamation rejects. _ t Sec. 3. Tlgat pho Sgcretaiiyltiof the Interior is herebyf authorized B°‘°l°*'"“’°°°‘ -0 esuc ruesan r onsasma enecessary orcarry1ng' into effect the provisionscguthis Act. y · Approved, September 8, 1916. tem 1 _@AP. 4'78.—Joint Resolution Interpreting section fifty of the Act of June third, I- ggsllsgdsi mneteen hundred and sixteenhlfor malung further and more eiectual provision for [Pub.Res., Ne. as.] the national defense, and for o er purposes. Resolved by the Senate and House Re esentatives o the United , States of America in Congress assemb%, 'lgliat in the injterpretation ·rrnn°:n;il°c3p€°°r° an_d execution of section fifty of the Act of C0 ess approved Jime ,,,,,,°,,'§? ,§'{d§,?"§m*; third, nineteen hundred and sixteen, credit shallli-e given as for serv- ¤¤¤¤¤· ice in the senior division of the Reserve Oi:licers’ Training Corps to an ‘°°”’P° m' member of that division for any riod or periods of time during which such member has received or shall have received at an educational institution under the direction of an officer of the Army, detailed as professor of military science and tactics a course of mihtary training substantially equivalent to that prescribed by regulations under this section for the corr(e;•£ond.i.n.1g period or periods of training of the senior division, Reserve cers’ raining Corps. Approved, September 8, 1916. ` CHAP. 479.-Joint Resolution Authorizing the paxnent of salaries to officers and employees of the Senate and House o prssentatives on the day of adjournment of the present semen. Resolved by the Senate and House of Refpgesentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, at the Secretary of the ,,,g"‘§',§?f"{,“'b° Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives be, and they are ¤¤1¤r1¤¤L¢¤ hereby, authorized and instructed to pay to the officers and employees of the Senate and House of Representatives, including the apitol police and pages, bome upon the annual and session rolls, their respective salaries and per diem for the month of September, nineteen hun- um: hm of Mm dred and sixteen, on the day of adjournment; and the Clerk of the bssmenuspas. House is authorized to pay on said day to Members, Delegates, and Resident Commissioners their allowances for clerk hire for said month ot Se tember: Provided, That the session employees of the Senate f,,"°,;’§g‘;;,,_,,‘_, ,0, and igouse of Re resentatives shall be paid hereunder for the entire ggpmzngeoysas mw month of September, and a sufficient sum IS approdpriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriate , for that purpose. Approved, September 8, 1916. tember 8, 1916. CHAP. 4B0.·—Joint Resolution Authorizing the Postmaster General to providethe postmaster of Gulfport, Mimissippi, with a special canceling die for the Mrsmmppi [rub. r>.rs.,n·°,;:_; Centennial Exposition celebration. Whereas the cit of Gulf ort, Mississip i, is making extensive prepa· n,g{‘§§’*Pg§0]f¤“* rations to celgbrate thi; one hundredth anniversary of the admrs- Pmmpgsa sion of the State of Mississippi into the Union, the celebratmn to begin on October first, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and to continue imtil April Erst, nineteen hundred eighteen; and_ Wrhereas the rojected celebration in said citywill me ude mdustriah a.gricult11r5, horticultural, and other exhibitions, pageants, nation athletic games, tournaments, parades, conyentrons, and many other interesting features that will attract visitors from all parts of the United States; and