Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/90

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 117. 1916. 69 For assistance to Senators who are not chairmen of committees, ,0$S$‘$'·°¤°° ’>° S°¤¤·· as follows: Twenty-four clerks, at $2,000 each; twenty-four assistant ` $rl;s,0at $1,200 each; twenty-four messengers, at $1,200 each; in , 1 5,600. . CONTINGENT Exrmrsmsz For stationery for Senators and the gigiaigumm President of the Senate, including $6,000 for stationery for committees and officers of the Senate, $18,125. Postage stamps: For office of Secretary, $200; office of Sergeant at P°S°°€°S“’mP’~ Arins, $100; in all, $300iI d hll f M w h hs or maintainin , exc anging, an e ui motor ve `c es or ° "‘° ‘° ·°°°· carrying the mailsg and for official use of tllidndléces of the Secretary _ ` and Ser eant at Arms, $6,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary. - _ _ For driving, maintenance, and care of automobile for the Vice p;l§§§‘Z,',§'§b’l°* v'°° President, $1,500. _ For materials for folding, $1,500. mdmg For folding speeches and pamphlets, at a rate not exceeding $1 per thousan , $10,000. ` For fuel, oil, cotton waste, and advertising, exclusive of labor, F"°‘*°°°‘ $1,500. ` For purchase of furniture, $5,000. F‘“'”““'°· For materials for furniture and repairs of same, exclusive of labor, $3,000. For services in cleaning, repairing, and varnishing furniture, $2,000. For packing boxes, $970. gfing b°‘°‘· For rent of warehouse for storage of public documents, $1,800. f”°g° w°‘°h°‘“°‘ For miscellaneous items, exclusive of labor, $50,000. M'S°°"““°°'“ "*“‘“‘ For expenses of inquiries and investigations ordered by the Sen- I¤"°S*iSa“°¤S· ate, including compensation to stenographers to committees, at such rate as ma%be fixed by the Committee to Audit and Control the Contingent xpenses of the Senate, but not exceeding $1 per printed pa e, $25,000. Por reporting the debates and proceedings of the Senate, payable R°p°"l““ d°b““’S‘ in equal monthlly installments, $30,000. eA1>rroL Pomcn. *"**¤**°*1>°”°°· For captain, $1,800; three lieutenants, at $1,200 each; two special P°""‘ officers, at $1,200 each; forty-seven privates, at $1,050 each; sixteen additional privates, at $720 each; one-half of said privates to be selected by the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate and one half by the Sexigeant at Arms o the House; in all, $68,670. _ or contingent expenses, $200. °°“*‘”‘°“*°"¥’°“S“‘· One-half of the foregoing amounts under "Capitol police" shall Di;:Si¤¤¤f¢1i¤¥>¤rS·> be disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate and one-half by the mm Clerk of the House. Jomr conmrrran on ramrmo. P{,‘;‘§‘,},g?°mm*‘*°° °¤ For clerk, $3,000; inspector, under section twenty of the Act <.`}<;rké8¤¢¢· Gm approved January twelfth, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, $2,000* °' 'p' ’ stenographer, $1,000; for expenses of eompilirg, preparing, and ,°g;>¤g¤¤¤i¤¤¤* Dim indexing the Congressional Directory, $1,600; in l, $7,600, one half ` to be disbursed by the Secreta of the Senate and the other half to be disbursed by the Clerk of thel§ouse. nousn or nnrxasnmauvns. ,,,€?,§’,,‘§° °' R°"°“’“‘ For com ensation of Members of the House of Re resentatives, HY of M•¤¤¤¤¤¤» Delegates iliom Territories, the Resident Commissionelri from Porto dI.¤¢gc l§` goo, and the Resident Commissioners from the Philippine Islands, ,304,500.