Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/903

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SIXTX -FOUR'1`H CONGRESS. S1·:ss.H. `Ch. 29. 1917. 883 tion of property, or is a member of or afliliated with an " entertaining and teaching disbelief in or oppositionyfiirgciliitiglziiiigd government, or which teaches the unlawful destruction of property or who advocates or teaches the duty, necessity, or ropriety of thai unlawful assaulting or killing of any officer or ogicers either of specific individuals or of officers generally, of the Government of the United States or of any other organized government because of his _or the1r_ofiicial character; whether coming by reason of any offer solicitation, promise, or agreement, express or implied, to perforni labor in the United States; the alien’s condition of health mental and physical; whether deformed or crippled, and if so, for liow long and from what cause; whether coming with the intent to return to the country whence such alien comes after temporarily engaging in ‘ laboring pursuits in the United States; and such other items of ·‘-d¤i¤¤¤¤· information as will aid in determining whether any. such alien be- ·*¤*¤·P·8T¤ longs to any of the excluded classes enumerated in section three . hereof; and such master or commanding officer, owners, or consignees im°f°mm shalllalsodfuiniih information in relation to the sex, age, class of trave , an the oreign ort of embarkation of arrivi axe rs . who are United States cgizens. That it shall further lilegtllie dulgeof 1e¤I$°i3ig1i°'¤m¤* S the master or commanding officer of every vessel taking passengers "°'°’°" from any port of the United States on the North American Continent to_ a foreign or a port of the Philippine Islands, Guam, Porto ' Rico, or _Hawau, or from any port of the said insular possessions to any foreign port, to a. port of the United States on the North American Continent, or to a port of another insular possession of the United States to file with the immigration officials before departure a list which shall contain full and accurate information in relation to the following matters regarding all alien passengers, and all citizens of the Unitid Sltates ora insular possessiions of the United States dearting wit the state intent to resi e ermanentl in a forei gountry, taken on board: Name, age, andpsex; whefficr marriediri mummmu single; calling or occupation; whether able to read or write; nationality; country of birth; country of which citizen or subject; race; last permanent residence in the United States or insular possesions thereof; if a citizen of the United States or of the insular possessions thereof, whether native born or naturalized; if native born, the place and date of birth, or if naturalized the city or town in which naturalization has been had; intended fixture (permanent residence; and time and port of last arrival in the Unite States, or insular posses- Cmmm,mmuM,° sions thereof; andsuch master or commanding officer shall also fur- r¤¤¤r¤· nish information in relation to the sex, age, class of travel and port of debarkation of the United States citizens departing who do not G mma intend to reside permanently in a foreign country, and no master of umiuiiwtigpssima. any such vessel shall be granted clearance papers for his vessel until he has deposited such list or lists with the immigration officials at the port of departure and made oath that they are full and complete as to the name and other information herein required concerning each person of the classes specified taken on board his vessel; and ,°cI;}m“h'°°°‘ ‘°’ ¤’¤· any neglect or omission to comply with the requirements of this sec- P~¢,p-884. tion shall he punishable as provided in section fourteen of this Act: mg,} Provided, That in the case of vessels making regular trips to ports of 1¤r¤·u>¤· the United States the Commissioner General of Immigration, with the approval of the Secretary of Labor, may, when expedient, arrange for the delivery of such lists of outgoing aliens at a later date: R°s,dm,3,m,,,g by Provided further, That it shall be the duty of immigration officials <>=¤¤¤1¤ M; M¤¤i<:¤g to record the following information regarding every resident alien me and citizen leaving the United States by way of the Canadian or Mexican borders for permanent residence in a foreign country: Name, age, and sex; whether married or single; calling or occupa-