Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/930

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910 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 54. 1917. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¢¤*¤· For purchase and installation of searchlights for seacoast defenses, $250,000. _ _ _ _ P"’°"‘°""’ °*°‘ For protection, preservation, and repair of fortifications for which there may be no special appropriation available, and of structures for · the torpedo defense of the United States and for maintaining channels for access to tmtpedo wharves, 3250,000. m""‘ For preparation 0 plans for fortifications and other works of defense, $25,000. _ ¤;`ll°1£2iiI °t°" °l°°` For maintenance and repair of searchlights and electric light and power equipment for seacoast_ fortifications, and for tools, e ectrical and other supplies, and appliances to be used in their operation, Tcpodo I I including the purchase of reserve lights, $40,000. _ m, For construction of mining casemates, cable galleries, torpedo storehouses, cable tanks, and other structures necessary_ for the operation, preservation, apld carl; of submaripgn andhtheir and orprovi ingc anne oraccess rp ow a.rves __, . °“°'·°°°‘ For rocurement or reclamation of land, or rights peitaming thereto, needed) for site, location, construction, or prosecution of works for fortifications and coast defenses, $100,000. °°"‘°’·°*°‘ For construction of sea walls and embankments, $93,000. ,,%:2f,; "°” "" For the construction of roads, trails, water and sewer systems, and so forth, for the service of seacoast fortifications, $40,000. . Egg'? ’°""‘°' "' For purchase maintenance repair and operation of motor—pro- 7 ) I pelled passenger-carrying vehicles, explpnditures are authorized to an amount not exceeding $2,300 e fiscal year nineteen hundred and eighteen, from funds available from appropriations for fortifications in the continental United States. swmmm. UNDER rm; cnmr sminn. orrrcmn. Fi¤¤<¤¤¤¤¤1¤¤¤¤¤¤· For operation and maintenance of 6re—control installations at seacoast defenses, $140,000. · ‘ ·¤n¤ir•,•¤=. For the purchase, manufacture maintenance, operation, and repair of auslnps and other aerial machines, buildings or equipment, and other accessories necessa? in the aviation section for use in connectiolph the seacpaat de eéises tqfl the United States, $3,600,00%6f Ahumpmaemm e retaryo aris irec tosu mittoCon essonor ore

a(l°»lmiii¤:Y»l.é°m' January first nineteen hundred and eighteen, a dgfiled statement

of the dapd, lguildings, apdd otherffaciliiltiies no: plyailable land tfmbe r uire ort eaccomm ationo airs `psan o eraeria mac es tgqbe used in connection with the Seacoast defensw of the continental United States, the insular possessions, and the Panama Canal. ummm. anmamsm or ronrmoauoxs. ,,,‘;,"'§§‘_u*;‘,*'0;”*'d·*¤° For purchase, manufact1u·e_, and test of mountain, field, and siege cannon, including their carriages, sights, implements, equipments, _ and the machinery necessary for then- manufacture at the arsenals, e..,¤m,1”°”"'”,,,t;,,,,,,d_ $6,900,000: Prognded, That the Chief of Ordnance, United States Army, is author-imd to enter mto contracts or otherwise mcur obligations for the purposes above mentioned not to exceed $2,200,000 Ammmmm m pgldigiprxéhto the app1}op{1ations qud heretqforefmade. _ r ase,manuacurean oammumionom t field; apqlsiege qlanngnélincludgilg the necessary experimdntsoihl cad; _ nec ont erewit an emac`e neces f `ts of t t g,»,·;,·_·;,,,,,,,,,,,_, as mae., $7,310,qm; pma.2 n.a"iK.°éii.F‘3P el-3n`L'.?.Z, United States Army, is authorized to enter into contracts or otherwise mcur obligations for the purposes above mentioned not to exceed §;%(;0,000 m addition to the appropriations herein and heretofore