Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/1009

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21 70 INDEX. Weisner, Thomas A., ?¤K¤· Wcachez Ernest, jr., P¤s¤· Wpensiou increased ... . 1570 Wpensmn ... . .. 1595 ms, Frank L., ahh: Louis Weiss, esley, James K., Wpeusion increased ... . 1400 #>ension increased ,.,,,,.,,,,, 1481 eissergberg, Donut, , essels, Lucy L. (widow), pcnsmn increased ... . 1239 Wpension increased. ... 1258 Mich, Annie E. (widow), mkr, Joseph, Wpenmon increased .,.. 1442 Wpeusiou . .,,., 1358 elch, _John L., est Baltimore Building Association, Balti- Wpeusmn increased 1415 more, Md., elch, {Vary J. (amkimu), refzmd of excise corporation tax. . 1493 Wpeusion increased. ... 1512 West Branch of Susqmhavma River, elch, Timothy, bridge authorized across, Montgomery to pension increased ... . ..-. 1439 Muncy Creek, Pa .. 512 Weyare of Children, Watsontown, and White Deer Creek, appro riatiou for investigations, etc ... 1113 Pa ,,,,. - ... 513 We ler, gmnan G., · Williamsport to Duboistnwn, Pa ... 512 ension increased . , .. 1572 West Indian Islands, Acquand from Den- Wgler, Jcduthian, mark,f nsion increased 1437 convention qr cession of s0vemgu` ctc. Wgfer, Joseph A., of . ’ I 1706 Wpcnsion increased ... . 1236 government of, to be exercised by the eller, Melchior, President . . .. 1132 Wpension increased . . ._ . 1284 appointment of governor, etc ... 1132 elliever, Sarah A. (wadcw), amignment of Army or Navy officer. . . 1132 Wpension increased ..,,..,.,._,,.,, 1311 _ com§nsation, gtc ... 1132 elling, Granderwn, msuhr ws_ contmuod; changes, etc., wpeusmn Z . 1370 _ _ authonzed . . . 1132 dlmqn, Limb B. (undow), wmdiction of present court; write of Wpeusmu increased ... . ]549 error and appeals to wart of appeals ella, Alexander WZ, _ cfthird circuit 1133 Wpensiou increased. t . . 1542 xmports from, subject fo c¤¤|¤¤m¤, etc., ells, Anistine H. (wuivw), _ taxes . 1133 nsion increased .. . . 1546 artlcles of island. or Ynited States prod- 17722:, Eliza J. (wwklow), uct. admitted free . ... 1133 pension increased . ... ]243 present island revenue laws continued- . 1133 mdls, George W, articles of United States product adeugion increased,. ... . .. ]523 mitted free . ,,..,,, . ,.,... 1133 |'VEIs, John H., · export duty, etc., on sugar . . .. 1133 pension increased . . .. 1556 receipts from duties, etc., to ba used for Wells, Jonazhan, insular expenses. .. . . . . 1133 pension increased 157] appropriation for expenses of taking poo- Wells, Joseph P., session, etc. . . . . .. 1138 pension increased. ._ .. 1408 for payment to Doumnrk for ccasion 1133 Wells, Margaret A. (wndow), in effect on payment. of consideration . 1133 Wpengign ____,,, , , , , , , , , ,,,_ _ ___,,,,_,,__ , , 1585 pmclgmgtign to igguei pub\i(ggti¢)u_,,, , , . , , 1133 ella, feter B., wpayment to be made zmmodiawly .. . . . 1134 cnswn increased . . . - 1237 eat Indies, Wgla, Rosa L. (wzliow), appropriation for Weather Service ox- Wpensicm ... . .. 1570 ndgefnses in .. 448, 1136 ellsburg, WT Va., _ _ _ West I s, Danish. a ropriation for ppbpc b\111dlHg._ . _. . . 269 bond issue authorized for purchase of . . 1002 dpegciency approprmuon for pubbc bmld- West. John, ing . . .. 19 pension increased . ... 1568 Tf?l:h. James, . . Mat, John A.. pension mcrewd ···-··..---..-- - ----··-- 1314 pension ommod .,,, . ..,.,.. 1595 Welsh, _Joh_n, ms! John W W§?§S§§l}:Q,°,§s??B°d '‘'`°’'‘‘‘`°'``°°’‘'‘ MH appointed on Bcagd of Mmzvm, Vollmugion N-nun-NH-nn"'.----U 1535 teerSo1d1ers Home . . . . 119} Wgnédm National Forest, Wash. and Oreg., mst Milton, Pa.._ appropriation for maintenance, etc., of.. 460, 1148 bridgv ¤·11fh0¤Z€d 9·¤’?$ Su$Qu°h*mm* Wenatchee National Forest, Wash., River, between Halton and. . .. 49 appropriation for mamtemmce, etc., of.. 460,1143 mm; Ngw York, N, .7,, W¢¤¤f¢h¢¢,_ Vg¤~*’¢·f» buc hui! , 969 condemned cannon granted to . .. 835 se mpm on or u ding . - 4 . - - - WEEASMFMQL Samui) West Valley Imgatwn Dnstnct, Wpenemu lncreased"' ' ° ‘ ‘ '° ’ '‘‘' 1**06 apprgpg-ation for umhgg qi wgter mm?'U*: J°“ph* for Indian aaotxnents m; cuudmous, usxonmcrwed . . . . 1211 etc 155 Wfnetwcrtb, Lorenzo D., ’```````` usiunincreased .. . . 1569 W"'- Bwlqy B·· 1,,68

 Pigtgaff of C¥bu_ nu Wp:¥nE1(m   ____ _ _,______ , _ _ _ _______ ,_

admin to em or ins c- e asmgou ya wer. _ tion ... ... 50 bridge authorized acme;. Pascsgculs, Mm. 238