1342 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 251. 1916. terse- .,£:s:a: a;£‘r.t6.§s1‘a.;?2.;ta;,?;—zi.ta;::;>;1&::2:t€t.*;: teer Infa.ntry, and pay her a ension at the rate of $12dper month. §$,‘§,§‘}§,,l”°,§‘f"°‘i}’,;,,_ The name of Adelaide Igennedy, widplwhof Ronal Ai Kepriegyg my- late of Company K, Ih1r' egiment, an 'eutenant co one t Regiment Vermont Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the P . rate of $30 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving}; oiigiiaiiib supiams. The name_ of C.,Jennie Stephens, widow of John J. Step ens, late of Company E&Sixth R$ent Iowagolunteer Cavalry, and pay her a pens on at e rate 0 er mon . P°’“i"" i“°"‘°"°d· The name of Benson CQIBellamy, late of Company G, Eighteenth Bmw C. Bonny. Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the _ rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. §§",.§,‘°,§;‘j,,,,,,,,,,,,_,_ The name of Mary E. Jackson, widow of Abiel H. Jackson, late of gompagy A, llsortygeighth Riegtgnentt°Pei_1giyélvama Vcglunteer Infanry,an ay era ensiona era o ermon . mg The mage of Anna E. Ritchey, widow of Adhibert L. Ritche , late ` °y' assistant surgeon, Sixteenth 1 Volunteer Infiintry, and surgleon, Tenth Regiment ois Veteran Volunteer Infantry, and pay er a pension at the rate of $25 per month in lieu of that she Iisusiiiicmy. - mTli:•11iiiixc1‘ilzv1clfgAnn M. Coady, widow of William J. Coady, late of Company H, Nineteenth Regiment Indiana Vohmteer Infantry, and Company B, Second Rlpgiment illnited States Xeteran Infantry, and pa er a pension at the rate o $12 per mont . §$‘*§;>§SBi¤y}*$_g,¤,;·d· The name of Eugene B. Guild, late of Complaunly I, Eighteenth Regi- ` gent New York];/`ol1i1nteerfC:i11valily, and pay a pension at the rate $30 per mont in 'eu 0 t at e is now recei . G·¤¤8¤ D· Swim- The name of George D. Seelye, late of Compa`iiy?%I, First Regiment Connecticut Igolunliteer (§ay1a.l1% and pay him a pension at the rate of $30 er mont in `eu o t at e is now receiving. Mm A· B"““"· Tli)e name of Mary A. Baltzell, widow of Geor e A. Baltzell, late of ` Companies D and C, Second Regiment Missouri State Militia Cavalry, and pay her a pension at the rate of S20 per month in lieu of that she _ is now receiving. ,,§}_‘“’b°"‘ S· B°S‘ I The; iéame of Elfssabeth S. Blc;s§·ell, widowyuplf Frederick D. (Boswell, ate 0 ornpany , Ih1r` teent e ent 0is Volunteer avalry and pay her a pension at the rate oI]§24 per month in lieu of that she; mmm. is now receiving: Provided, That in the event of the death of Fannie d.l§§'§“‘lS§§§d‘?°“° °“ Boswell, helpless and dependent child of said Frederick D. Boswell, the additional pension herein granted shall cease and determine: And d8§@;’guf;’hgQlld '>¤ further, £l`ha(ti the egent 05 tlge lihiixth lof lglisabplph S. Boswe , e name o said annie oswe s a e ace on e pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations 0I the pension laws, at grip rgtehog $1132 pe;1] month from and after the date of death of said · me sa et . osw . I L` COT The name of Irene L. Cox, widow of Hugh P. Cox, late of Company I, Second Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension P i at the rate 0 $24 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. B§'§.-YE; A_ Moth The name of Barbara A. Mott, widow of Geor e Mott, late 0 Companies K and D, Ninety-fifth Regiment New Yori Volunteer Infantry, Pmimm d and pay her a pension at the rate of 312 per month. 1;,,,,.,,, M_'§§‘§‘§'§,g_ The name of Robert M. Hawkins, late acting master’s mate, United States steamship Gazelle, United States Navy, and pay him a pension I at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. Cm"’sB‘ ““°“°"‘· The name of Charles B. Mathews, late of Company H, Thirtv—third Regiment, and Company H, Eleventh Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of S30 per month in lieu Pensions. of that he is now receiving. new Maxam. _ The name of Henrv Matteson, helpless and dependent child of Oliver S. Matteson, late of Company A, Second Regiment Rhode Island Vol-