Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/285

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1476 SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 77—81. 1917. from the military service of the United States as a member of said _ company on the fourth day of August, eighteen hundred and sixty- §f,°{,"°,.,;;,p,,,,,,,,_ four; Provided, That no pension shall accrue prior to the passage of this ct. Approved, February 15, 1917. F•brF;rg2g,l1917· CHAP. 78.—An Act For the relief of Gardiner L. Eastman. tPr¤v¤¢¤. Nv- 184-1 Be it enacted by the Senate and H oaslzgf Representatives of the United ,,,f,,‘["““°' L· Em States if America in Oonfess assemb , That in the administration igghrr ¤¤¤¤¤1 wr- of any laws conferrizg rgntafrivileges, and benefits upon honorably '°° ‘ disch ed soldiers, ar er . Eastman, who was a private of Company , Tl11l'ti16l'ih Reggsgt Maine Volunteer Infantry, shall hereafter be held consi to have been discharged honorably from the military service of the United States as a mem er of said company and regiment on or about the sixteenth day of J uu.e eighteen hundred §§’{,"‘·,.,g,,,,,,,,,,_,,,_ and sixty-Eve: Promkled, That no pay, pension bounty, nor other emolument shall accrue nor to the pass e of Act. P ’*g Approved, February 15, 1917. F¤b¤'§¤'57g:]19i7· CHAP. 79.-An Act To reimburse John Simpson. . i?**'¤*¢·N°- 1*5-1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rviagresentatives of the Unnlted §’§,“,,g‘§P°°,'{,‘, ,,,, States of Amerika in Oangress assembled, at the Secretary of the P¤¤P*¤ ¢¤¤¤¤¤¢· Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any moneys in the Treasuryunot otherwise agiropriated, the sum of $100 to John Simpson, of laski Conmty, entucky, to reimburse him for damages arisinglfrom the destruction of a creek ford due to backwater created by the construction of Lock and Dam Numbered Twenty-one on the Cumberland River, and which payment is recommended to_ Congress by_ the Chief of Engineers, with a renewed recommendation therefor, in his annual rgport for the fiscal year endm June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and teen (pages ten hundred and eighty-five, twenty-eight hundred and thirty-seven, and twenty-eight hundred and thu·ty-eight), which is prmted as House Document Numbered Nmety-one, Sixty-fourth Congress, first session. Approved, February 15, 1917. F 15 ml- @.LP. 80.-A.n Act For the relief of John B. Hoover. [H. .szt2.1 Jm*°éN°-*86·l Be it enacted the Senate and House of Riegresentatives of the United p,ym.;.; {T" States of America in Congress assembled, at the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to ipay to John B. Hoover the sum of $145.30, out of any mone in the e not . .Y . 8*SmY otherwise apglropnated, amount expended by him out of his personal funds for m cal services of agency phlysician during his incumbency as superintendent at Fort Mc ermitt ndian Schoo , from July first, mnieteen hundred and nine, to October fifteenth, nineteen hundred an nine. Approved, February 15, 1917. F°l£§’?‘{,_Y8L321i°17· thC§£:· Act Confirming patents heretofore issued to certain Indians in A._..;_, e 0 ashmgton. [Private, No. 187,] in ._ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Un 'ted lmiii-idvt*ai§¤’Lt§f£r d` States of America in Congress assembled, That the patents heretofbore ““*' S*"p‘“· issued in the name of Mary Seaples, June twelfth, nineteen hundred