Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/389

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1580 SIXTY—FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 177, 178. 1917. H°“*°"* A“’°*“— The name of Hansford Austin, late of Company M, First Regiment Florida Volunteer Infantry, War with Spain, an pay him a pension reason. at the rate of $12 H-Er month in lieu of that he is now receiving. “'““°"* L- K“'°'°“· The name of W `am L. Killoren, late of Company I, Forty-second Regiment United States Volunteer Infantry, War with Spain, and pay rensimssnmassa. him a pension at the rate of $17 per month. Edwm “· W°“‘“’· '1‘he name of Edward M. Wa ters, late of Hospital Corps, United States Army, War with Spain, and pay him a pension at the rate of $12 per month in lieu of t at he is now receiving M"? S“’“’· The name of Mary Suhr, widow of Jacob Suhr, late of Company C, First Regiment United States Infantry, Indian wars, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. E¤=¤b¤*¤ D"*=°¤· The name of Elizabeth Davison, widow of George Davison, late of Company I, United States Mounted Rifles, Indian wars, and pay her a pension at the rate. of $20 per month in lieu of that she is now Pens&s_ 1'6C6lV1Dg. l*·¤*••’¤°l¤·>¤· The name of Paralee Jackson, widow of William J. Jackson, recruit, unassigned, United States Army, War with Mexico, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20}per month. - ’¤¤¤•¤ M- N·*8*·‘>*·¤¤- The name of James M. eighbors, late of Company H, Forty-fourth Regiment United States Volunteer Infantry, War with Spain, and pay p,,,,,,,,,, ,,,c,,,S,,d_ him a pension at the rate of $12 per month. P°¤Y Mm B¤w¤¤e¤· The name of Polly Ann Bowman, widow of John Bowman, late of Captain H. Garmenlyis Company I, Georgia Mounted Volunteers, In `an war, and pay er a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu g¢$;?¤é wom! of that she is now receiving. L., and Joshphins J. The names of George G. Hoffman, Werner L. Hoffman, and Jose- H°°"’“‘ hine J. Hoffman, minor children of Werner L. Hoffman, late of ' lllnited States Marine Corps, War with Spain, and pay them a pension at the rate of $12 per month and $2 per month additional on account of each of the three minor children of the said Werner L. HoHman, until they reach the age of sixteen years. Payment to be made to dully appointed ardian. ’“"g*“'°‘A·W°""· he name of Mxargaret A. Weed, former widow of Samuel Henry, late of Captain Bacon’s Kentucky Militia., War of Eighteen hundred and twelve, and pay her a pension of $20 per month. Approved, March 3, 1917. Mewh 3· WL? CHAP. 178.-—An Act Granting pensions and increase of pensions to certain soldiers

 and sailors of the Regular Army and Navy, and certain soldiers and sailors of wars

grams, No. 215.] other than the Civil War, and to widows of such soldiers and sailors. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRe§resentatives of the United P°““‘°“‘ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the Pensions. _ PCDSIOD laws— ’°*“‘“·°°"”'“°“· The name of John M, Cornelison, late of Company C, Third Regiment Texas Volunteer Infantry, War with Spain, and pay him a Cham __ Holmes pension at the rate of $12 er month. ‘ ` The name of Charles Adliolmes, late of Company H, Ninth Regiment United States Infantry, Regular Establishment, and pay him a ( _ Th pension at the rate of $12 er month. ’°`“’g° A °m"*°°‘ The name of George M. 'lzhompson, late of Company C, First Regiment Nebraska Volunteer Infantry, War with Spain, and pay him a W V L_ h pension at the rate of $12 er month. "‘ ‘ ‘b’· The name of Wirt V. llibby, late of the Hospital Co ,United States Army, War with Spain, and pay him a pension atltli; rate of $12 per month.