Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/461

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1654 TREATY——HAITI. Smrmmnnn 16, 1915. S°P°°’¤‘>°' *6· mi Treaty between the United States and Haiti, of mutual amity, remedy- ing jinancial conditions and assisting the economic development and tra illity of Haiti. Signed at Port-au—P1ince, September 16, 1915;

 advised by the Senate, Februal? 28, 1916,- ratijied by the

President, March 20, 1916; ratijied by aiti, September 17, 1915; mtifcahbm exchanged at Washington, May 3, 1916,- proclaimed, May 8, 1916. _ Br nm Pnmsmnm or rim UNrrm> Srrarns or Amzmon. A PROCLAMATION. m$,’{{*§_’;$‘ "°'°‘°P‘ Whereas a Treaty between the United States of America and the Pr-emma Republic of Haiti having for its objects the strengthening of the amity existing between the two countries, the remedying of the present condition of the revenues and Hnances of Haiti, the maintenance of the tranquillity of that Republic, and the carrying out of plans for its economic evelopment and prosperiig, was concluded and signed b their respective lenipotentiaries at ort-au-Prince,,on the sixteenth day of Se tember, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, the original of which ;l`reat , being in the English and French languages, is word for word as follbwsz TREATY BETWEEN THE CONVENTION ENTRE LES UNITED STATES AND THE ETATS—UNIS ET LA RE- REPUBLIC OF HAITI PUBLIQUE D’HAITI. PREAMBLE PREAMBULE °°‘“"“‘"* *`°"°"· The United sums me the , Les Etats;Unis et 18 Repub. Republic of Haiti desiring to hque d’H81t1, desirant rafifermir qgnfimn and gtrgngthen the grnity et ·I`6SS6I‘I‘BI' 168 ll6I1S diamltlé QH! ezdsting between them by the 0X1Stent entre eux par la comost, cordial coapgmtjon in meas. operation la plus cordiale a des uresfor their common advantage; ¤19S11!‘cS Bgropres 5 leur assurer de mutu avantagesr And the Republic of Haiti _ La République d’Haiti dé- desiring to remedy the present Sirant, en outre, remédier a la condition of its revenues and SIUQBEIOIQ actllcllc do ses finances, finances, to maintain the tran- Ipnmtcmr l’0rdre_ at la tranquilquillity of the Republic, to oa hté SI1? son temtoire, mettre A out plans for the economic dug €X餤t10¤ d<·>S plans pour son ?meut and prosperity of the développement conomiqlue et la epublic and its people; grospénté de la Répub 'que et u Epeuple haitien; And the United States being in t les Etats-Unis, sympathifull sympathy with all of these sant avec ces vues et objets et aims an objects and desiring to désirant contribuer A leur 1·éali~ contribute in all proper ways to sation; their accomplishment; The United States and the Ont résolu de conclure une Republic of Haiti have resolved Convention a cette fin; et ont été to conclude a Convention with nommés a cet eiiet comme Pleni— » these objects in view, and have potentiaires, appointed for that purpose, Plenipoteutiaries,