PARCEL POST CONVENTION—CHINA. 1669 The foregoinv Parcel Post Convention between the United States APP*°'*·'· of America and China has been negotiated and concluded with my advice and consent, and is hereby apgroved and ratified. In testimony whereof I have cause the Seal of the United States to be hereunto aflixed this 12th day of July, 1916. [SEAL.] Woomzow WILSON. By the President: FnANx_L. Pour, Acting Secretary of State. WAsmNe·roN. The forego` Parcel Post Convention between China and the ’*P§"}f°' by “‘° United Stateslb1?America has been negotiated and concluded with my Pwd 6 M Cum advice and consent, and is hereby agproved and ratified. In testimony whereof I have cause the Seal of China to be hereunto affixed this ninth day of June, 1916. [SEAL.] By the President: TSAOJULIN, Acting Minister for Foreign Ajwirs. Pnxme.