Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/571

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1752 PROCLAMATIONS, 1915. °¤¤°b¤¤*· 19*5- {BY rmx: Pnnsmmrr or THE UNITED S·rA·rns or Amnmoa A PROCLAMATION §,{°°S**¤ N*“°'”‘* Whereas, in section twesnt -six, townshi four south, r e twenty- ur1·Q°:i¤°zlii€.Ut°h` three east of the Salt Lakeymeridian, Utldh, there is logged a.n eirtraordin de osit of Dinosaurian and other gigantic reptilian remains blfythe Suratrias period, which are of great scientific interest and value, and it a pears that the public interest would be promoted by reserving these deposits as a National Monument, together with as much land as may be needed for the rotection thereof. U&“°'*‘“ “°’“““°“*· Now, therefore, I, Woodrow Wpilson, President of the United V0l.34,p.W. States of America by virtue of the power in me vested by Section two of the act of Uongress entitled, ‘ An Act for the Preservation of , American Antiquities , aiplproved June 8, 1906, do hereby set aside Description- as the Dinosaur Nation Monument, the unsurveyed northwest quarter of the southeast quarter and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section twenty-six, township four south, range twenty-three east, Salt Lake meridian, Utah as shown upon the di am hereto attached and made a part of ation. m¥Q,°$°,'§cf““°m’°““* it a pears that the lands embraced wi this pro ed ’ reserve have heretofore been withdrawn as coal and phos hate llsisds, the creation of this monument will prevent the use of the lands for the urposes for which said withdrawals were made. Waming is hereby expressly given to all unauthorized lpersons not to appropriate, excavate, injure or destroy any of the foss` remains contained within the deposits hereby reserved and declared to be a National Monument or to locate or settle upon any of the lands reserved and made a art of this monument by this reclamation. IIN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ii have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this fourth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [snail.] fifteen and the Independence of the United States the one hundred and fortieth. Woonnow WILSON. By the President: Rommr Laxsnvo Secretary of State. ___§g*g§§;jj;§§; Br mn Pansinnxr or ran Uivrrnn Srarns or Aumnica A PROCLAMATION F(§§S’§m§*`*“°¤”‘ WHEREAS the public lands within the Kansas National Forest, eminem. in the State of Kansas, will not be required for experimental forest puaippes after November thirtieth, nineteen hundre and fifteen, and EREAS it appears that the public good will be promoted by abolishing said reservation thereafter, and y withdrawing the public lands in certain areas therein as hereinafter provided, an by restoring the remaining public lands in such reservation in a manner authorized by the Act oi) Congress a proved September thirtieth, nineteen V°’·38’P· “3· hundred and thirteen, entitled) "An Act 0 authorize the President to plrovide a method for opening lands restored from reservation or _ wit drawal, and for other urposes"; m§,’é*gf¤¤°° d‘S°°¤· Now, therefore, I, W(l)ODROW IVILSON, President of the { United States of America, by virtue of the power in me vested by the l GL 3*% v— 36- Act of Congress approved June fourth, eighteéll lE111I1d1`€(`l 8DCl DlI1€t}‘— seven (30 tat., 11 at 34 and 36), entitled "An Act Making appro-