Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/663

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INDEX. 1825 Anarchism, etc., Pew- Amy, Janus P., 1’¤8°- alien, excluded admission 875 pension increased ... . 1522 persons included in prohibition 875 Angeles Naticmal Forest Cal., provisions for deportation of alien . 889 appropriation for mamtemmce, etc., of. 457, 1146 punishment for assisting, etc., entry of 894 proclamation modifying ares of ... 1797 Anclate River, Fla., excluded lands restored to settlement. . . 1797 appropriation for improvement of . 396 Angle, Aaron, "Am;on," Panama Canal Steamship, pension increased,. 1. -_ ... 1421 appropriation for reboilering. . . .. 334 Anheuser-Busch Brcwing Assocuztum, _ uot\’.r2.11Si€1'tBd to Navy ... 334 may transfer right of way through Saint Andalusia, Ala., Louis Arsenal, Mo., to Manufac- . appropriation for public building . 263 turers ’ Railway Company .. . . . 858 Anderson, Andréw G., Anilin Od and Salts, pension increased ,. . . 1503 duty 011 . ... 793 Anderson, Charles F., Animal By-lfroduct~1,_ _ _ _ pension increased ,,,_,,_,,,,,,,,_, _ ______ 1323 appropriation_for diffusing infomation as to Anderson, David W., marketing, distributing, etc., of. 473, 1162 pension increased 1516 Animal Dgkseqses, _ Anderson, Delia (widow), appropriation for preventing spread of, pension ____...,.__,,,.,.,,... 1224 _ from one _Sta1:e to another ... 450, 1139 Anderson, Elizabeth J. (wrkiow), for investigations, etc ... 450, 1139 peugigu increased ,,,,,,,. , ,,.,... 1593 for arresting foot and mouth . 492, 1167 Anderson, Enoch F., Anifrwl .H]Ls§a11d1’y,_ _ _ pension increased ..., 1249 appropriation for mvestigations and experi— Anderson, Ethan S ,, méllts III . - ._ I .. 450, 1].39 pension increased 1256 for feeduig a.nd_l1reedmgexper1ments. 450, 1139 Anderson, Gabriel, alias Gabrkl Olesrm, for breeding m.111tary horses . 450, 1139 pension increased 1210 land near Morgan Horse Farm, Ver- Amlersan, Henry Lee, 1110Ilt .. _ . . .. : .. 1 139 pension increased 1403 for poultry feeding and breeding . 450, 1139 Anderson, James, ostrich industry ... . . 450 military record corrected . 1469 for egtablishing sheep experiment sta- Anderson, Jamcs S., tion, Idaho.: . : . _ ... 1 139 pension increased . ... 1268 for destroying nmmals m national forests, Anderson, John F., etc., 1.n1ur1ous to . Z .. 467, 1155 pension increased 1554 for protection uf, from rabies by destroy- Anderson, Joseph W, _ mgwolves, etc: . . 1 467,1156 pension increased .. - . 1410 deficiency qppmpnstion for feeding md Anderson, Ludrngegl., 1463 breeding experiments .. 826 ¤¤1011 1¤€T€ --·--·---·-----·-·----·- Animal Indus Bureau, D zment o Asrgleerson, jllafy F.(§w’kZ0w), 1278 Agr12:u1t?.re, cpm. f pension increase . . .. ·------..--- a riation for chief, clerks etc . 449, 11 Anderson, Mrry Bell (widow), PE;) gener-41 expenses i 449, 11932; PGD-51011 1¤QY9i{¤€<1- ; --·---··-··-·-·---·-·- 1209 for inspection and quarantine work_ _ 450, 1138 Anderson, M mme (widow), for eradicating southern cattle ticks; pension ·-·- -_ ----- ; ----------··---·---·- 1309 demonstration work . 450,1138 Anderson, Puuhm (widow), limitation on expenditures ... 450, 1138 P€‘!1$1011 1¤€1’€2·¤€d; ··-··-·--·--· · ···-····· 1232 for dniry investigations, etc.; renovated Anderson, Bedrwy 11 -, butter inspection. .. 450, 1139 P0¤¤1<>¤ 19<>¤'¢¤¤¢<1 ---··--··-··-·····-·-··- 1433 cheese making, marketing, ern . . , , 450 Anderson, b. C., for animal husband experiments,. . 450,1139 terms of Q<>¤¤‘¤ at- - -, --·---—-—·····---·-· 721 animal feeding orig breeding ,,,__,_ 450, 1139 Andmron, {Sarah R. (wzdow), breeding horses for milltary pur- I>·*¤Sw¤ 1¤°F€?¤`¢<1 --------·-——-·---~··-··· 1258 poses . ..,,,,___ 450 1139 Aw/Neon, Svphm (wid<>w), land at Morgan Horse Farm ...,,, ’ 1139 pongmn . . ...·-····.---- 1228 poultry feeding and breeding ,,______ 450, 1139 Anr/{mon, Willker, ostrich industry ______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 450 pension increased 1379 Shoop experiment station Idaho 1139 zirulrrrv 3, Frrmk C'., for animal diseases investigaitious- 1139 P<>¤¤1¤¤ i¤¤1'€¤¤€<1 ·-·--------·- - ---·-··-·· 1387 contagious abortion or onjrnnnn ,_____ 45]; 1139 Avuirews, Leon E., fo1' b\111di!1gS, experiment station and pension ... . 1371 {arm. . .. . ._ .. _ ..,,,,,.___ 45 1, 1139 Andrenss Paper Cbmpmiy, R. P., fm, mvesuguungs tmatmlb atc-, 1108 payment to ______________________________ 1297 I cholera . _ . _ .. , 45 1,1139 Amlmm Wiumm, { regémtiéating treme m animal vuuses,451 1139 p°"°‘°“ ‘ 1 ‘ I ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1382 for eradication, ew., or donr-ine ,... 451, 1139 A ru/rews. W1llzam,H., for administrative work 451, 1139 pazment te, for dispoeseseed 1·<>¤¤e¤*e¤d» for meat inspection ndriiiioniri ``'``` 451,1140 Sherman County, Omg 1355 deficiency appmpriahou for gegéiéj '€x_ ’ Andrasveyam River. penses ... 31,826 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be for meat ingpegrion ______ _ ______________ 826 made. . . .. 406 for ammal feeding md brooding ________ 325