Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/677

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INDEX. 1839 Basin, Wyo., P¤¢•· Battle, Mary (mother), ?•¢¤- ` appropriation for public building . . 263 pension . . 1591 ehciency appropriation for pu lic build- 16 Battle Saniwrium, Hot Springs, mg. .. . . ., Baskets, Fruit, Berry, and V table, a propna° tion for ex nses, Volnmteer appropriation for Act to iix P Soldiers’ Home"]? ... - 296 standards for ... 1163 deficiencp apprqriation for, Volunteer standards established for Climax grape, So diers Home . ... 812 etc . .. 673 Battlement National Forest, Colo., smaller iorsmallfruits, berries, etc .. 673 apgropriation for maintenance, etc., uf. 457, 1146 manufacture, shipping, etc., interstate Bat ship,b6 b edf h 1 commerce not con orming to stand- ans to su mitt ort e argestpractiard unlawful .. 674 Pl cable .. 619 penalty for 674 Battleships, First Class, oreignshipments not included . 674 construction of ten, authorized, mior to tests, etc., to be made; mgulation of toler- July 1, 1919; cost, etc. .. 616 ances ... 674 appropriation for construction and maprosecution of violations .. 674 cbinery 617 exemption by guaranty from producer. . 674 for armor and armament . 617 requirements of guaranty . 674 . for ammunition 617 in effect November 1, 1917 674 limit of cost increased of three, to be con- Bass, Margaret A. éwidow), structed as early as practicable .. 1191 pension incr 1440 approgriation for construction and ma- Basterdes, Theodore, c ery 1191 pension increased 1245 Battleships, Navy, Bastion, Alphozine (mother), appropriation for torpedo nets, etc., for. - . · 564 pension 1380 Bauer,_ oh;nGeorge, Bastrop Bayou, Ter., pension increased 1289 appropriation for improvement of .. 398 Bauer, Sigmund, Batavia, M Y'., pension increased 1250 apprrgyiation for public building .. 263 Baugher, Mary H. (widow), Bates, win, pension -- 1442 pension increased 1267 Bauglrman, Charles H., Bates, Elizpbgh 4;., _ lm penion incre•eed..-.. ... 1583 ymen , or disposened IDS , Bqqghpmn id . P Sherman County, Oreg .. . . 1354 Dwi-, ________________________ 1279 B“‘“""· G""9‘· nmaua, mmm pension increased,. . . 12B . incrusél 1275 Bathmy B9¤¤¥•. D· €'·. P°°°°° . : ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘°‘‘‘‘‘

§s;opnation for expenses . , . . . 691, 1019 B““"v.m‘“ u· ('”‘d°"’)•

'uonal allowed for certain employ- P¤¤¤¤11 ···-··---····--·····--·--~-·--··-- 1400 eeso , 917 806 Bauer, Francis A., Batman, J. (widow), pensionincreased 1329 _ pension increased .. . ... . . 1465 Bum, Georg, Fw Baton Rouge Bridge and Terminal Company, p,,mi°¤incm.,,d ________________________ 12-,4 time extended for bridgingnllimimippm Bum, H D River at Baton Rouge, ., by .. 243 · 1511 Baum Rmlgc’La_, · • pe . . .. time extended for bridging Missimppi B“‘¢"», T'l°"’“'*» River ,t ___________________________ 243 pension .. 1366 Batteries for Ships o{ the Naiy, New, Bay City, Midi., appropriation for iners for eroded guns. 564, 1176 appropriation for public building ... . . 263 Eu imtisireraft guns .. 1176 gay guy, 1•a_, E8' '?.‘££33?.§"3‘“t;.;.1‘,g;.;‘.;e4 ·········· {E2 gPg'*?P'***“°¤ fe ¤¤·*·¤*·= ¤;··¤·¤·-gi, —--- ·- ,· me 1'0 Q » ·~······-~— iencaronati oru` '- for merchant auxiliaries. 564, 1176 G C ing _ _ ____ T _____ ____ _ 16 Bottin,_ElrnerS., Bay mw, N C , B p°!m°° 1°°r°°°°d‘ ‘ ‘ 1 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘' 1537 appropriation for improvement of 395 attmg, Dumtha A. (widow), . pension increased 1451 Bt"/Wd; A”"”"“» _ Bam, 0,,,,.*,,, uphcate bounty land warrantnmued to. . . 1490 contractfor building, at cost plus reasonable BoyIer._ Adam K , profits, authorized to obtain rapid pension increased ..., 1563 B le Oriznstruction ---------··----···- 1194 Bayles, John N., Gif *8678, nsion increased ,,,,_.,..,,,,_,. 1 construction of six, authorized; cost, etc . . 616 Buzz, Margaret (mam) 402 ma- · - · appropriglliion for construction and 617 pméwu mcmmed 1423 c ery .. . . . . ‘ ‘’‘'‘‘`‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘°‘ for armor and armament . . . 617 B“?°’!‘”· '“·· fm ammunition ,-0,, _______ _ ____________ 517 excise tax on net profits by manufacturers limit of cost increased of one, to be con- fmmsdaso ·····-··-·----~-•··-··- 781 structed as early as practicable .. 1191 Bayonne, _JZ , _ _ _ fom- additional ,..,,,__.. . - 1191 appropriation for public building .. 263 appropriation for construction and ma- d ciency appropriation for public buildchingry _______________,,,,,,,,,. . . 1191 mg 16 10%20°—voL 39-Pr 2-45