Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/68

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1258 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 83. 1916. ·l¤¤¤¤ A·“°·*““'°'· The name of James A. McAllister, late of Company L, First Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavahy, and pay l11IIr a_ pension at the rate of $50 Eper month in lieu of that he is now receivmg. _ _ Edward Mason- T e name of Edward Mason, late of Comlpany A, Eighteenth Regi- ' ment Massachusettst}71ol11ri1tieer In%nt1i1y, an pay a pension at the te t$40 `uo tat eisnowrecei . Lucy L- W¤¤¤1¤- mTh(e namepiili Illiiicriy L1i1W;ssels, widow of James HiqVWesseQls, late of Com any D, One hundred and forty-first Regiment New York Volun-

 Ilnfnngtilryé a1nd_ pay her a_ pension at the rate of $20 per month

m 1euo a s eisnowreoeivm . B*“S°’ ““‘g"“· The name of Balser Mingps, late of Company F, Forty-second Regixnent Indiana Vtclnuntleer nfalptryi and pay him a pension at the _ rate o $36 r mon m `eu 0 t at e IS now receiving. E""""“ L·°'“"“· The nandxhf Edward L. Curtis, late of Company D, Seventy-fifth Regixnent Illinois Vogluntoler Ingaiiiltryiland pay him_ at pension at the rate 0 $36 per mont in `eu 0 t at e is now receiving. E““"°“‘ SP°'"“¢· The name of Elizabeth Sparling, widow of Almon Sparling, late of Company B, Twentieth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer nfantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that she is n w nece vang. G°°'g° W- H°"’s°"· Tlie nanie 0 George W. Holdson, late of Company I, Ninety- seventh Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension Pension. _ at the rate of $4g{per month lieu_of that he is now receiving. · ““"°"”° S““°h· The name of adelme Smith, widow of James H. Smith, late of Company C, Fourteenth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and Company C, S1xth Regiment United States Cavalry, and pay her a Pensions mama. pension at the rate of $12 per month. L°‘““°' E"‘““’”““· The name of 1»€lIlu61Em]DpISOD, late of Cogfpany D, One hundred and twentieth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and pay a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. J*"“°° “°“‘°‘· The name of James Mosier, late of Comlpany D, One hundred and sixteenth Regiment Indiana Volunteer nfantry, and pay a Cham M Smme pension at the rate of $4(1:4per month m lieu of that he IS now receiving. ‘ ‘ mlffhe neune of Charlos ArS]nnl1e, latin of Blalttery G, First Regiment nois 'o unteer t ti ery, an pay 'm a pension at t te of $24 per month ixliylieu of that he is now receiving. 6 N w“"‘“" "· °"“‘· The name of C. Doak, late of Company B, Second Regiment North Carolina Volunteer Monmted Infantry,_and pay him a I h C T pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. °°°° " °°"”‘ The name of Joseph C. Tousley, late of Company A, Second Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him_a pension at the rate of mmm Hm $40 per month in_l1eu of that he is now reoei . The name of Minnie Holz, widow of Williariiullgolz, late of Company D, Forty-fourth Regiment Wisconsm Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that she is now receivmv. °“°“"°· ·‘““’=***· 'rhe mma of nmaei 0. mam, na of oompa 1. Fifteenth . . y _ I _ Renlment Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension mm Cmm at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. The name of Isaac Conner, late of Company H, Th1r`t;y-eighth Regiment, and Company H, 'lthirty-fourth Regiment, Iowa olimteer Ipfglnigyl, and pay him a pension at the rate of $40 per month in lieu 0 a e is now receivm . ARMS` W-w` The name of Anna S. Weaver, widow of John H. Weaver, late of Com any E, Second Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Heavy Afrtithlletryiland pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu 0 a s eisnowrecei ¤_ Smm R` A”°°"S°“‘ The name of Sarah R`i1Aziiderson, widow of Allen L. Anderson, late colonel Eighth Regiment California Volunteer Infantry, and pay Ihggepvlyxgmion at the rate of $30 per month m lieu of that she is now